The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3468 encounters Wanxianmen genius

"If someone is in the limits, I will shout. So gravity will disappear." Shanhe Changqing said, "Generally, breaking 10 limit is almost the same. Just try to ask for it, because of it, we have the disciple of our mountains It is cultivating to the nine floors, and then come to the darkness, not daring to practice above, because it is too dangerous, there is no super genius protection, there is no powerful martial art, which is very likely. "

Zhang Bin, of course, Missing the Strings of the Mountain River.

The genius disciples of many strong martial arts may bully them, then they can only bear it. It doesn't matter if you eat, you can't give the mountain river door to disaster.

This is a very wrong thing.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, he took the crowd to step on the darkness.

Sure enough, weird, weird power role in them, even in their moon palace, as if countless mountains are crushing, but they are nowhere to escape.

It can only be struggling to fight.

The weird is that their magics can not be used.

Only the power of the universe can be called.

And every step, gravity will increase.

This is just a foot, gravity is still limited.

Therefore, they can still be easily affected.

They are more rapidly.

Zhang Bin noticed that the steps were naturally formed, and the darkness was dark, and it was dissatisfied.

And it is very wide, it can make hundreds of people and above.

On both sides of the darkness, it is the big mountain of the towering, is equivalent to a terrible cliff.

The blood-red vines have grown on the cliff, and the red fruit is broken, and the fragrance of the strangeness is exuded.

Zhang Bin took one side, while picking, and the beautiful is eaten.

Sure enough, you have a magical ability to recover your strength quickly.

It also rapidly moisturizes the soul of wilting.

"Sure enough, it is the world, it is no. This darkness is definitely the miracle of the universe."

Zhang Bin sighed in his heart, and his face also had a color of thinking.

Of course, what is it thinking about this universe? Is that the creation of God created? Or is it formed in the sky?

Even, he is still imagining the three thousand true gods to step on the darkness of the darkness.

What kind of height is they climbed?

After three months, they went deep into the clouds.

It became a small black spot on the dark road.

The first limit is still there.

"Not bad, the talents are very good, and there is no limit in such a height." Mutter muttered in the mountains and rivers that looked at the mountains, and his face also floated.

However, he is beginning to become nervous.

Because he saw that Zhang Bin had to catch a strong missionary disciple.

Just three, two men and a woman.

The front man is very big, very sunshine, and there is a powerful pressure and momentum.

The middle is a beautiful girl who looks particularly beautiful, waist, long hair weaving, growing scorpion, high high ground on the head, showing swan beautiful neck.

The last thing is relatively short, but the two eyes are very big, as if a child.

They are of course a fairy attribute, and they are also cultivated to the nine floors.

In fact, many strong martial arts disciples are cultivated to the nine floors, only to embark on the darkness, break the limit again and again.

"Hey ... how can the mountain river do have so many talents? All cultivated to the nine layers. There are several top beauty."

The last genius disciple in Wanxianmen suddenly turned back, and the sound of surprised sound was issued.

Suddenly two genius disciples also stopped, looking back.

Their face is also full of faint surprises.

Zhang Bin also saw these three Wanxianmen genius disciples.

Their eyes are opposite each other.

"Fu Jun, they are the genius of Wanxianmen, don't be sinned."

The mountain river flying snow is low, "they are also a sinna, but it is one of the most powerful fairymen in the mainland. The genius is very proud, but it is a lot of people. But it is much better than the genius of the magic. At least I will attack us for no reason. "

"I know."

Zhang Bin smiled and smiled, and Zhang Bin did not stop, and the seven people continued.

Slowly catch up with three people.

He avoided them three, but towards the other side.

"Wan Xianmen's Taoist," a voice sounded, of course, from the juvenile mouth like a child, "How do we walk together?"

Then he enthusiastically introduced them three people.

The most in front of the sunny teenager is called Yangjian, and the beautiful woman is Luolian.

He called Carter himself.

Zhang Bin also introduced his teammates to them.

Not good to refuse the enthusiasm of each other.

After all, it is a bright attribute.

So, their two teams began to go side by side.

At the same time.

Yangjian and Luolan are very proud, not much speaking.

But Carter is tonis, but he is just a small gold, mountain river, I am a bit ugly, and the army is talking, almost unbelieving Zhang Bin four men.

It is also very proud.

However, I saw four such a beautiful woman, even a super genius, it is actively taking the initiative.

"Four sisters, before they arrived in the clouds. The first limit of countless genius appeared there, many genius had no way to break the limit, frowning face." Carter pointed to the front of the long-slope steps of about three hundred kilometers, faintly said.

"Is there anyone else to break?"

The army said.

"Of course, and a lot." Carter said, "I can climb to the cloud slope, it is a great genius. But not any talents can break the limit. For example, they are four."

After saying, he used a contempt to glimpse Zhang Bin, the mountain river has a treasure, the mountain river is out of the cloud, I am very low.

"Why can't they break the first limit?"

I am a little ugly, I can't help but speak, and her face is full of doubts.

She knows that "Mountain River Long" is that super genius should be able to break the first limit.

"They have three faces red, breathing urgency, the limit will come in advance, indicating that their talents are still limited. When you walk in the front of the mountain river, he is strong, once the limit is coming, it will be extremely fierce, to break the limit It is almost impossible. "Carter said proudly.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin was acknowledged in his heart.

There is still a very low key to the mountains and rivers and the mountains and rivers.

However, let them surprised that there is another distance, and there is no completely stepped into the slope, the mountain river has treasures and mountain rivers to reach the limit at the same time, they are crazy shouting, crazy calling the strength of the universe But it is no longer, and the grants of horror make them overwhelmed.

I'm very low-key breathing is also more urgent, and my face has become blood.

Then there was ten steps before, and it was embedded into the first step of Yan Yunpo.

He is also the same as the limit.

Three chestnown can't go up.

Carter's words should be checked.

This guy is worthy of the top-level martial art - Wan Xianmen, the eyes are the burning.

Three people are very angry and depressed, they are all on the knee, try hard to cultivate and hike.

Of course, they also take a lot of fruits.

(Seven chapters sent, ask for recommendations, ask for subscription.)

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