The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2641 to save the suspenders, find the murderer

"Zhang Bin, save me ..."

When I saw Zhang Bin, I saw Zhang Bin, and my face was full of jagged.

"Who is it gave me out."

Zhang Bin was furious and roared.

Although the Lone Wolf killed a few people in the genius selection competition, it was a bit of a spicy, but it was not an email, it was definitely not mad.

Therefore, Zhang Bin can not want to see that the Lone Wolf is killed by human paste.

Unfortunately, there is no movement below.

There is no one out of the challenge.

Obviously, because here is the border of Zhang Binxiao. Zhang Bin can take a lonely wolf to fairy, and the battle of Zhang Bin will skyrise. He is not killing the lonely wolf, just retreat.

"Who is chasing you?"

Zhang Bin put his gaze to the disk knee sitting on the face of a lonely wolf who was injured in the air, asked seriously.

I didn't answer Zhang Bin until he was about to return to him. He jumped up and said angrily: "In fact, I don't know who the other person is, I am accidentally disclosed, I'm chasing it by a black man. Kill, he is of course easy, can't recognize who he is, but it is very strong, hey, it is much stronger than the prince of the vast majority. If it is not my life, it is really important. He in his hand. "

"You can't do it, sneak into the underground, right?"

Zhang Bin looked at the lonely wolf and asked.

"He is too strong, I just blocked him, the bones of the arms were broken. Sneak into the ground and escape is the only way. Because I was thoroughly suppressed in the field of his respect, even flying Get up. My land and gold are super powerful, but still don't take him, being chased by him, in the underground war. I used a lot of base cards, I barely escape to here. "Lonely Wolf said.

His tone is a little bit, but Zhang Bin knows that the underground war is absolutely extremely horrible and bloody, and the lonely wolf can escape so far, and there is no lost direction, come to Zhang Bin's fairy border, can't say it is really Bull, it is worthy of the power of the ban on the sea, no matter how horror enemy, there is still a life-saving ability.

Zhang Bin did not delay here, with a lonely wolf and a thousand blades to Wenwu City. Then I asked: "Lone Wolf, you have experienced countless dangers, experience is very rich, you can see some flaws and clues, do you think that you are chasing your black dress? Hegemony Xianzun, shocking Or Siki? "

"This is a magical place, he seems to be any one in the three people, but it seems that I can't judge, but he is a fairy, not a magic. He should come from the Taikooxia, of course, may also come from the outside world. But there is very little possibility. "The Lone Wolf said.

"Yes, there must be murder motivation, outside the immunity, they kill you there is no reason, no motivation, of course, they may also know that you are internal development, want to grab your internal repair." .

"It is impossible to rob the internal power law, and any respect is estimated to have been banned the sea. It has encountered a relatively weak internal repair, and it has been in the internal success law." The Lone Wolf said, "is another reason."

"It is estimated that you are afraid that you will practice it as soon as possible, then refine the main print. So, I want to remove you. I will kill you. Easy, and have no helper, I am afraid of leaking identity. Prevention In case, you can escape. What more, even if he succeeds, kill you, you may also make arrangements in the Taikoo Xianjie, can be resurrected soon. "Zhang Bin said," The strongest person of the motive, is the tyrant Respect, of course, may also be two people, they have suspected. Not as good as we visit the throne, try to look at her tone? "

"Try is a good way, because this is a Xianzun, if it is two, they join hands, the lonely wolf may really be difficult to escape." Thousands of blade said, "Perhaps, we can have another harvest."

"Well, go to visit the thrive."

The lonely wolf actually agreed.

After ten minutes, they appeared in the secret state of the pure yang, and saw the throne.

Listening to Lone Wolf, the thrive is very surprised, "What? Is there a fairy to kill you?"

The three of course look at her, and I want to see what flaws.

But they were disappointed, and they couldn't see it at all.

After a while, the Shu Xianxian was calm down and said, "This matter must be died."

"Siyuto? It is impossible, he should be not so powerful."

Lonely Wolf said.

"That is not necessarily, Siyuto is very talented, his strength is also terrible, no matter how much I am in the tyrant, and his secret, maybe it is to give me a disaster. Maybe What conspiracy is there. "Stunning Hung Xian said.

"Isn't it the tyrannical immortal?"

Zhang Bin finally said, and said coldly.

"It is definitely not to be done, because I have been with him for three days. I have no suspicion with him. Don't misunderstand, I will experience the experience and feelings in communication. I look forward to breakthrough faster The middle of the respect. "Shu Huang Xian said.

"Is this true or lie?"

Zhang Bin was stunned, and they all felt that things became more and more simple.

"This is true, the people in the domain, can testify."

He said that Zhang Bin thought it was thought about Zhang Bin's three people.

"It seems that the shocking immortal and the ignorant sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred, because the surprised Xianzun did not need to lying, it really can be verified. Is it true to do it?" Zhang Bin three people think this.

After a while, Zhang Bin asked: "Sedong Xianzun, I will take the liberty, the past pure Yang Xianzun and pure Yangmen are destroyed. Can you talk about? I feel, chasing the people of the Lonely Wolf It may be associated with it. "

"That is a very distant thing. Now this person should have no relationship with that murderer." The face of the fairy is a bit hard, cold and cold, "Pure Yang Xianzun is a very dangerous Local treasure hunt, so I pay for the main ownership, it is to prevent everything. The result is not returned. No one knows what he has encountered, and no one knows that he is not fallen. "

"The dangerous place he went, except you, someone know?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"I don't know where it is, don't say others." Safe Huang Xian said, "At that time, there were only three immunities, I, I, Baoyu Xianzun, pure Yang Xianzun. Ignorant I have been pursuing me. Pure Yang Xianzun went to the sea, such a good opportunity, he certainly will grasp, so he is looking for an excuse every day, so pure Yang Xianzun does not have anything ... I remember that Junyang Xianzun went for three days, and pure Yangmen was killed. And it is a big day. Swifts are also with me at the time. So, many people are suspected of being a tyranny I did, but I know, not him. "

"At that time, there were such strengths who had such strength to know the pure Yangmen." Zhang Bin said.

"To be honest, there is no such person. Even if he is a tyranny, he has no such strength, I have no big hanging case. I thought it was 700 billion, and I haven't found an answer yet. Perhaps. It is a horrible expert in the ban on the sea. It is still not satisfied with the other party. He also came to the Taikoo mainland, and the Tan Danyi is sneaked. Maybe the pure humens are killed. Perhaps the other party is a murder, and also It may be looking for the main print, no search, and you will leave. This is the trail of the murderer, "said the throne.

"Is it not that the fairy emperor is that the era?"

Zhang Bin asked in confused.

"Tiantian Xian Di? He is the people of the fairy, strictly said that it is a wild Xianmin. He did not enter the Taikoo Xianjie. He cultivated to the Xianmine, and he broke into the sea. That is 300 billion. And there is no relationship with the matter of 700 billion years ago. "Shu Hua Xian said.

(Seven chapters sent, ask for subscription, ask for recommendations. 2,400 words, 200 words a coin, so 12 books.)

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