The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2572 takes a stone

At the end of the horizontal cave, it is connected to a portrait of a longitudinal cave.

It is not very wide, it is only so much finger.

And very deep.

However, there are many powerful sea beasts to zoom and zoom, narrow the body, sneaken into the horizontal cave, in fact, may be treasure hunt, or find a safe habitat.

But I have been eaten by the past.

Wu Ban left here for a month, so there is no beast to sneak into the cave.

"Earth's abilities, start ..."

Zhang Bin's face has floated evil smile.

In an instant, the magical thing happened, and this erected hole is slowly closed, and then I will not see it.

Therefore, what he has passed, the cave is disappearing and replaced by the rock.

The rock here is of course incomparably hard, better than a powerful.

It is also Zhang Bin, because five lines of cells are fused, split, so that his five elements have improved too much, so he can let this erected hole.

Of course, if this erect hole is too wide, the Bin is also difficult to do.

Worried about your lost, so Zhang Bin lets the Ume people bundle a rock in the horizontal cave, and quickly extended him from the longitudinal cave.

Then even if he is lost, it will be killed by Ume.

"Zhang Bin, what are you doing this? I am here, I can definitely find the way back."

The scale is a bit impatient, and the confidence is full.

It can't wait to take out the south of the body.

Then it will be a lot, absolutely will not be legged with the scale hook, how much the wind is.

"be careful and live long."

Zhang Bin screamed, but it was still accelerated.

About 10,000 kilometers of the longitudinal cave, all were closed by Zhang Bin.

Then Zhang Bin came to the sea in the depths of the sea.

A breath of a smoking and dangerous breath is also like it. Let Zhang Bin secretly trembled.

"It's too dangerous. Don't go it, just drive the American people walking around the rock, and then dig a cave, we can start." Scales immediately warned.

"My strength exceeds the big fairy emperor, where is it so careful?"

Zhang Bin did not agree.

"Exceeding the big fairy emperor? Not necessarily." Scales said, "You can try it now, can you call the peace of the Tiandi of the Fairy and Dongfu?"

Zhang Bin really tried it, then he shocked, it seems that now is unlimited from the ancient mainland, and the power of the world of fairy and Dongfu cannot be called.

His face is slightly changed.

Can't call the peace of the world, his war is bigger.

It's hard to be a big success.

After all, Zhang Bin's internal repair realm is too low, only cultivating the Xianjian, and the realm of the foreign decoration is not high, just cultivating the early days of the Immortal.


Suddenly, the distant is horrible to the extreme roar.

The sea is also crazy.



A loud noise is also an outbreak, and the sea is shaking.

Then there is a rich blood red liquid to penetrate from the distance, with a horrible pressure.

"Quick escape, this is the blood of the seafood of the seafood, which may take the poisonous and terrorist surgery, can destroy all the soul." Scales said nervous.

"I am in the umerail, I am afraid of a fart."

Zhang Bin did not care in his heart, but he was still a fear of the world's horror of the monster, so he did not delay, and he was returned to the rock, and then shouted.

It is estimated that the direction of staying away from the Taikoo continent is as such a hundred kilometers, Zhang Bin stopped.

He began to dig holes.

However, the rock here is not a huge pressure because there is no gap and space. Therefore, hard to incredible situations, it is difficult to break.

"God, the ban is too horrible."

Zhang Bin was shocked in his heart.

"Now I know the horror of the ban on the sea? It is because the rock is extremely hard, can't play a cave. So, in the ban on the sea, you have to find a safe place, Bunding Day is difficult. More terrible is, banned sea Rocks can not show the land and gold, that is, can't sneak into the rocks. You can sneak into it, because of the magical black American. "Scales said.

"I rely, can not show the land and gold? Then it is too dangerous to enter the sea."

Zhang Bin suddenly shocked, and worried about entering the array of banches, I don't know if he is still alive?

"Also, the water is the world of monsters, they have magical abilities, can search for creatures through water fluctuations. Then hunt, so, if it is sneaked into the water, there is no difference with yourself, it will be beasts in the sea. Eat it. After all, this is boundless in the inexplicable ban on the sea, the sacred beast is all. "

"No wonder, on the cave wall of the Yongdong House, I saw that the Emperor in the sea is at sea, and did not dare to go into the water ..." Zhang Bin suddenly realized.

"From here ... maybe you can find a closed cave."

The scale begins to take the way.

It is not the ancient continent, but an additional mainland. In order to find partners, it is a magical magic weapon that is in the banner, it can be sneak in the banned rock, it is with this ability, it It can escape from the darkness of the darkness, so it understands the rock structure.

In this way, I have been sneak over about three hundred kilometers, and I found a closed cave.

It is not very broad, about a room for a villa.

But for Zhang Bin, it is complete enough.

Zhang Bin took out a space-free space container, which was completely enclosed with this space container. In the ground, he entered the space container and prepared to take the horror.

The stone is a treasure that is incomparable, and the last Zhang Bin enters the stone, and it is almost unbearable.

This space container is used to prevent it. If it is tapped out, what happens.

Zhang Bin can escape the space container with scales.

Escape this cave.

In addition, the seal space container is to prevent the peak of the stone, and the strong dark sky is not allowed.

Even if you can, it will be very weak.

That will be much safe.

"I want the body to form a passage, you can seal the stone in the internal tribute, you must seal the three floors, then use the mining character. Put the stone, move out from the channel." Scales.

Zhang Bin nodd, he immediately made dozens of shrinkage, and then took out the beauty map, and wrap the scale in the strict, and also worried that the disclosure of breath, the beauty is very magical, the ability to have an endless ability, it should be able to Block breath from leaking.

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