The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2570 Placing Countermeasures

Broken Yue stood on the edge of the death area, behind the many powerful elders, he looked opposite Zhang Bin, and his teeth were almost bite, smiled and said: "You think that you are good, I will let you go? You Dream, do you think I can't get a scales? It's a joke! Soon, I will kill the Taikooxia, grab your imprisonment, completely kill. "

"Go to Taikooxia, do you think you can live?" Zhang Bin said coldly.

"Collect the army, immediately take the Tan Dynasty, I must kill him, and I have to destroy his fairy."

Broken Yue was so angry, shouting crazy.

"Shamen Lord, so that you can't do this." The big man is stupid, "the door is early, there is a big disaster after two hundred years. So the door is to ban the sea for treasure, improve the strength response. If we go to the midst of the Danyu, how should we have a disaster after two hundred years? , Negotiate countermeasures. "

"Hey ... Waiting for me to make this hook, I will kill the Taikoo Xianjie, I must kill you." Broken Yue finally calm down and looked at Zhang Bin Remembrance.

"It seems that the inheritance of Bai Tianmen is to be interrupted. If you have a small door of you, it is no wonder that many elders are also as arrogant as you are mad. I am so promising to report, and the result is being lived into enemies. "Zhang Bin said," Give you a chance, things will so. I can also collect the scales. I will join hands to have a disaster after two hundred years later. How? "

"You dream." Broken Yue did not hesitate to refuse, "I have a way to make this scales, I will definitely go to you to revenge."

"It turned out to be an idiot."

Zhang Bin shook his head, but it said: "In this case, then I will wait for your retaliation. Don't regret it."

After that, he didn't see the other side, and it turned.

I won't see the movie.

Western Ghost Country, Palace, a luxurious palace.

In addition to the Western Ghost Emperor, Pamada is receiving Zhang Bin.

Yes, from the Taikoo Ghost World, Zhang Bin came here. After all, Zhang Bin gave Chu Fei into the news, planning the ghost circles and the fairy world to deal with two hundred years later. The army.

Now, it has been in the past for more than a month, and it is estimated that there is almost the result.

"Bin brother, you see this pair."

Chu Fei became the map of the continent on the wall. They have to come to us, must cross the fairy, or cross the devil. So, 200 years later, there is no great threat to our ghost world. So, the other three ghost countries have worked together Not enthusiastic. "

"Don't you understand the truth of the cold?"

Zhang Bin said very depressed.

"They certainly understand, they will never hold their hands, but they don't want to start at the top. After all, it will lose huge. Therefore, they look forward to the fairy world magic world, they finally came out to clean up the resumption." Chu Fei It is seriously said, "It's not their selfish. If you are in their position, you may do this."

Zhang Bin had to admit that Chu Fei became reasonable, sinking: "What about you?"

"We? Hahaha ..." Western Ghost Emperor, smiled and said, "We West Big Ghost Country and the Employea Junction, it might spread to war, so we will move according to the situation, always It will be aid. Of course, we will also work hard to contact the other three ghost countries, let them also prepare for the soldiers. "

This guy is not a great ghost emperor, talking is good.

But what truly means that he will not take a troops at the beginning, will sit in the demon world, the fairy, the devil and the royal war, and the situation will be sold.

It is a little slider.

But you can get such a commitment can also be accepted, until you don't work, the four ghost countries are preparing, if the situation is critical, they will not sit, they will be rescued.

Therefore, Zhang Bin strives to swear to a while and reached some oral agreement.

Then Zhang Bin's words turned, saying faintly: "Your Majesty, how much is your soul of the soul? How is his person, how is the character?"

This time, because of the crime of breaking the door, it is a little door to the Xiamen Door, which is broken. This person is an idiot. Although Zhang Bin is broken and breaking the soul, it will not be so idiot and stupid, otherwise it is impossible to cross the ancient mainland seven thousand It is not a stupid thing, but not afraid of 10,000, it is afraid of case, so he still have to understand the other person's character and people, and he can make the right response.

And the broken day is the landlord of the Taikoo Ghost, of course, can easily pass the death area, the other party must also secretly pay attention to the soul world, must also contact the soul industry, more than 7 million years of information, there is a lot of about The soul of the sky.

"Broken Tian Shu?"

The Emperor's face has paid a colorful fear and worship, saying: "I have seen many times with the soul of the day, and he also pointed to me many times, improve my fighting, and actually The other three ghosts were also a lot of kindness. Even, the four ghosts have been brought to the Taikoo Ghost circles, in fact, it is because of the Soul Resistant Station After our back, our four ghost countries will not be too worried about the disaster brought by the Hayi. "

I said, "Somet, the soul of the sky is a strong, justice, happy to help people. He cultivated to the early days of the soul of 700 years ago, and now it is more powerful. Test, often go to the sea for treasure and explore, bring a lot of treasures back ... "

"Is there anything you know about the small door of Broken Tianmen?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

"Broken Yue? I know him. He is three thousand years old this year, it is a super genius, when doing a small door, it is also a banquet, and our four ghosts will congratulate. It is because so young is to practice to big The soul is full, so it is a bit proud and very strong. However, in the future, it will mature, the most important young people. If you say something is not good, Broken Yue is more genius, and you will be big in the future. "The West pointed.

"So young? No wonder it will be so. ..."

Zhang Bin did not say the West pole ghosts, he was not as good as Broken Yue, but as he did not hear, sighed.

"Bin brother, what is it? Will you have anything to have?"

Chu Fei became ghost, plus him, said Zhang Bin has been to the Taikoo Ghost, and Zhang Bin has been worried about asking.

"I really happen, I originally entered the Taikoo Ghost circles, just to ventilate, telling about the disaster after 200 years, after all, breaking the soul of the soul is also one of the giant horses for imprisonment. But ... "Zhang Bin did not conceal, and all the things happened, of course, there is a special purpose.

The two guys were looked stunned, looked at Zhang Bin like the monster, and did not have a god.

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