The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2619, then meet small buns

Everyone is secretly shocked, and all look at Zhang Bin with a weird look.

Si Wei Bo's evaluation of Zhang Bin is so high, and Zhang Bin broke through the bottleneck's speed is really too fast. It seems that it is a peerless genius. Is the future landlord is him?

"It's good to borrow a knife to kill people."

Zhang Bin secretly admired in his heart, Siyuto was absolutely not a fool, but a peerless smart person, his ambition is too big, his accountatometer is too deep, his means is too poisonous, now So compliment Zhang Bin, that is, two Xianzun's embarrassment to Zhang Bin, that is, if they have to kill each other, after he can come out to clean up the residue, anyway, there is a powerful break of the soul, as long as it is not brain, how can it laugh at the end.

However, Zhang Bin certainly impossible, he said faintly: "When the air strokes, you are too low, my own strength I know, in my fairy and people fight, I am just like just like just now. I also can't believe in the big emperor. I don't believe that you have a tangle, even the thousands of blades, I am very curious, what is your ability to conceal? Is there any necessary? "

"It turns out that the empty beat is hidden, it is also, how can the Tang Dynasty can't play a peak of Xianmi? Even if there is a huge family, don't you do it. Is Dang Xianzun a meal?"

Many people watching the lively people suddenly realized, even, some people were filled with doubts, and they used the singular eyes to look at the empty beats, secretly trying to hide the power.

"Good wisdom."

Thousands of blades and Fenfen are admired in their hearts, and the ability to cope with Zhang Bin has admired five-body investment.

Siyuto's face became iron green, and his teeth were almost bite. He said coldly: "Little son, you speak a lot of books. You break through three bottlenecks in fifty years. This kind of capital is definitely no ancient people. . Your strength is very strong, I really can't pack you. If you can, I have done you early. "

"You don't deny that you conceal strength. As for the three bottlenecks, I would like to thank you, I got the space container of Siki Tianyin and Sikita, there were so many treasures, 9.4 level fairy medicine accumulated If the mountain, the 9.5 level medicine is also dozens of medicine, I am a stupid material, and it can also end through three bottlenecks in a row. "Zhang Bin said.

"God, Siki went to the ban in the sea, I must find the big treasure, maybe he also got a 9.6-level fairy medicine, he might want to break through the medium-term respect ..."

Many people watching the lively guys are embarrassed in their hearts, and their faces are full of envy and embarrassment.


Siki is almost vomiting blood, Zhang Bin is simply a nonsense, where is there so many fairy medicine? 9.5 level of fairy medicine is not good? However, the 9.4 grade fairy medicine is a lot.

He breathed his breath and breathed it.

"Nima, I want to kill you ..."

The Sikiki, the Siki, and rushed to Zhang Bin.

But it is a Siki Tianyi.

Division can't picked up Zhang Bin, he went up.

"let's go."

Zhang Bin did not pay attention to them, landed with Fenfen and killed, entered the secret of pure yang.

The secret of pure yang is of course very broad, and it can be equivalent to the outside of the Taikooxia, or it can be more than the fairy.

Hong Meng is also extravagant.

Advanced fairy medicine is also everywhere.

However, the highest is only 9.3 level fairy medicine.

Of course, Qiankunmen is a 9.4-level or even higher level of fairy medicine, and it is impossible to get out of the special place.

After all, the horror is very strong, and the distance breaks through the middle-stage respect, there is only one line.

She also often disables the sea for treasure, one for hundreds of years.

Every time you come back. Will be big to gain.

Therefore, the fairy medicine of Qiankunmen is not lacking, and even many magical treasures.

Qiankun door is located in the central area of ​​Pure Yang, in the top of a fairy mountain.

Here, Hongmeng is soaked, the fairy is full, the fairy medicine is numerous, the waves are blooming, the waterfall is like hanging, too beautiful.

On the boulder on the mountain, I also engraved three big characters, Qiankunmen.

That is a dragon and phoenix dance, the momentum is too strong.

On the broad training martial art, now it is full of masters who come to participate in the genius selection.

A powerful momentum is distributed one by one.

Zhang Bin is also one of them.

And many disciples from Qiankunmen are also in order to maintain order.

There are hundreds of people, most of them are cultivated to the big fantasy.

Small part cultivation to the Immortal.

All are super geniuses. Any one can rush any master in the fairy.

"Qiankunmen is too powerful, it seems to be much stronger than the Tyranteon Villa." Zhang Bin secretly shocked, he smashed the sound asked: "What is the biggest disciple of Qiankun?"

Thousands of blades whisper: "These disciples are very talented. If it is best, it is really difficult to divide high, but the Qiankun Xian Di is the most talented disciple of Qiankun. The big army. Her soul is super strong, it will not be subjected to Broken Yue you said. So she only cultivated to the Xianmine, but it can be banned as the same party to ban the sea for treasure, each time you can Enron returned. Of course, she is strong, because she masters the incomparable horror . Unfortunately, she still did not resist the sound of the black ship, and was taken away by the black boat, and did not come back. "

I said, "It is said that Qiankun Xian Di is the daughter of the fairy, and the father is a tyranny, of course, this is just a legend. It is not necessarily true. Even, there is a legend that her father is Pure Yang Xianzun. But of course is a nonsense, because it is not an era. "

"Qiankun Xian Emperor is so talented? The soul is not asia from Broken Yue?"

Zhang Bin's face is full of thinking, he is very interested in the origin of Qiankun Xian Di, because this genius can not appear in the air, her parents must be super genius, otherwise, it is impossible to have such a good talent. Just like Broken Yue, then talented, that is because he inherited the horror talent of the Breakfast. If Qiankun Immortal is a daughter of the fairy and ignorant immortality, you can explain it. So, someone will guess this.

More geniuses come in.

Suddenly a surprise voice sounded, "Zhang Bin, is you? How are you here?"

It is dressed as a boy, it looks a particularly naughty small bag, she rushed to Zhang Bin, her face was full of joyful colors.

And her back, of course, standing with the three eyes.

Three-eyed immortal looked at Zhang Bin, and his eyes had to spray fire.

This time, he also came to participate in the genius selection contest.

Bring the small bag to see the lively.

Of course, he forgot that he was packed in the death area in the past.

"Bunzi, you are getting more beautiful, I am very happy to see you."

Zhang Bin didn't look at the three-eyed fairy emperor. He looked at the small bag.

For this genius naughty girl Zhang Bin is not a hatred, but I appreciate her.

"I am very happy to see you, yes, is the predecessor in the array? I haven't seen him many years. He seems to be missing." The small bag is stepped on, and Zhang Bin is closer. Her speed is very fast, pretty blush, a very excited look.

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