The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2560, Shi's invitation

Zhang Bin felt a bit loose, just said: "Seni, you also work with your strength."

"it is good."

The python is big, I am excited to agree.



One person is crazy, and the muscles are also trembled.

Finally, slammed the scale.

Zhang Bin raised the scales with the black American, he continued to hide the umers, and then fly out of the same.

He is not too worried that the python is dealing him, because he just wants to break the seal, the scales can hook the python again.

Moreover, he is still very safe among the black Americans.

"Hahaha ... I am still free."

The python sent a lot of exciting laugh. Its body has become a dark big man, and the armor is covered with armor. It has a strong power and momentum. He looks at the American people with unsatisfactory eyes. I didn't say good: "You are so afraid that I don't talk about it?"

"It is too powerful, I can't get up with your pressure."

Zhang Bin said sincerely.

"What is your name?"

Wu Ban did not deal with Zhang Bin, but asked excitedly.

"My name is Zhang Bin."

Zhang Bin said.

"Zhang Bin? Good name. In the future, you are my friend. You are my first human friend. If you can go to the sea, please go to Wulong Mountain. Goodbye ..."

After the War is finished, it will become a dark light, can't wait to leave from the hole.

Also, I was trapped here for more than 3 million years, where is it still willing to stay here?


Zhang Bin is a sigh, if you know that the python is so good, let it help should pay for the two hundred years later, perhaps it will agree.

Unfortunately, I have seen the python to swallow so many creatures, plus countless white bones outside, Zhang Bin dares to think about this? Directly identify this is a horrible fierce thing. If it goes to the Taikoo continent, the human beings in the Taikoo may have to be eaten by it.

"The owner, this time you have harvested huge, don't regret."

Rabbit said excitedly in Zhang Bin's mind.

Zhang Bin is also happy immediately, with a scales and scales, driving the umeraia, rushing up, returning to the monstering room.

Zhang Bin began to observe the scale hook finely.

In fact, the sale of the scales is not good, the dark, the symmetrical hook is not particularly sharp, but people are unspeakable, the scale hook is also the same. Although it is inconspicuous, it is to let the horrible creatures of Wu Ban are alive, and I can't get rid of it.

"Hey ..."

Suddenly, the broken sound sounded, but the seal of the seal scale hook was broken.

Zhang Bin also became nervous.

He worried that this fool scale is hooked out.

The seal is broken, the scales are suspended, and the powerful stress and murder are burst.

" ..." turned out? "

Zhang Bin made a surprised voice.

"I am a heaven and earth, all things can be hi. I will hit the throat and my mouth. If you hook you, don't want to escape ..." The scale hook quickly changed the line, and yelling in the ground.


Zhang Bin smiled on the spot, this fools scales are fun.

But how can you tame it?

"Partner, you are very cattle, but don't be so big ..."

Issue in the fun of scales, "" In the future, we will follow Zhang Bin, then find the scale, weigh the scale, let all the partners gather. "

It is useful, the sound of the scales will drop.

Zhang Bin is a big joy, and it is also committed to the vow.

Finally, let the scale hook become smaller, together with the scales, hang in the U.e.

It became two ornaments on Zhang Bin.

What makes Zhang Bin secretly joy is that the scale has the potential of the babysitter and has been patiently teaching the scale hook.

It must make the scales smart, otherwise, isn't it a face of the scale?

Zhang Bin told Xiaolong and Xiaoqing in his central Dantian cleaning the garbage from the hands of Wushen.

Since Zhang Bin's central Dantian is arranged in the conveyance array, Zhang Bin is also often transferred to cultivation. After all, here is a great place to practice.

At this time, three teasing Zhang Le and others were passing.

Therefore, they also joined the team of cleaning garbage.

They sent a cheer from time to time.

Of course, it is a good treasure.

And they still call other people immediately, let them all pass, excitedly clean.

high speed.

Just cleaned up for a day, it is set in a space container in a spatial container.

At this moment, Zhang Bin stood in this space container, looked at the treasures of the mountain, and he smiled and became a line.

The most is the demon core, stacked into a hill, all kinds of attributes, not only the nine-level demon keratual, and there is a tenth sermon nucleus.

The ten-level demon talents can have the monster of the Emperor, and there is magical ability, which can be 5.2, or even 9.3 level medicine.

Undoubtedly, these demon cores are all the monsters of human hunting, they were eaten by Wu Ban, and these demon keratones fell in the hands of Wushen. It became the existence of garbage.

In addition, it is a piercing, books such as mountains.

Many of the magical cultures, experiences and sentiments are recorded.

If these skills have been completed, the content of the SINGAP is estimated to have a small half.

After all, too much too much.

The most precious thing is a special jade medicine, this is a jade jade left by internal repair.

There is a secret method, feelings and experience that cultivates the emperor.

On the first page of the creation of Zhang Bin, only the content of cultivation to the Immortal.

Therefore, this jade is simple, and for Zhang Bin, it is the world.

In addition, the magic weapon is, the congenital hairdryer is stacked.

It is also very powerful, such as a pole, it is a very horrible pressure and momentum, and there is a very horrible ax. When you look at the top congenital hairdry ... It is suitable for the emperor.

Although it cannot be more than scales and scales, it will not be weak.

With so many magic treasures, Zhang Bin's will be armed.

The war can also be greatly improved.

Material is also like a wool.

Stacked into a mountain.

Many Material Zhang Bin has not heard of listening, let alone have seen it.

Therefore, he has no way to know the use of these materials.

However, if all books, all Jade Jade is reading and understanding, it is estimated that what kind of materials can this be, what kind of function is.

However, one of the materials is Zhang Bin, which is also a dream, but it is not possible.

This material is the silk of the void blood moth, see quality, absolutely the silk moth for a full void moth. It may even be the silk moth of the emperor.

Color blood, release the same blood, let the world become blood red.

The momentum is really extraordinary.

"Great, now my Qiankun bag has been a material, can replace it, then the power of Qiankun bag will be much better." Zhang Bin's face was full of ecstasy.

He didn't have any delays, sending messages with secret law, letting and weaver women transferred, and they replace them.

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