The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3075 Zhang Bin Wars

"We have won ..."

"Zhang Bin, you are very good."


The giant and genius of Shenfeng family are happy, excitedly laugh.

Zhang Bin defeated the wolf, although it was a bit difficult, but won the third place, get 4 points, there is no problem, then this time, it can also be separated from the past, or more source jade.

The giant and genius of Tianwugi is very depressed, a black face, obeying Zhang Bin, and they can't get rid of Zhang Bin.

If the god of the Feng Feng is not sending a foreigner, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the wolf, they are the third place.

"I am fighting you ..."

The giant beamba shouted, flew up.

But it is not the opponent of Zhang Bin. Just three tricks, I was exploded by Zhang Bin.

He is also very strong, and once again combined the body, but it is not attacked again.

Actively admit defeat, jump down the platform.

His strongest is defense, defense is broken by Zhang Bin, then there is no possibility of victory.

In the case of Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin defeated the god dragon, and the monk's players were still relatively easy.

In this way, Zhang Bin has now defeated four opponents and got 4 points.

Zhang Bin also wanted to continue the players of the gods and the goddess, but not dead, Fengfeng is shouting. "Zhang Bin is tired, and then restore the fight."

Her ambitions got up, I didn't want Zhang Bin to impact the second place.

So, of course, let Zhang Bin return to the best state.

"This old woman is really troublesome."

Zhang Bin shook his head darkly, but he still jumped off the ring, and the knee started the call.

" ..."

Tunng flew on the ring, he arrived in proudly, blasted the stress and momentum of the sky, it looked too strong, he knew, "Who is dead?"

Several players face each other, they are a little fear, the other party is too powerful.

They are far from opponents.

But they also have a pride of genius, that is absolutely will never be admitted.

Finally, the dragon's jumped up.

Her two hands become dragon claws.

Expand the fighting skills of true God, and chemically became a numerous shadow.

It has killed the opponent to the other side.

Tunng flew did not avoid it.

I took a few times.

The forehead, chest, and back, the calf has been trick.

Hey ...

However, his body did not shake, and there was no wound in his body.

He is like an iron mountain, it stands proudly.

This defense ability is too powerful.

Everyone is completely shocked, even Zhang Bin is secretly jealous.

Because the other's defense power is not on him.

Quasi-god blood genius is horrilated?

Finally, the sputum is flying, his body suddenly rotates, two hands are suddenly close.

It turned out to hug .

He also took advantage of her face, and his mouth was also a arrogant madness.

"Breast, you let go ..."


And the , ......

Crazy struggle, but there is no use.

"Hey ... Xiaomei, now you are my captive, how is my little?"

Emotive sent an evil laughter.

It's bad to be extremely bad.

"You dream ..."

Zhenzhen shouted angrily.

"You don't want? Then you will die."

When I was shouting, my mouth suddenly opened, and I bite the head of , then swallowed her body.

As screaming, it is extraordinary, "Ah, I accept ..."

Unfortunately, I didn't put her out.

The giant and genius of the Dragon are extremely angry.

But they didn't dare to go up to save people.

Because it is the rule of damage, and the giant giant of the gods is smirk and looks at them.

If there is a war, the dragon is all of these giants to be killed.

The gap between strength is too big.

Zhang Bin is also an indignation, a clearance, he roared: "Take a shower, you will come out, otherwise, wait for me to completely kill you."

Although he is not familiar with the purple, he can't bear to see a beautiful woman who is flying and flying, it is too tragic.

"Zhang Bin is crazy? Dare to provoke?" Don't die, Feng Yushu, "Give me a mouth."

"What do you count? Waiting for me to eat you too." Tun Teng flew with the cold eyes and looked at Zhang Bin. "When you come, you will give me up, see how I killed you?"

Zhang Bin hopped up to jump, but not dead, Feng and Shen Feng family a lot of giants are showing space for imprisonment, let Zhang Bin can't move, they believe that Zhang Bin has not completely resumed the power now, now, now, Don't say to defeat each other, you may not be able to lose your life.

Of course, I will not let Zhang Bin go up.

Zhang Bin was in a hurry, and he helpless.

At this time, he felt that his weakness and weakness were.

Even a innocent woman will not be saved.

"Fu Jun, you don't want to be anxious, and the beauty of Jochi, it will certainly have not killed her, it should be imprisoned, waiting for you to challenge him, explode him, you should save her." Lizhu The voice said, "Now you still have to resume the power, there is the ability to save people."

Zhang Bin suddenly calm down, he is no longer anger, continue to work hard.

The next other players are also up, but they are all exploded.

Even the powerful wolf is no exception, the wolf is cold, and it is still not coming to attack. A fist is in his chest, and he suddenly exploded, and it has become a bloody.

There is no ability to abine the ability at all.

The gap is too big.

Zhang Bin's pupil contraction, almost suffocated.

He didn't think that the tamper flying would be so powerful, it was invincible.

How can this be defeated?

Terrible is that there is a stronger god magic player magic.

It is necessary to defeat the first place to get the first place to get the opportunity to cultivate into the lightweight, which is too difficult.

Pressure Mountain.

Tuningfei did not drive to the wolf, he didn't shoot again, let the Wolf fled the ring.

He is brought to Zhang Bin's body to Zhang Bin, and he said: "Zhang Bin, you have come to death, I haven't eaten, then eat you, it is estimated that it is almost."

Zhang Bin has resumed its combat power, so many giant huge in Shenfeng is not imprisoned.

He stood up and jumped on the ring.

"You will die for me."

When he smiled and shouted. He burst into a stupid pressure and momentum shot, with a murderous murderous murderous murder, his two arms were also open, the muscles of the chest, distributed Steel color. He is like a huge bulldozer, crazy crushing the past.

Look at this floor, he wants to kill Zhang Bin and eat it.

"be careful……"

The owner of the Shenfeng family, including Li Zhu, made a speech, and their faces have also been worried about the color.

Of course, I am worried that Zhang Bin is killed by the tun.


Zhang Bin angry, his body burst into incomparable light, people also started, and they rushed to the past.

The universe is crushing!

In an instant, the two hit together with the two stars.

In fact, it is the opponent's musculous chest and Zhang Bin's shoulder hit together.

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