The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3067 misses the diving hole

"This cave is good, perhaps can be used to place a humanoid conveying array."

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color, and his heart is a moving, just takes out A Xiu and Lizhu.


Li Zhu came out, she touched the forehead, said nervously, "This is the place where my mother and many eldest old closed, go quickly ..."

"No, there is nothing here, and there is no transmission." The collar is not convenient to be closed here. "

Zhang Bin said.

"Reaches from source stone, cultivate it here, can stop aging." Li Zhu said, "This is just a hole, there is a inner hole in the depths, and there is only a feet between the two, they can hear this. The movement of the side, I will find us at any time ... "

"Li Zhu, you didn't use the transfer array, how did you come here?"

I am not waiting for Zhang Bin to leave, a voice suddenly sounded, a juvenile dragon tiger walks deep from the cave.

He is a high height of one meter, handsome and handsome, the eyebrows are thick, the nose is tall, the lips are very thin, the eyes are very flexible, and it is the kind of super genius.

Ding Tian's selling is not known as Zhang Bin, don't know how many times.

What is more terrible is that his body exudes a strong pressure, and the head is also emitting a rich blood gas, starting from the sky, and has become a blood column in diameter.

However, because in the depths of the earth, it is no one to find it outside.

Obviously, this is a teenager.

It is even a full supreme.

He just three steps, he came to the three people, and he looked at Li Zhu, Zhang Bin and A Xiu with the cold eyes.

Li Zhu's face is bitter, Zhang Bin's body has flowed out of sweat.

A Xi Di is standing unstable, the other side's momentum is too horrible.

It's scared to scare people.

"Losony, we have a special magic weapon, you can sneak in a rigorous rock, we are treasure hunt, did not expect to borrow the dive cave." Li Zhuzhen settled, explained.

"Who are they?"

Lisnes looked at Zhang Bin and Xiu, asked coldly.

"His name is Zhang Bin, is a sages of the first level. She is Zhang Bin's woman A Xiu."

Li Zhu introduced.

"Here is the confidentiality of our Shenfei people, the outsiders enter, must be dead." Li Lou's hand lifted highly, "You are mistaken here, you can only blame your life."

"Lisa, he wants to participate in the three-day source of jade contest on behalf of the family." Li Zhu quickly stopped in front of Zhang Bin, "It is to bring them down, you punish me."

"He is the Zhang Bin?" Li Si's face floatedly laughed, "Shen Feng people is more important than participating in the source jade contest. They must die. Li Zhu, you let go."

"It is the underground cave. Where is the secret?"

Zhang Bin did not panic, put A Xiu into the dragon pool, say faintly, "I want to die in me? Good tone."

"A antity, what do you count?"

Lisu is indifferently, and put his gaze on the face of Lizhu, saying angry, "Li Zhu, you won't like a foreign man? Or, do you have to betray us Shen Feng family? So you With an outsider, the most important place is it? "

The forehead of Li Zhu took out fine peeled beads, and her face floated.

At a time, she didn't know how to answer, but she was quickly transmitted to Zhang Bin, and said Li and the identity.

This guy named Lolong, the sacred phoenix of Shen Feng people, genius in genius, cultivating to the supreme big, no blood recession, no old color, although he did not cultivate God's imprint, but it is possible to impact Quickness.

The other luxury don't know if he has this super genius.

So, he is a big secret.

Zhang Bin saw him, it was equal to the disclosure of the secret.

Therefore, Li Sail is going to die Zhang Bin and A Xiu.

The status of Lisa is only Afetho's long, and the Li Zhu, who is even a daughter, is also honored to respect the following lubber.

"I used to apply to the family, I want to give you to me. The family promised. But I didn't expect that you like to come up." Li Lian said that the face also became the color.

His wisdom is surprising, seeing Li Zhu so maintained Zhang Bin, he doubts that Li Zhu and this teenager have private feelings.

Can he not angry? Can you not be angry?

"Do you have a super genius of Lisa? Shen Feng family hidden? Refined to the Supreme Great?" Zhang Bin stepped on the previous step, said faintly, "But these are not worth mentioning for me. So, Lizhu I like me, not you! You understand? If you are afraid of a little self-knowledge, don't use the disclosure of Shen Feng people to deal with me. I am also a Shenfeng people, will represent Shen Feng family a few days later. Source jade contest. How can I leak Shen Feng people secret? "

"How is this good? Zhang Bin actually admitted? I didn't completely expose it?" Li Zhu is nervous, she remembers the terrorist rules of Shenfeng, consequences It is extremely terrible.

However, the matter has now, it can only be brave. She said: "Luba, you are a peerless genius, I admire you, but in my heart, you are my brother. And Zhang Bin, I really like him, I want to be with him forever. Please Complete. "

"What? What do you say?"

Lisu's eyes are wide, and the face is full of not bonus.

He is the lubber of Shen Feng people, genius flourishing, , the top genius and giant giant in the lotus mainland.

It has never been worshiped by people.

However, this boy dared to arrive in front of him in front of him?

Lizhu also really likes him?

On the love, he was unbearable in a foreign man who never seen it?

"Your pride is not worth mentioning in front of me." Zhang Bin said that the knife said, "Not as good as we gamble, we come to a fair compaction, if you lose, keep today's things, but keep me and Lizhu Relationship?"

"If I win?"

Live asked coldly.

"If you win, I wanted to come to you. Why must I say what bet?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Very good, I understand what you mean. You have to fight with me. Then I will accept your life. Let you die." Li Duan smiled and finished, and he brought his gaze to Lizhu. On the face, I said that I am confident: "Li Zhu, you must be cheated by him, see how I crushed him? See how I let him expose the original shape!"

"Losony, if you lose, will you keep confidential?"

The face of Lizhu floated on a touch of smile and asked.

"How can I lose?"


"What do you?"

L Zhu said.

"If there is something, he is better than me. I will keep secrets. I will bless you." Li Song said.

"Thank you, lublish."

Li Zhu was a surprise, since Zhang Bin easily defeated Li Dingtian, she has a new understanding of Zhang Bin's fighting power. In addition, she saw Zhang Bin climbed 108 layers of Tibetan Tibet, she felt. , Zhang Bin and Liqian fair fighting, not necessarily there is no possibility of victory, then spend the crisis.

It also solves a big problem that is going to face - the family is about to make her so much.

"Kid, you said, how do we fair to fight?"

Lifa will come to be very proud, and it is also very confident. Of course, he will not kill Zhang Bin, but to completely crush Zhang Bin, prove that he is better than Zhang Bin, so that Li Zhu is turning back, so he Let Zhang Bin put forward a fair party's way to avoid saying his cheating.

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