The Talented Divine Farmer

Article 3084 Mysterious giant eggs from Source Stone Space


A shocking day.

The tower hinds down, and smashed on the ground, stirring up the dust.

This tower did not have bottom, so the magic of the platelet sitting on the ground was revealed.

His eyes are full, the mouth is also open, and I can't believe Zhang Bin can knocked down his tower.

This is too incredible.

You know, his tower is heavy, it is a strong Tianzun and it is difficult to push down.

But Zhang Bin is done.

Then he looked at Zhang Bin on a foot on his head.

Bang ...

A loud noise, his head exploded.

He didn't have any ability to avoid and resist, because he had suffered from hindrance, and his body bones were broken, and even his five organs were still a meaded sauce, and there was no recovery.


The devil made a scream.

Then he used a special magical pass, and it became a black light and went out.

He wants to escape the ring.

" ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and his two eyes burst into a golden light.

I bombarded on that dark light.


The magic arrogant screams, and it has become a human body and falls.

However, it is dropped under the ring.

Look on the ground like a dead dog, it is a cooked noodle as a cooked noodle.

"Nima, still let him escape!"

Zhang Bin is very depressed.

However, Zhang Bin has finally, it has reached the goal, defeating the powerful magic proud, capturing the first place, gains 6 points, according to the rules of the Shenfeng, he can enter the lightweight array.

However, everyone under the stage is shocked.

A foreigner in the district, there is no blood inheritance, there is no blood of the blood, and it can first kill the killing, then defeat the stronger magic, which is too incredible.

Is this a young capital of this boy to exceed the rise of the magic proud?

If this is the case, Zhang Bin is likely to be the talents.

Shen Feng family got a gainful genius.

"Hahaha ..."

Many of the gods of Shenfeng family laughed and laughed. Their faces also floated the color of the ecstasy.

One is a super genius in the family, two because Zhang Bin seized the first place, and you can get more source jade.

But there are a few giant faces that have floated the color of a smoking.

One is to laugh at the gods of the gods, the rules of the source of the gods, block the Shenshu family, long killing Zhang Bin; two is ridicuing Zhang Bin, and dare to kill the talents, and defeat the genius of the goddess, show I am very extraordinary Tianfu City, let the gods and gods have some source jade, how can the two fares may let him? The strength of the great respect of Zhangbin District is simply like the antity. The masters of the two families will kill Zhang Bin. It is simply not expensive to blow the gray.

The gods of the goddess are really ugly, and the ice is shining.

"The family, must kill Zhang Bin as soon as possible, can't let him grow up, his talent is terrible, will threaten the status of our family in the future."

The magic said heaven, while the grievances said.

"We don't have to shoot, the gods will not let him go. If they can't do it. We will not be late."

The god magic family said faintly.

Since Zhang Bin defeated the magic proud, then the competition of the big realm is over.

Shen Feng family won the first and received 6 points.

The goddess can only flexion second, get 5 points ...

Next is the ratio of Tianzun.

Of course, it is a very exciting. Any player is full of Tianzun, and the strength is extremely terrible. It is more than Zhang Bin.

The game of Tianzun is very fast.

Without any accident, the goddess first, the second of the gods.

The third is to become a Shenfeng, because Li Zhu is very talented, the war is terrible.

The fourth is the Shenlong people ...

This time no one is falling, because of the genius of the goddess and the gods, they all directly admitted that there is no war.

This is not afraid of death, but there is no need to war at all.

The gap is too big.

Just saying that the ban, they can only have twice the combat power, but the goddess and the gods of the gods can explode 2.5 times and 1.5 times the power, absolutely easily kill them, even If you don't use a ban, you can kill them.

Zhang Bin saw that he was secretly shocked. He used to defeat the peak Tianzun. It is because the other party is not a super genius, and the super genius, it is only the same level.

I used to have a small genius in the universe, and I have never thought that the blood is so horrible, and the god and half god are so powerful. Their power can inherit in the body of the future generation.

Even him has an inexplicable concern, if you practice to Tianzun in the early days, can you easily crush the early days of the goddess? 2.5 times the battle, it is just too horrible.

Then I allocate source jade.

This time the Shenfeng family is divided more than in the past.

Of course it is very satisfied.

Then seven luxurious leaves rapidly with source jade, and the giant giant of the gods watched Zhang Bin in the same place.

Even the magic arrogant also smiled and said, "Zhang Bin, you will slowly wait."

"Nima, I thought I was a Shumei, I am waiting for your retaliation."

Zhang Bin was so angry in his heart, and he broke the rich murder.

"Zhang Bin, this time you are very good, our Shenfeng will not treat you. You go to rest first."

When I returned to the Shenfeng, I didn't tell the gods.

"I am also a Shenfeng family, it should be."

Zhang Binqian fell, and he returned to his own villa.

In the first time, he took A Xiu to the new source jade space found by the first Tianling tree.

He is very curious here.

This space is approximately 500 acres of area, the height is about twenty meter.

Rock paint black as ink, however, there is a very weird thing in the central area.

That is a huge egg, half inlaid in the rock.

Half of the sunset is like a jade, emitting bright white rays.

Even the fluctuations of life.

"God, this is a source of origin in gestation."

Zhang Bin shocked to the ultimate, and his face was full of colors.

Although he heard that the source stone can give a strong spirit, the Shen Feng family is like this, but also repairs into gods, but it is half a trip.

Now I see it, I can't shock.

He posted his hand and transported the real gas into the exploration.

However, a powerful force came, and Zhang Bin's hand was shocked.

"It's so powerful, is it really god?"

Zhang Bin muttered.

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