The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3461 Battle Battle

The nine-tailed lion wants to rush into the cave, but it is blocked by the giant python.

The giant is to rush into the cave and blocked by the lion.

The weird is that the cave of this cliff is obviously new, because there is a clear trace of fracture.

"There is a treasure in the cave. Perhaps it is good to cultivate me to the nine floors."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face floated.

The continent has lived in many real gods and buttons. It is the top-level cultivation of the universe. The treasure is of course a few, just see if you have this blessing.

And Zhang Bin's heart is bright, and the nine floors of the road is not simple, it is to cultivate the inner universe to the extreme.

The star should be stable, and the planet should be completely turned into life planets, and the microbiology is started.

Many super geniuses are also cultivated to the nine floors for hundreds of years.

For example, he used 85 million years to cultivate nine floors.

The time is short, but it has been used for hundreds of years.

It is precisely because of the short practice of practice, it is better to be strong.

Therefore, it is difficult to practice.

Zhang Bin has to catch up, and he must take advantage of him is the son of the universe, the benefits of good fortune, keep looking into a super-good treasure, rapidly upgrading and powerful.

Nowadays, there is a new cave, and the two beasts are fighting, but this is actually the Fuyun of Zhang Bin.

There is no gifting, there must be a grateful disaster.

Zhang Bin waited patiently, waiting for two fierce and beasts to lose, he went in to take treasure.

But he suddenly turned back, and he immediately squatted.

Hood behind the stone.

A giant flying comes, gets the nine floors, and the body is filled with the right breath.

This is a 9th floor of the road and the giant hormonies that start the way.

There are many combat power, Zhang Bin is not well estimated.

But it should be better than the one layer.

Of course, it is also a lot more than the nine floors of the road.

This person wears a black armor, an eye is golden, and the other is silver, it looks extraordinary weird, and it is also a evil atmosphere.

This kind of breath Zhang Bin is very familiar, that is, a zombie divert.

"Nima, actually encountered a zombie door giant?"

Zhang Bin broke into the heart.

He has already understood that the zombie door is not too far away from the mountain river gate, and it is only 10 million kilometers.

However, this 10 million kilometers, there are nine million kilometers from the zombie door.

And his Zhang Bin actually entered the zombie door area.

Starring watched the two beasts in the fight, then his eyes were fixed on the new cave, and his face floated on his face.

The rocks of the continent are also ineffective, and it is almost impossible to sneak into treasurer.

Therefore, if you can find a hidden cave, or the new cave formed by the heavens and the earth, it usually has great gains, maybe there is real god to live, or the world has given a magical treasure.


Starley is the super genius of the zombie door, the horror of the power, is of course a particularly terrible.

He didn't have any delays, rushed directly, crazy two axs went to two beasts.


The space is broken, murderous.

I am fierce.

In an instant, I am on the nine lion and giant python.

Dangdang ...

Two loud noise, spark splash.

The defensive power of the lion and the giant pyth is amazing, and the skin is still not broken.

However, it is overfolded at the same time.

Belt the power that does not have a stalemate.

"Hey ..."

Two beasts screamed and turned over to the staleden.

Starley, the ax is crazy, and it has become a bright aperture.

Easily block the two beasts.

About five minutes, two beasts were once again turned to the ground.

I made a bad scream.

The bones are broken a lot.

The giant pythro first, the body is sharp and narrowed, and the grass will have disappeared from the middle.

The nine-tailed lion is also an escape immediately.

However, it is no longer, and the left hand of the stalence suddenly explored. I grabbed the nine tail of the nine-tailed lion, pulled back, his face was filled with evil color, and the mouth was also whistled: "The war is not bad, used to refine the zombie lion, do my mount, very suitable."

A evil black light is filled from his body, and the nine tail lion is wrapped in blinking.

The breath of my breath is filled.

He is to use the secret to erase the memory of the nine-tailed lion, then the soul is controlled, and then use the zombie door to make a zombie lion.

"This bastard is too evil, it is completely no human. The nine tail lion is equal to a nine-story giant, and the other person is free, the nine-tailed lion has planned to escape, but the other party still does not let him, still have to put I wiped my memory and refined into a zombie. But I really don't have him strong. I can only use the soul attack. When I was ate the mountain river, I didn't use the soul attack. I don't know the soul of the giant. What is the power to? Then let me try this first-to-face, but I have not cultivated to the twinkle. "Zhang Bin was filled with indignation. He didn't hesitate. When he turned, he became a lot of appearance, forehead It also slaps 22 days of eyes, plus his own two eyes, equal to 24 sky eyes, while exploding scarlet eyes, blaming the past.


The harsh to the extreme sound.

Red light is like electricity.

Drain the void.

"Long you are looking for death ..."

Strong is so powerful, of course, feels a fatal crisis.

His eyes are flying quickly, and people are also retreating.

Unfortunately, he asked himself, grabbed the tail of the nine-tailed lion, the nine-tailed lion was also desperately resistant, now the other party released the hand, its tail suddenly wrapped around the other side.

Therefore, the speed of stalence has been affected.

In an instant, 24 scarlets have been shot on a buzzard.

Bang ...

As if the Thunder explosion, the red light is filled.


The Barrier Pearl has cracks, and the horrible soul attack is also instant bombardment on his moon palace.

Suddenly the moon is broken, the soul of the soul is extinguished.

It is equivalent to the soul suffered huge.


The nine-tailed lion took the opportunity to attack, and he bite on the neck of the staleden.


The stalenary neck ruptured and had a deep blood cave.

"court death……"

The stagnation roared, and the palm of his hand was taken on the nine lion.


A loud noise.

The nine-tailed lion flew like a big ball, and screamed to a few thousand kilometers away.

I don't know whether it is dead.

However, as long as the soul is not destroyed, it will not fall.


Zhang Bin once again issued a soul attack and took a slap in the past.

Zombie defense cover. "

The stalendency is booming, and there is a sunny defense cover.

The first time Zhang Bin's soul attack was too sudden, and he did not start the time of the defense cover.

But this time, he was successful.

In an instant, 24 scarlet light shot on the defensive cover.


The defensive cover is broken and can't afford it.

The red light is injected into his eyes.


Branches once again made a sharp call, and the eyes were completely broken, the soul light was extinguished again.

He returned, his face was pale.

But he was very delicate, his left hand raised, blocked his two eyes, prevent Zhang Bin from attacking again.

And his body is bursting into the extreme murder!

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