The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3073 Horror Master

The face of Shenfeng and Shenlong family became very difficult, depressed and wrogged to an additional point.

And the Giant's family and the elders are laughing, and their faces are full of priests.

Their players got the third place, crushing the genius of Shenfeng and Shenlong.

It can be seen that their Giant Bear is rising, and it is not impossible for the god in the future.

The sixth and seventh place are the Yi and the celestial people.

"The strength of the blood is so horrible?"

Zhang Bin's appeal is surprised and not confident. "If it is a half-god, or has a number of half-god family's blood, what kind of terror power will you explode?"

At this time, he found that he did not grasp the players who defeated the goddess.

"Blood power is the most mysterious power in the world, there is no way to explain, but it is real existed." Li Zhu explained that "If you cultivate the god, your blood will be developed, your strength and Tianshui will also integrate into the blood. Your future will be very talented and powerful. Our Shenfeng family has gone in the 53 era, and the blood circulation has passed 53 era, and it is still very strong. So, only a era is not available Quasi-god blood is of course very powerful and terrible ... "

Soon, the game of Tianzun players began.

It is also a lottery, the first one is the giant Bear's player Xuma.

He stood on the platform as a sign, and there was a powerful momentum, proudly said: "Who dares to fight?"

"I come."

The dragon's players shouted, he was a super genius for the Tianwugi family, and the power was super, and it was full of confidence. This time he is to defeat most of the players, capture the third place. .

He flew up.

His body poured, his hands were rapidly growing, and it looks sharp.

His two eyes shot a cold rays, and the power and momentum is also emitted.

Of course, the realm of their two is a great great.

"You although you are attacking."

The face of Xiong Heavy floated on the face.


The wolf shouted, and his two feet stepped on the ground, and his people screamed in the same way.

Fast, too fast.

I can't see his movements.

Even Zhang Bin didn't see it. He only saw it, the wolf is cold, but the blink of an eye will return.

As if he is not moving.

However, in his hand, he had a heart that is still awkward.

And the chest of the Xiong Heavy is more than a big blood cavula.

In other words, it is such a moment, the wolf is cold, and the heart of the hoba has taken out the heart of the hoba, and retreats back, and even the bear heard himself doesn't know.

Tiantian Wolf! External plus wolf speed and Wolfy claws.

They are the most horrible tricks of Tianwugi people.

The wolf is treated to the ground to the peak.

Have such a horrible result.


When Xiong Baotian sent a scream, his huge body fell behind, and slammed on the platform, aroused the dust.

Looking carefully, you can see that his body is black, it is obviously the heavens and wolf.

Just a moment, the wolf weather not only took out the heart of Xiong Tian, ​​but also injected with the poison, this strength is too simple.

Everyone's face is changed.

Even Zhang Bin's face has become serious.

Because they felt that the Sirius's players were super powerful, the dragon family was a super genius.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you break my giant bear?"

Xiong Bawang sent a big shout,

The giant bear family is best to defense against the abilities. Their skin cultivation is extremely hard, better gods, and he is a giant genius for a hundred years. It is also very powerful to repair the giant bear iron wall. Point.

But I was broken by the other party, dig it out? And also injected with the poison? Let him numb, can you fight again?

"Roll down, the second person."

The wolf is cold and flying, kicked the bea overlink.

" ..."

The dragon player was blind and turned.

This is a female player.

She didn't say that her two hands became dragon claws, and the powerful breath and percentage were burst.

She rushed over the same as lightning, showing the trick of Shenlong, and launched a gorge's coldness as the windshield, it is really sharp to the extreme.

Unfortunately, the speed of wolf is faster, and the paw is sharper.

The two people fight three strokes, and the wolves have grasped the dragon claws of Zhenzhen, and they kicked the , on the ground, can't get up, because the whole body is broken .

The third one is the players of the Yi people, but only to resist a trick, they were thrown out of the head, and the body was thrown by the wolf day.

It's too easy and fast to defeat three consecutive players.

This strength is really too powerful.

"Zhang Bin, you, pay attention to defense ..."

Do not die, Feng Feng is seriously said.

Zhang Bin didn't want to go up. He also want to see the magic arrogance and the wolf and the wolf.

But now I have to go up.

He is a bit depressed to fly to the stage.

The heart is very dissatisfied with the Shenfeng family, too no brain.

He knows that there is no desire to defeat the goddess and the gods of the gods and the gods of the gods and the gods of the gods. It is not that Zhang Bin can deal with it. If Zhang Bin can capture the third, if Zhang Bin can defeat the wolf day The cold is basically the third place.

"Kid, you have a foreigner, and it is also qualified to participate in the source jade contest. Shen Feng family actually sent you up, hey, I have been out of God's Shenfeng, and finally did not fall completely today."

The wolf is cold with contempt to look at Zhang Bin, and sigh.

The people of the Shenfeng family are almost vomiting blood, but there is no way to refute.

If they don't send Zhang Bin, but they will send Li Dingtian, it is absolutely impossible to be a wolf's rival, it is unable to hold the fourth place, even difficult to hold the fifth place, and the possibility of going to the sixth place is very Big.

Thinking here, their hearts even have a strong sorrow.

"Wolf is cold, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Bin said, "Take all your tricks and the bottom card, attack me."

"Dealing with you, I have to use all the tricks and the bottom card? I tell you, it is a hundred you, I can easily rush." ​​Wolf is a cold dress forced to be strong, was interrupted by Zhang Bin He almost did not mad, and said.

"It is useless to play your mouth." Zhang Bin said that he was not surprised.

"Very good, I will explode your head, kill your soul, eat your body."

The wolf is burning in the cold heart, and the teeth are bullied.

It is true that it is really cold and chestnut with his face.

Obviously, he is really going to kill Zhang Bin, but it is not a joke.

"Zhang Bin, be careful, he really wants to kill you ..."

Li Zhu is nervous, she knows that the wolf is so much better than Lifang, if Zhang Bin is too big, then the life can't keep it, the speed is too fast, the attack is too fierce.

Zhang Bin didn't say, he hook his hand against the wolf.

Of course, his two eyes are also shooting a cold murder. Many people who want to kill him Zhang Bin, but there are no fewer layoffs, have become a corpse.

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