The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2647, Tuan Domain, Dry Kun

Endiliary Wolf is also thoroughly speechless. Although he has seen countless masters, he has not seen Zhang Bin like this genius, but has not been cultivated to the emperor, just like this.

How can there be such a monster in the world?

Zhang Bin did not have any delay, and immediately grab a chain, slammed, and pulled the chain.

"Not good, my sleepy soul is broken ..."

It is trying to practice, I look forward to it as soon as possible, Xianzun suddenly moves in his heart. His face floats anger, and it has entered a transfer array, and it is transferred to the transfer array in the supervisory hall.

I gave it out to the prison.

Look at your eyes, but I can't see it, because this transparent window is blocked.

He immediately opened the secret law.

But there is no ovulation, the door is still not open.

"Give me ..."

The tyrant fairy is furious, and the palm is on the door.


A loud noise, there is a clear applause on the door.

However, the door is still not broken, nor open.

"Hey ..."

The tyrannical fairy is crazy.

He called the power of heaven and earth, and any palm can destroy the earth.

Playing the door is constantly curvature.

It is really terrible.

" ... ..."

Zhang Bin is pulling the chain at the fastest speed.

Soon the remaining six chains are broken.

The chain is smoke.

Luyang Ping's soul is free.

"Thank you three."

He is grateful to the voice.

Do not make a sound, that is, you can't hear the outside world.

It can be seen that this guy is not a simple figure, and the mind is very embarrassed.

There is no delay in the thousand blades, and the soul of Lu Yang Ping has received the Dragon Pool.

Lu Yangping's soul returned to the moon.

And Zhang Bin is two of them to receive their own dragon pool.

He became a hair and a stealth ability was displayed.

It slowly drilled from the corner.

Even, he deliberately delayed a while.

"Hey ..."

The strong power of the tyrants, soon, I walked in a huge momentum.

The huge knowledge is also detachable.

Then he was forced.

Because no one is inside, there is only a broken cover and a broken chain.

That seems to be broken.

"Take the lock chain? It must be the empty idiot, actually dare to mess?"

The Baoyan Xianzun is a lot of anger, and it is screaming.

He can't think so, after all, only the Siki will have the strength of the chain of chains, and it is a breakthrough for the respect for more than 3 million years.

But let him puzzle, how did Siyuto escape?

" ..."

Zhang Bin took the public to the Meys and went to the transfer array, and slammed on the transfer array, stepped into the transfer array.

Then he became a hair, and gently drilled into the floor and escaped.

"This is too treacherous?"

In Zhang Bin Longchi, the eyes of Zhang Bin Longchi are wide, that is, it is crying.

This bangkon is in this no-window.

He wants to go out and have to delay for a while.

Then they can easily escape.

The tyrannical Xianzun really vigorously, and immediately felt an abnormality. He turned into a red light. I went to the transmission array. I saw the transfer array into a powder, he was angry, "Ah ... , You are just looking for death, I must kill you. "

The sound of the sound, Zhang Bin, who escaped, heard.

Their face is full of weird expressions.

The tyrant Xianzun actually think is a good thing to do with Sikong? This is too funny.

"Hey ..."

The tyrannical fairy is mad, he madly bombards the wall, and it is necessary to break the wall.

Of course, he also informs the many powerful disciples with secret law, let them intercept.

" ..."

Zhang Bin became a hair, and he had sneaked into the ground and tied to the rock.

Just a dozen breathing time, he drilled three thousand kilometers thick rock layers and out of the secret of the domain.

Then hurdle in many horrible array.

Soon there is a range of large array.

And it is drilled out from the ground.

I have to escape quickly, otherwise, the tyrants will be able to open the door and chase them.

The speed of the earth is too slow, it is difficult to escape.

You must fly a distance, then escape from underground.

"Sikong, do you have a hand?"

A cold voice sounded, and it was a shocking immortal. She intercepted in front of Zhang Bin as a ghost, she burst into the stubble and horrible momentum.

And many strong hegemonic disciples have many disciples of Qiankun, and they also appear, and the Zhang Bin Group is surrounded.

"The ignorant mountain and Qiankun do be the same as one. The relationship between the ignorant fairy and the fairy must not be simple. It is impact that they have two joints to kill the pure yang, and then destroyed the pure masters. Zhang Bin is in the heart. His face is also serious.

As for the face of the three people in Zhang Bin Longchi, it also changed.

If Zhang Bin does not show a tunda, put the Baoyan Xianzun in the supervision, then today they are buddy, two powerful old fairy, plus hundreds of big fairy, they will have tragedies.

" ..."

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, flying quickly, escaped from far away.

The weird is that all disciples from all Qiankunmen and the domain do not intercept. They looked at Zhang Bin like an idiot. At the horror of Xianzun, I went to the air to escape? What is the difference between this and suicide?

"I still want to escape? It is just a joke."

The shocked immortal appeared a Qiankun bag, yelling, "photo ..."

Suddenly, the Qiankun bag opened, burst into a colorful ray, instant acts in Zhang Bin, to swallow Zhang Bin into it.

But the weird things happened, Zhang Bin is still good, it is not swallowed in, but it is like the meteorite, and then sneaked into the ground, and there is no shadow.

At this time, Zhang Bin has escaped to 30,000 kilometers, he sneshed into the ground, then chase him, it is not so easy.

It is also a shocked immunity too much, thinking that she has a magical Qiankun bag, which can charge any masters from the air, and did not intercept Zhang Bin flying.

And Zhang Bin can devour the coathy of the dry Kun bag, of course, the universe is crushing.

His love has always paid to Xian Zun.

Seeing the other party to the Qiankun bag. He also launched the universe rush. The inner universe revealed that he became a universe that had not yet pregnant, even if it did not have it, it was extremely horrible, weight is absolutely heavy than the ancient mainland. More, Qiankun bag is powerful, and it is not possible to take Zhang Bin in.

"How is this possible? Can you escape the swallowing of the Qiankun bag?"

The disciples of the Baoyan Mountain and Qiankun dozen, and the extension of the throne, how can I not believe it?

You must know that as long as the shocking immortal uses the Qiankun bag, there is no failure, and any giant can't escape, will be collected.

Of course, there is no use of horror giant to deal with the blood of the blood.

But even them, it is also very taboo.

Therefore, they don't dare to enter the Taikooxia.

But what monster is the guy just now? I got rid of swallowing and escaped it easily.

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