The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2676, Wu Yao

After that, the girl stopped, looked at Zhang Bin in naughty, and it looked not to mention more.

It seems that there is no malicious, otherwise, on her strength, directly attack, and there is no need to show conspiracy.

"Whate us before? You won't you tell the wrong person?" Zhang Bin said, "If you are a missed person, I have no way to guess you."

"We don't know before. However, I didn't recognize the wrong person. You are Zhang Bin, there is a scales of the bovine, and there is a powerful scale hook." The girl said with a smile.

"God, she really knows me."

Zhang Bin's eyes have grown again, and four guys are also surprised to have the chin.

After a while, Zhang Bin calmed down and tried to ask: "Do you have a friend or a loved ones?"

"Powerful." The girl has extended his thumbs to Zhang Bin. "You are very smart, very handsome, my dad is not lie."

"You are a daughter of Wu Ban? How to run here?"

Zhang Bin is big in the heart, but it is a doubt.

"I am coming to you." The girl smiled in the past, "I am called Wu Yao, I am very happy to meet you."

"Wu Yao, I am very happy to know you ... Is your dad let you come to me?"

Zhang Bin asked in confused.

"Of course, my dad is sinned by more than 3 million years." Wu Yao said gratitude, "At the time, my dad was eager to reunite with the loved ones, I didn't thank you well. Just let me Come over to find you. But I can't find that cave. I am ready to give up, I didn't expect it, I have encountered you here, my luck is really good. "

When Zhang Bin suddenly sweat, the hole was blocked by him, and where can I find it?

"This is my dad gave you."

Wu Yao took out a jade jade and handed it to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin has a little doubtful manner. He still doesn't understand what it is going to find him now. If you thanked, there is no need at all, I was the transaction made with Wu Ban.

The content is very simple, "Zhang Bin, my friend, I invite you to go to Wulongshan to be a guest, but I have forgotten to tell you the address of the Oolong Mountain. I am too vocal. So, let my daughter Wu Yao to find You. ... Don't underestimate my daughter Wushang, her mother is a strong king of deep sea, she is also a deep-sea worm, more than 3 million years, the shortcoming of the shortcomings Now grow up, I am trying to the respect of the respect, too much than you are too much ... You see, my daughter is beautiful? You will not disappear my daughter is too big? I tell you, deep sea worm development Surprise, the millennium is one inch, and it is only an adult in 300 billion. If you are interested, I will give you Wusong to you. That's it, I'm going to say it, I must go to Wulong Mountain for 10 million years. "

At the back, there is a map of Ulong Mountain, how to set off at the cave and go to Wulong Mountain.

It is not very far, it is 300 million kilometers.

However, 300 million kilometers of the ban on the sea, that is like the sky, as Zhang Bin's current strength, it is absolutely less than, so, I gave Zhang Bin's 10 million years.

Zhang Bin screamed, feeling incomparably, ridiculous, Wu Ban is simply chaotic.

Do you have to give his daughter to him?

He asked a bit: "Wu Yao, do you know this jade ?"

"Don't know? My dad doesn't allow me to see." Wu Yao said, "I didn't peek."

"Then, what do you say, don't you say anything?"

Zhang Bin asked again.

"He let me ask you, will you go to Wulong Mountain to save me?"

Wu Yao said.

"Save you? What do you mean?"

Zhang Bin was united.

"It is my dad that I have a big disaster at that time." Wu Yao said, "But I can't put it in myself."

"Amount ... Is this true or false?"

Zhang Bin was surprised.

"Of course, it is true, I have been in a long time, my mother also causing it. Say to be Tianzun can save me. Ten thousand years, can you cultivate to Tianzun? I don't believe it." Wu Yao said.

"What is Tianzun?"

Zhang Bin was forced.

"The Supreme is the big respect, the big respect is Tianzun. Do you understand?"

Wu Yao Jiao said.

"I rely on, Dadi, Tianzun? The darkness of the past is to arrest the scale is Tianzun?" Zhang Bin is stupid, "" There is a day before 700 years ago? "

Don't say Zhang Bin, even the three guys behind Zhang Bin also scared.

Is the respect for the most powerful? Is there more powerful and Tianzun?

"Zhang Bin, have you not answered my question yet?"

Wu Yao said.

"Where is the guy, this guy is to give me a daughter. It turned out that I would like to save his daughter." Zhang Bin suddenly realized, and there was not so embarrassing, and he sure said: "For thousands of years, I The strength reaches Tianzun, I must go to Wulong Mountain to save you. "

I even added a sentence in my heart. "It's the strength, I will go."

If the strength is not, you can use wisdom, you can save Wu Yao.

Since Ha is as a friend, can he do it as a friend? The daughter of a friend is difficult, he must help.

"We go up ..."

Wu Yao took Zhang Bin for a while with the weird eyes, and then she pulled Zhang Bin, straight to the sea.

Of course, the four guys will follow up, now they are still a face.

It is also unclear to now.

When does Zhang Bin have a friend named Wudan? Do you have such a powerful daughter?

What is the power to be strong?

On the sea, Wu Yao and Zhang Bin are relatively.

Wu Yao is very beautiful, ice creamy bones, noble temperament.

Zhang Bin, of course, Yushu Lin Feng, handsome and beautiful.

"Zhang Bin, after thousands of years, are you going to save me? Is there any other purpose?"

Wu Yao is finely looked at Zhang Bin, and ask.

"Of course, I will save you."

Zhang Bin said sincerely.

"After thousands of years, can you cultivate to Tianzun?"

Wu Yao's face is full of doubts.

"I don't know, I don't say, if I have the ability, I will save you."

Zhang Bin said.

"My dad said that you are a universal genius, let me ask you? Rest assured, I only use the strength of the respect of the respect, if you can't beat me, then it is still, you are best staying in the Taikoo mainland So far to lose your life in the ban. "Wushu said.

"Others, look at this floor, she must read that the jade is simple."

Zhang Bin is a bit embarrassed, but it can only node.

He also wants Wu Yao to give him some ice worms, weaving the Qiankun bag. If she is not satisfied with his test, it will definitely not give it, after all, the worm is the super magic treasure of the Wushu.

"Then you are careful." Wu Yao is taking a smile, "Don't be exploded by me."

She is a Slewer's super genius, and it is unbearable to her mother. It is invincible with the realm.

The cross-level defeat is also a regular thing, and those so-called super geniuses are crushed by her.

It is because of powerful, and Wu is relieved to let her come out to find Zhang Bin.

"I will be careful."

Zhang Bin said seriously.

Can he don't care? Because he has long found that Wu Yao is also repairing, cultivating the internal repair of the respects, even if only the strength of the respect, how horror and power will it be?

"Eat me a punch."

Wu Yao shouted, she gave a punch to Zhang Bin's chest.

It seems that there is no force.

However, a snow-white aperture is floated on her back, and the area is covered with a region of 500,000 kilometers.

(Seven chapters sent, pursue tickets, thank you very much.)

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