The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2553 Refining 9.4 Level Pharmacy

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin sent the other party to leave, and the other side has a powerful partner.

He is indeed dangerous, but he still has a hand, that is, the magic emoticon, he can refine the magic emoticon, then there will be a magic country, he wants to escape.

But this also did gave Zhang Bin to be vigilant.

If the other party has a number of emperor's partners, they have an emoticon printing.

Many masters must be cultivated. I have to be very powerful.

Otherwise, it must be traged.

Deep underground, a quiet.

Zhang Bin took a knee in the spatial container, he was thinking and reviewed in detail.

I learned so many secrets, but he was going to work hard.

Nowadays, I have a huge threat, but also to review it.

After half an hour, Zhang Bin's hands appeared on the 9.4 level fairy fruit just got, did not hesitate to take it.

Now the situation is grim, the treasures given must be turned into strength.

Although this 9.4 level fairy fruit is likely to let the West Di Di cultivate to the realm of the big fairy, but in fact, there is no ovulation, and the Xi Xi fairy after breakthrough is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Melli. The opponent, or even the opponent of the dragon elder.

Now, the fairyland is a master that lacks horrific against the horror of Magic, Blood, etc.

Zhang Bin wants to improve himself, and use it for two hundred years.

Even if you can't defeat the blood, you have to confront the masters like Melli.

So, this fairy fruit is still taking it.

The 9.4 level fairy fruit is extraordinary. It is a particularly horrible, just like a rolling sea tide, incorporating Zhang Bin's blood, let Zhang Bin's body expanded quickly, it looks like a balloon that is angry.

The blood brings the drug to every cell of the whole body.

Suddenly, there is a massive foreign decoction cell that is quickly activated.

Everyone has, there is no omission.

9.4 level fairy fruit can be used to impact the emperor.

Of course, anyone can activate anyone of the cell.

However, if it is not cultivated to water to the streak, it is still possible to borrow medication.

Cultivation, never just rely on the fairy medicine that can be improved quickly.

There must be a certain accumulation.

Zhang Bin strives to cultivate all the exercises, let the infuriatrate quickly, combined with the drug, activate the foreign articles.

The time gradually passed, soon the past three days.

The drug is finally thoroughly refined.

Zhang Bin was surprised to discover the massive foreign decoction cells.

It may be a quarter of the previously activated foreign currency.

This is an amazing number.

However, it is still a short distance to practice to the middle of the Emperor.

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and the two two or two of the other foreign articles were immediately converted into internal repair cells to make the power more.

And he also felt that the internal repair distance was not far from the fairy king.

It may be cultivated to the Xianwang.

"Ha ha ha ... Internal and external double repair is so magical, you can transform the foreign repair cells into internal cultivars, shorten the long cultural time. If I get 9.4 level medicine, then take one, can activate many external repair cells, After the transformation part is repaired in the cell, it may make the internal repair to break through the Xianwang. "Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

"Master, don't necessarily, you have many categories of doomic cells that cannot be converted into internal repair cells, such as sound viable cells, do not die, unsteady, not old and equal dooms, and your internal repair should break through, must Allow all of the abilities cells to a certain amount. "Rabbit said in Zhang Bin's head.

"You are right. However, because some external tricks can transform into internal repair cells, let my fighting power rose, my internal repair realm is low, only the Xianjian is full, but the internal repair The war will certainly compare the early days of the immortal, even higher. "Zhang Bin said.

Then Zhang Bin began to check his body fine.

Estimated the number of activated cells to judge their most talented power attributes.

Finally, Zhang Bin finally concluded that his most talented abilities were not wood, nor to swallow, Thunder, extraction, etc., but time abilities.

In the past, Zhang Bin did not carefully and carefully.

Because it is too complicated, and the difference is very fine.

However, I got the Jade Jane, I saw the cultivation experience, but Zhang Bin was began to pay attention.

"In the future, my external repair should break through any bottleneck, and it is necessary to practice this time, that can make me quickly enter the illusion of breakthroughs." Zhang Bin muttered.

Before, when Zhang Bin broke through, he was crazy about cultivating all attributes.

Instead, interfere with each other, so that he is difficult to enter the fantasy.

Choosing the best of the best capital, after entering the illusion, then call all the energy energy, breaking the bottleneck is also possible.

"Now my own strength has improved about a quarter, but there is no improvement in the power of the caller, so the strength is not a lot. But if you encounter Mao Chi, you will not be so wolf." Zhang Bin was in his heart.

He did not have any descendants and no discouragement.

How many years do you practice? The realm is also in the early days of the fairy.

But people have a ban on the sea, 700 billion, and cultivated to the Great Dynasty.

He grabbed the scale and looked at it carefully. It was found that the seal the stone is really broken.

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward, "Nima, what is the horrible evil magic weapon? What do you need to use?"

"Zhang Bin, now you don't think about it, on your current strength, there is no way to take out the stone, and may even make you fall, the horror of the stone is currently not thinking about it." The scale said seriously, "no Don't take risks. This is the best way to save life. "

"But I really want to go to Melli now, it is a big disaster." Zhang Bin said, "If there is a way to take the stone, then you can beat him."

"If you pay a big price, there is also a way to take the stone." The scale said, "But if you take it out of the stone, the dark sky can be induced, and it will come to the Taikoo mainland. The consequence is you can't bear it. Maybe he will kill all the people in the Taikoo continent, even the blood and the thrilling fairy can't live. And I, I can't escape. I will be refined by him. I put the stone into the body, that is, I isolated any Attention. Don't let the darkness of the sky. "

"Is it impossible? The dark sky is horrible to this way?"

Zhang Bin suddenly creepy.

"In 7,4 million years ago, he was strong to incredible, it should be a great situation in the state, I am not an opponent, his magic gem is more horrible? Directly entered my body, hit me. For 700 billion years, do you think he is still in place? It is the existence of the top level of the universe. It is absolutely much stronger than the blood, "said the scale," To deal with the darkness, you must find all my partners, it is possible. "

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