The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2682, Removing the Dark Shield

Everyone is completely dumbfounded, especially the soul of the soul, but also the eye beads almost fall into the ground.

He knows the horror talent and powerful strength of Broken Yue.

However, it was defeated by Zhang Bin.

Even the super-magistrate gold snake sword is also taken away?

You must know that Zhang Bin is only cultivated to the early days of the Daxian.

How can this be?

Does Zhang Bin's Tianfang have a lot of compassion for the Yue?

Is he still excellent genius than a great? Is he not in the sky?

God, this time I developed.

When the eyes of the break, the eyes of the soul shot a red ray, and his face has also floated greedy colors.

Don't say he, even the eyes of the Temple Xianzun are bright, it is also a heart, I want to win Zhang Bin.

Such a genius, the fool doesn't want to win.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you be strong to this point?"

Broken Yue jumped up, and his face was full of colors that did not dare to confuse and furious.

He believes that he is a universal genius. His father also believes that it is not as good as him. However, Zhang Bin in front of him only cultivates the early days of the Daxie, but he is much more powerful than cultivating the family.

This fact is unacceptable.

What is even more uncomfortable, in a hundred years ago, Zhang Bin and him, that is, an antite, he can pinch it, if Zhang Bin does not have a horrible magic weapon, he has already killed Zhang Bin .

However, only the past 100 years, Zhang Bin broke through a plurality of bottlenecks, cultivated to the early days of the big fairy, too much too much.

"Broken Yue, the genius in this world, you are definitely not the talented. The arrogance will only make you look ignorance. Come, continue to attack me."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Ah ... Zhang Bin, you dare to be good in front of me, do you think something? Do you dare to be so arrogant?" Broken Yue crazyly roared, "If it is not your damn scale, delay me For a hundred years, I will have a lot of powerful, and even I may have already cultivated the middle of the respect, then you have to kill you as a murder. "

He is too high, and he cannot accept Zhang Bin, which takes a discourse with lesson.

And his words are not too exaggerated, and the horror talents of Broken Yue are not because they are hooked for a hundred years, so that his cultivation is not retreating, then he is really much stronger than now.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a smile.

Broken Yue is a very talented, but how can it be compared to his universe?

"Zhang Bin, don't think that you are really strong than me, I am a soul, cultivating is the soul. Now let you see my horror trick. ..."

Broken Yue was completely angry with Zhang Bin, he was shouted, and his two eyes were shocked, and the dark-red happer was built, and the dark redness was emitted. Fierce and ice cold to the ultimate murderous, and slammed to Zhang Bin.

Broken sky!

This is the horror trick you have learned by the soul of the soul.

Since the soul of the sky is a ghost, it is a horrible soul, and the promotion of the talents is also terrible. He is also suitable for him, and it is superior, so, he can practice it. Supreme. Therefore, this broken sky ax can be said to be the most horrible soul attack in the Taikoo continent, so that countless giant fear, because once killed countless giants, it is said that the past is because of the breakfast attack of the breakfast, Only the strength is big, I didn't kill the heavy, and I was seized by many giant, even Hongfeng fans were also taken away.

"Hey ... Zhang Bin, you are dead."

The break of the soul of the sky, the tyrannical immortal, and the Sikong will laugh.

The face of the thrive is also a happy color, she can't wait to be killed by Zhang Bin, then she can recover her Qiankun bag.

Because of the survival of the Temple, she believes that Zhang Bin is the future generation of Haoyu, which is the source of the disaster, and must be removed as soon as possible.

" ..."

The two ax worked into Zhang Bin's body, and he was going to be on Zhang Bin's head.

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and the moon double sword broke out, and suddenly the dark gold shot, with the murderous murderous, slammed on the sky ax.

Dangdang ...

Two loud noises. Spark, rays.

The broken sky is turned back, and the moon double sword is only a slight pause, and then chasing the past, crazy, cut the two ax.

Dangdang ...

The sound is continuous, just like the rain, banana, is so fierce.

The two ax did not resist, and there were countless fine gaps on the surface.

After a while, there is a crack in the surface of the ax.

... ...

The broken sound sounded.

The two ax becomes a fragmentation, and it has become a thick smoke and black.

The moon double sword is still safe, even a trace is not there, sharp to the extreme. Also hard to the ultimate.

The Fighting Tian's broken sky is not the opponent of the moon double sword? !

The audience shocked, the Chinese script was silent.

It is also no one to talk for a long time.

Broken Yue is a wooden chicken, and the sky ax is that he is the most powerful base card. Once it is displayed, you can kill or hit the soul of the enemy, but what is going on today? What happened?

How can this be?

Don't say him, even the soul of the soul, the tyrannical Xianzun, the throne, Si Wei Huo is also puzzled to the extreme, and dare not accept such results.

Thousands of blades, lonely wolves, Lu Yangping, and Xiong Da is also stunned, this time they know that Zhang Bin is so strong? Double-breaking the soul attack of the soul of the soul, and it can't hurt Zhang Bin.

They don't know, Zhang Bin's soul is now ignited to ignite 45 soul lights, and his soul is much larger than the Yue Yue. After all, the broken Yue also just ignited 42 soul lights, and it was used in the premise of using countless powerful souls. His soul is very fast, but it is very difficult. 45 soul lights quenched by the moon double sword, no matter how sharp is still hard, it is better than the sky ax.


Zhang Bin took the opportunity to shout, and the Ume people broke out, the top of the upper scale has become a lot, and it has become a dark light to shoot.

The most fear of Broken Yue is the scale hook.

Just now, he dares to kill Zhang Bin because he cultivated the beginning of the respect, and the strength has improved a lot, and it feels that it can block the attack of the scale. However, now Zhang Bin is crushed, he is not confident.


His fear, rapidly fled, the shield in his hand danced rapidly.

The surface of the shield has floated a horrible black hole, and it is crazy, and the terrorist power to swallow the world. This shield seems to be more powerful than the previous dark shield.

However, the scales get the power of Zhang Bin and the power of the umers.

The war is also skyrocketing, the speed is like electricity.

In the hurry to come to the face of Broken Yue, flashing over the black hole of the shield, hook the hand of the Shield of Shield.


Broken Yue sent a fear to the extreme shout.

He took the shield to release the shield in the first time, escaping it with the fastest speed.


A weird voice sounded, the scales hooked the handle of the shield.

Zhang Bin's hardship, pulling this dark shield back.

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