The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2671 Chapter Battle

This mountain is also a purple white rock composition, but the rock is growing countless plants.

There is a flower with a tree, and there is a fruit. Exudes a strange aroma.

All are high-grade fairy medicine, 9.4 level medicine can be seen everywhere, even 9.5 level medicine, but also anti-heterogenesis.

Many beasts like sharks are wandering in the mountains, a powerful extreme, emitting the breath of the person.

It seems to be a fairy medicine guarding this mountain.

"I rely on, what is going on? How can I live in the rock?"

Zhang Bin, they are all completely dumbful, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

"The rocks of the banned sea are hard, it is very difficult to get the earth. However, all the most amazing solid fairy can be said to be the best soil, suitable for the growth of the fairy medicine, as long as the special secret is used, you can Let the fairy medicine root on the rock, mature is also very fast. "Scales said," The beast has mastered the secret law of cultivating the fairy medicine on the sea rock, so very powerful beasts will cultivate a lot of lots of fairy medicine, then guard, Eat, of course, there are also many sea beasts like plunder, specializing in snatching other beasts cultivating fairy medicine. You are a hunt, they are treasure hunt, most of them are submerged in the sea, grab the fairy medicine of the beast, of course, there are some Very hidden place, will naturally go out of fairy medicine, you can also find it. The depths of the ban, because it is too deep, the beast is too strong, human beast is not dare, only super giant dare. They are calling the voice direction Go. Bottomized by countless beasts, hunting, also robbed by the same kind, cruelty, if you encounter the moving iceberg, ice original, floating continent, but it is also the fall of blood. place……"

" ..."

Suddenly, a shark saw them, rushed over with a murder, his mouth opened, madly biting Zhang Bin, after all, Zhang Bin stood in front.


Zhang Bin angry, playing with a punch to play on the mouth of the shark.

Put the shark and fly out, and the mouth also made a scream.

" ..."

In an instant, countless sharks will be dispatched and swarmed.

Crazy attacked them.


There is no extra action, and there is no hesitation. They all take out the magic weapon, and the many sharks will kill.

In the sea floor, it is extra danger.

Because they don't adapt to this pressure.

If it is just a big franchise, then they must tragedy.

But they all have the strength of the initial respect.

Therefore, they have back to the back and many shark wars, they can't fall.

Xiong Da is extraordinarily ferocious, two paws crazyly caught in many sharks, the shark's body is broken, broken, and screaming.

Blood stains red sea.

And Zhang Bin is also a strong very powerful. He interprets the cosmic crushing, the somatology has become the universe, the shark bites on him, the teeth are broken, and he is fighting in the shark, the shark must become a powder.

The lonely wolf is a hand knife, crazy, kills the shark.

Luyang Ping and thousands of back, the light of the respect, rotated, constitute the field of respect, and ban a lot of sharks, then slaughtering in the madness.

They received the demon keys that died in sharks.

Although it is just a tenth sermon, but it is the top.

In other words, these sharks are considered a great horror sea beast.

"We quickly escape, the beast is too much." Thousands of blades shouted, "Sharks with respect, I have induced their breath. About 30 signs of sharks ..."

Thousands of blades are first cultivated to the respect, so his sense of sensing is certainly a lot.

The first discovered hazard.

However, it is already too late.

Many sharks suddenly escaped.

And thirty huge sharks appeared.

They are arranged in a neat team, close to the sky.

Their eyes shot a cold rays, making people feel cold.

In the middle, the shark king is most powerful, emits the same momentum like the soul of the sky.

Obviously, this is a sinister shark king.

The remaining 29 sharks are also the initial privilege of the price.

So many powerful respects the beasts are killing, the momentum, the murder, and suffocating.

Their face change.

Even the big face of bear is also floating.

Only Zhang Bin, it is not nervous, he smiled: "All, don't misunderstand, we are not malicious, just come to visit, then exchange some treasures with you."


Where is the shark king? Exchange treasure with Zhang Bin? Kill Zhang Bin them, treasures all belong to them.

Moreover, they eat these humans, they can also be much stronger.

Human muscles are for them.

"Scale hook attack ..."

Zhang Bin no longer delayed, secretly ordered.

And but also secretly commanded the scale hook, don't do it, sneak attack.

Otherwise, this fool scales will definitely yell, hook the throat hook mouth, that may not hook the horror shark king of super powerful mid-term.

" ..."

The scale hook will be turned into a black light.

Fast like lightning.


The shark king is furious, and its body blasted black rays, the sect of the sect of the sect, covered the sea area of ​​many kilometers, the strange magics are also role on the scale, and they also act on Zhang Bin.

They found it horror, their body became too heavy, and their speed also fell too much, and the combat power reduced nearly half.

The horror is that the combance of sharks in the many respects is not declined, but they rush to them like lightning.

Fortunately, the scales are very bovine, and it is also very special.

It didn't have much impact, or I took it.

The mouth of the shark king opened, suddenly biting, actually biting the scales.

Send a loud noise.

However, the shark king will tragedy.

Because the two hooks of the scales have risen sharply, they will take into the upper jaw and the lower jaw.


The shark king sent a bad scream.

Its strength has fallen in an instant, and the sect of the respective field is also suddenly collapsed.

Zhang Bin has recovered the original combat power, and they waved with the Sharks of 29.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon is on the mouth of the shark, issuing a sound like the iron.

Can't go in.

Only bear the big strength, one palm of the shark, can take the shark out of the shark.

Of course, Zhang Bin's power is also amazing. He has a crush of the universe, and the emperor floats. Any punk can retire the shark and even make sharks.

So it is still too dangerous between it.

However, if more sharks have killed, they may not be able to resist.

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