The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2659 to grab the Qiankun bag

"Ha ha ha ..." Zhang Bin laughed, "I am in the Treatment of Xianzun, I finally saw your pseudo-good ability, really unmanned the world, you can surpass you, you said these, I almost even I believe it. Powerful. Pure Yang Xianzun defeated in your hand, no. "

Then his face became cold, said coldly: "But, black is black, white is white. Your deception and deception can only be cheated, can't be cheated. The truth of things will end with water."

"I got out your origin, you have nothing to say, as for the truth, you can know, wait for you, imprison your soul, I naturally have a way to read your soul memory." The Domentials appeared in the hands of the Domine, there was a touch of white light, "You can resist, you can escape, but then you will kill."

"Just rely on you?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color. "When we are pure Yangxian Zun and pure Yangmen? What can you deal with?"

"Try it."

The tyrannical Xianzun said faintly, "hands ..."

"Photograph ..."

In the hands of the throne, the Qiankun bag in his hand opened his mouth, issued an incomparable color ray, and also issued a strange force. To take Zhang Bin, Lonely Wolf, Qian Blan, Luyang Ping.

"Whirring whirring……"

Four people can't resist, all angryly, and sharply narrowed, all inherently invested.

It's not a matter of confrontation.

The Qiankun bag is too amazing, and even the blood is jealous.

"God, two respects, a family of fairyland, plus super powerful lonely wolf, this is done."

All the lively giants are afraid of the throne, and their faces have also floated the color of fear.

Division has been glanced, and there is no talk in half a day.

Of course, he knows the power of Qiankun, but it has never seen it.

I have seen it now, and it is the extreme of horror.

No wonder I dare to enter the main print of the Taikoo Xianjie.

The throne grabbed the Qiankun bag, and her face was filled with a splendid smile. "Okay, things solved. In the future, the Taikoo Xianjie resumed the original order. We can also get a fairy emperor Printing, our strength is strengthened, must be able to resist the invasion of the Haoyu, we must also spend the millennium disaster. "

"Thank you."

"Stunning Xianzun invincible ..."


Numerous giants cheered.

Of course, there are some people's faces are a bit wrong. Although it is very conceivable, it is still concealed.

"Both is scattered."

The shocked fairy has issued a holy light, saying, "all strive to practice, preparing for a hundred years later ..."

Her words have not been finished, and her mouth has made a surprised voice, " ..."

Her eyes are also projected onto the Qiankun bag.

It seems that what is the situation in Qiankun bag.

All people's eyes are also projected.

Sure enough, because a hair shot suddenly tied it from the Qiankun bag.

That is a special look.

"How can this be?"

Everyone's eyes are wide, and the face is full of not a letter.

You must know that Qiankun bag is the most horrible magical magic weapon, you can take everything, anyone enters it, you must be imprisoned, lose resistance, and you can't ask for life.

But what is it now?

This is of course a good thing for Zhang Bin.

He took the lead in entering the Qiankun bag, of course, I felt the horror of Qiankun.

The color is like a lot of light, and his body is shrinking in his body, and it can't move, even his soul does not move.

Rotary, lonely wolf, thousand blades, Lu Yangping three people also taken in.

They and Zhang Bin's situation also, quickly narrowed to only peanuts, lost any resistance, and Luyang Ping's body did even start corruption, it was chemically formed into a liquid, completely fallen.

After all, he only cultivated to the respect, not very powerful.

The realm of the thousand blades has long been stable, so you can also stick to it.

The Lone Wolf is internal and repaired, and the ability to resist is of course strong, temporarily safe.

"Ah, I am doing ghosts, I will not let you go."

Luyang Ping has happened a grief.

"The universe is crushing."

Zhang Bin is a cold, his body brightens a bright light, the inner universe is completely revealed, some of his body has become a star, planet, and combined into a galaxy.

His body is heavy, I don't know how many times. However, this weight has not played on the Qiankun bag, but the role in Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin is feeling that he can move, although the Qiankun bag is powerful, but it is not imprisoned.

His hand explored, grabbed Lu Yangping, and received his own dragon pool.

Then, if it is made, it is also collected by the Miyu and the Millennium.

He shakes his body, turned a hair, driving the umerai in the Qiankun bag.

Sure enough, there is no difficulty, and it is easy to get out.

When Xiu Hongxian was surprised, Zhang Bin was restored to adult shape. His hand was caught in Qiankun bag. Of course, the hands of the throne also grabbed it, showing the crushing force of the universe. A pinch.

" ... ..."

The shocked fairy broke into the meat sauce instantly.


Her mouth has made a scream, and her face has also floated anger.

The Qiankun bag naturally fell in Zhang Bin's hand, his hand spared the inside of the laminated, and seized the Qiankun bag in an instant, then received his central Dantian.

He is deliberately received by the Qiankun bag, and the purpose is to solve the Shu Xianzun's Qiankun bag.

This magic treasure is too horror, if you don't get it, you can't play at all.

The thousands of Sirius, Yangping, they will be collected.

Then there is only one person, but also must always be crushing, and the speed can not be increased.

The possibility of tragedy is very large.

This is not the result of he is willing to see.

"Good thief, give me death ..."

The Baoyan Xianzun was very angry, and the Qiankun Tower in his hand took the murder of the sky to Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin quickly retreated, leaving the thrive of the throne.

Because the throne of the Xianzun has a thrilling sword, it will be to him.

He is unwilling to attack two super horrible immortals.

However, that Qiankun Tower is very powerful, it is rapidly, and then chasing behind Zhang Bin like a bone.

Let Zhang Bin can't get rid of it.

The Qiankun bag and Qiankun Tower have a mysterious origin, which is horrible to the ultimate magic weapon.

It is the Broadr Domineering and the Shu Xianzun reading the creation of the creation of the creation. Each reading a super magic reimprint, the materials needed too precious and magical.

They also used it for many years, only to find complete materials, refining it.

Since then, they join hands, that is, the world is invincible.

Qiankun bag, the enemy is all inherent, all of which loses its fighting power.

Qiankun Tower, like a bone, no matter how powerful enemies, can't escape, will be smashed, then it will lose its fighting power, then be thoroughly refined, and kill.

Strictly said, although Qiankun Tower has no group attack ability, you can't take countless master, but the power is actually more horrible. If there is a strong enemy of the Qiankun bag, such as super powerful internal repair, Zhang Bin can show the universe The son of crushing the universe, attacking with Qiankun Tower, the effect will be better.

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