The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2626 Zhang Bin Times Small South

Zhang Bin and Baizhong Station were held on the ring, and they were holding each other.

Overlord is not very high, only one meter seven look, it looks a bit weak.

However, the momentum of his revealed is not a little bit of hegemony.

There was a silver ax in his hand, and the back of the aperture was also expanded. It seems that this is not his limit.

And Zhang Bin's hands also had a purple blood, and on the back, he also issued his own emotion, and the district is three hundred kilometers.

It's just too much.

"Zhang Bin, not allowing the use of the emperor defense."

Lang Xiaonan's eyes look at Zhang Bin.

"Don't the emperor protection protection?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Of course, the protection of emperor is also equal to the power of the heavens and the earth, will have a terrible defense. This is the genius selection, the selection is the genius, not life and death." The thrive is cold and cold Say.

"Well, I don't have to protect the emperor."

Zhang Bin said.

"Then you still don't accept it? I am afraid that I accidentally kill your soul." Bilin South said, "I am very good for you."

He is the truth, and a family is very sensible to Zhang Bin, because Zhang Bin's two Xianmilu Fengdo Fengmine in Taikun, equals the two Xianmi to give them home, after all, only The Baoguo Xianzun has a breakthrough atmosphere, around the millennium, he must break through the middle of the respect, then he can refine the main print of the world, become the main owner.

"I feel good for you." Zhang Bin said faintly, "But this is a genius selection, no, then you will be able to admit, that is too shame. Come, our war."

"Sure enough is itchy."

"Do not self-strength."

"Zhang Bin is going to be smashed."


There are many genius faces on the platform.

"That eats me ax."

The man is shouting, raising the ax, and suddenly a horrible to the extreme, the pressure and momentum is emitted, then he is so powerful, and smash it.

Suddenly silver is flashing, murderous.

The momentum is horrible to the extreme.

"It's good."

Zhang Bin shouted, the purple blood in his hand was on the other's ax.


A loud noise of the sky.

Spark shot.

Zhang Binnai is a dozen steps after he, only steady body.

The domineering is only three steps only.

This trick is obviously Zhang Bin falling in the wind.

Do not adjust the power of the fairy, Zhang Bin's war may be able to defeat ordinary grand fairy emperors, but it is difficult to defeat the super genius like Xiaoman.

However, everyone is still a big fell, and the chin is also falling.

Their face is also filled with shocking. It turns out that Zhang Bin really is very talented. He is so powerful even if he doesn't call the peace of the world, is it so powerful?

You know, he only cultivates the peak of the Imperial Emperor, and the realm is much smaller than the small South.

However, how did Zhang Bin did?

His emotion coverage is only 300 kilometers?


Not only they, even in the mouth of three strong Xianzun sent a surprised voice.

Even, even the eyes of Lone Wolf also lit up, looked at Zhang Bin, and it seems to be the same as Zhang Bin's secret.

"Zhang Bin, yes, good, you can resist me, but you can't be my opponent, you can admit it." Overlord south with appreciation eyes looked at Zhang Bin, saying faintly.


Zhang Bin not only did not admit defeat, but it shouted, and a arrow rushed up.

The ax is crazy.

Issue an attack like a windshield.

"Dangdang ..."

Bawang Nan is furious, dancing the ax and Zhang Bin war.

The two axes became silver and purple light shadow, crazy bombardment.

Just a few breathing time, Zhang Bin can't resist it.

I was flying by the Xiaoxiao, and I fly a few meters away, falling on the ground, and a little bit of falling.


This time, this time did not let Zhang Bin were amended. He felt that Zhang Bin would not be admitted, and Zhang Bin must be defeated, so he wrapped his horrible pressure and momentum killing Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin did not see the ax, he grabbed the rapidly become a beautiful, crazy dance, and slammed the past.

"Hey ... How many pounds do you have?"

The scale is getting a big and shouting.

"court death."

Overlinary South Fully calls the power of the heavens and the earth, the most powerful trick, .


A loud noise.

Scales back.


Overgenmaster sent an angry shout, because he actually fell steadily, and he couldn't help but follow his own place, step by step, so that the platform almost collapsed.

And Zhang Bin is relaxed to stand there, if there is something wrong.


All talents have pumped a cold breath, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

Zhang Bin has changed a magic weapon, and the power can be upgraded so much?

How can this be?

The lonely wolf's eyes turned again, and his face floated a faint taboo color.

He is a bit trick. Zhang Bin, exactly, is a magic weapon of jealousy - scales.

"Zhang Bin is really too late."

The eyes of the small bag are also bright, and the pretty face is also blush.

As for the blade Fenfen, then smile like flowers, yelling: "Zhang Bin, refueling ..."


The small man shouted in a small man, and it cited a dark light and took the past.

The ax in the hand is crazy again.

Take a closer look, you can see that the emperor on his back has skyrocketed, covering 3,600 kilometers.

Obviously, he is stronger than in the Xiaoyi.

But he returned faster, he was slammed by Zhang Bin's scales. He turned directly to the ground, just as a football, the ax cracked a big gap.

It seems that it is the pole of the wolf.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible? How can there be such a horrible magic weapon in the world?"

Hemonan is in a hurry.

In fact, although the scale is strong, if it is not supported by Zhang Bin's power, it is not so horrible.

The scale is just a part of the Libra, just a part of the car, there is no power before the car is not assembled.

However, the hardness of the scale is the crown of the world.

Even the sarcophagus of the dark sky can only break the scale, can't explode the scale.

"Do you have a few pounds?"

Zhang Bin shouted and shouted and took the scale of the scale, and he slammed the scale.

"Dangdang ..."

Billy Sannan only blocked three times, he once again turned over the ground, and he bleed.

He was angry and said: "Zhang Bin, you will be able to admit it, don't force me, otherwise you will fall."

This guy does not seem to be bad, and now I still don't want to kill Zhang Bin.

It is also not willing to use the most horrible trick.

"You still have any tricks, despite it."

Zhang Bin squatted his eyes, saying faintly.

"Black Leopard, attack ..."

Overlord shouted in the Nankai.

In his two eyes, it shot a black panther with a pertish rice.

It has become two lightning, and the blast is to Zhang Bin.

It seems that it is a live spirit, just like two real life.

"Zhang Bin is dead, and now you can get his Xianmi printed."

In the hegemonic Xianzun in the battle, I looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

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