The Talented Divine Farmer

Article 3043 Chapter Terrorist

So Zhang Bin three people started again, and the speed is not very fast, but it is always up.

Soon, they went to the 80th floor, but they did not have too much effort.

Zhang Bin is also secretly happy, because Li Zhu and Lisa's talents are really good.

There is no cultivation to the supreme, but it can easily climb to the 80th floor.

The people who look at the following were shocked again. Of course, it is shocked Zhang Bin's terrorist capital. Two beautiful women are not only national color Tianzi, but also the same is so good. Zhang Bin only cultivated to the great success, but Go to 80 layers, it is incredible.

Even standing at 90 layers of intensive wind, arrogant, unparalleled pupils are also shrinking, and the face has become very ugly. He looked at the eyes of ice cold. The mouth is also clear, "What did the 80 layers do? You will know how it is."

"is it?"

Zhang Bin is also a laugh, he continues to bring Lisha Lizhu.

They slowly went to the 81st floor.

Zhang Bin really felt a bit of powerful, the stress of horror was like a mountain in his body, and the space also became a solid, and the footsteps were heavy, as if someone pulled his two feet. It is not difficult to raise it.

Lisa and Lizhu are also the same, they have a slight breath.

At this time, they finally understand, how difficult it is to climb to higher places.

"Ah ..."

Almost at the same time, Lisa and Li Zhu shouted, and their body lit up the light, one is the same as the same as the same, one is Jin Guangcan, the former looks evil extreme, the latter looks holy extreme.

They have launched the gods of the gods, and the strangeness of the strangeness is quickly circulating in their body.

Their strength is also skyrocketing.


They have two movements, quickly, just a few breathing time, have went to the 82nd floor.

Only Zhang Bin still didn't move, because he can't support it.

The body is , as if it is going to break.

"Fu Jun, if you can't afford, don't be reluctant, you only cultivate to the big success, you can climb to 80 floors, the tacit has been very powerful, no addition of us."

"If you don't bet with people, how good it is, it is really mad." Li Zhu and Lisa also turned back, and smashed Zhang Bin and said.

"The boss can't get up. Batting bet, lost the treasure gified by heaven and earth. Hey ..."

"This teenager is super good, but he is too stupid, and he dares to fight the heavenly king can't be bet, and the result is lost."


The following people also discuss.

"Hey ... kid, I teach you how people are divided into people. In the world, there are many geniuses, especially in the high-end continent, any person's tacit will not be passionate, what do you do? Dare to arrive in front of me?" After the sky, I also looked at Li Zhu and Lisa, who was still going to go, said: "Two beautiful women, you are really brainless, I seem to see such a mediocrity, do his woman, Poor ... "

"Great your dog's eyes."

Zhang Bin was completely irritated. He suddenly gave a lot of golden light, and he also burst into a stunned and horrible momentum, so that heaven and earth shudder.

The universe is crushing!

And it is the universe of the limit to the limit.

When Zhang Bin became a huge universe, it was completely and the outside universe.

The energy in the body is also huge.

Suddenly, he broke the imprisonment of the Tibetan Tower.

He squatted, step three steps, and then another three steps.

Between the blink, he has already went to the 82nd floor, and then a few breathing time, he went to the 83rd floor. Catch up two beautiful women.

Everyone can be glanced, and the eye beads are almost dropped.

The face is filled with a lot of money.

"Fu Jun, are you too fierce?"

"Fu Jun, I am proud and proud of you."

The beauty of the two beautiful women lit up, and their faces have floated strongly.

The laughter on the face of the law is instantly stiff, and his teeth are almost bite. However, he is still talking again, "Show a ban, good, yes, you have the ability to continue."

"On the top."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he and two beautiful women continue quickly.


No. 84.

No. 85.

No. 86.

87th floor.


Soon, they went to the 89th floor.

Just just one layer from the 90th floor.

Everyone is stunned, and it is like a fool.

Zhang Bin's three-person-funded talents is so good?

Even the color of the law became iron green, his eyes shot fierce, he looked at Zhang Bin, he could feel it, Zhang Bin's Tianfu is not far from him, or it may be almost. Zhang Bin grows up and will be a horrible opponent.

The genius of Zhang Bin is not very wise.

However, he looked at Lisa and Li Zhu, these two beautiful women, and it was also so good, but it was blusted to bubble. The jealous fire in his heart will burn, and the body is also blasted.

Think about his own family, he didn't worry, he looked at Zhang Bin like the dead, and I was laughing in my heart. "Your tacit is better, the faster you die, I am going to kill. People, never can't escape. "

"Max, how? Are you not arrogant? Do you not be a burger?"

Zhang Bin knows where to think about it, ridicule.

"I have never arrogant, because there is arrogant capital. My talents are you will always be more than it is." The law is finished, he will start again, smash it. The speed is still very fast.

Just a few breathing time, he went to the 92nd floor.

Then he continued to go up, and the rich black light was smashed, so that the world became dark.

But it has also been greatly resistant.

He embarked on a step, and the treasure tower must shake it.

The momentum is really horrible.

"You can't go day, the power broke out ..."

The law is still shouting in the madness, and his momentum has risen again.

The speed already slowed down again.

Section 93.

Section 94.

Section 95.

Get 96.

He is still coming. It's very difficult to come up.

His face was full of pride, full of arrogant, shouting crazy, walking up.

The kind of can't be angry, it is simply a side.

Section 97.

Finally, he directly on the ground.

However, he still didn't give up, crazy shouting: "I must climb the highest place, my heaven is the best, crushing anyone, there is no one after no ancient people ..."

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