The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3480 Desperate Stone

This jade is of course copying a copy to Lola.

Then they bury the two bodies in the ground.

Buried in small caves on the cliff.

After all, both bodies have an endless character, it is difficult to destroy.

And here is the dark road, and you can't use 3,000 avenues.

They don't want to bring their bodies, which may have a way to find them.

Therefore, it can only be handled so.

"let's go……"

Luo Lanjiao laughed, and Zhang Bin side shouldered, straight.

They look, as if they are a pair of golden jade women.

It is like this.

And the yam is tarah with his head followed.

He felt that he had failed completely.

It is not only like Zhang Bin, but also the ability of girls.

Even the war is too far away.

"Brother, you are so happy."

Luo Lan saw that the speed is too slow, and also turned back.

"Brother, you can't give up, absolutely can't give up, you are best for Lolars sister. Door and elders also support you, they will never agree with Lolan and the bastard." In Yangjun Longchi Carter shouted in anger, "Luolan is your woman, you remember it ..."

"Yes, Luolan belongs to me, mine, the mountains and rivers are too lazy to eat swan meat, I must kill him, I must let him go soon ..." Yangjun shouted in the heart, His face has become .

He accelerated his footsteps and chased it up.

Walking on the other side of Lola, it will be tied from time to time.

Anyway, he will not let Luolan and Zhang Bin speak well.

It became a huge light bulb.

"Brother, you bring Carter, there is Carter to protect the law, it should be very safe. Then, the mountain river is long, even if there is danger, I have a long-awaited blocked. Goodbye ..." Lylo felt that it could not Don't twisting, suddenly pull Zhang Bin accelerates the speed.


They went to the steps on the steps.

Soon quickly opened a far distance.

"Wait for me……"

Yang Jianqi is almost vomiting blood, and it is desperately chased behind.

Unfortunately, his talents are worse.

That's how can't you catch up.

The distance is getting farther and farther, in the end, even the shadows of their two are not seen.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

Yang Jian has to give up chasing, a butt is sitting on the steps and pulling the earth.

The face is blue, and it is shaking.

Carter in his Dragon Pool is not good.

Once a woman doesn't like a man, it is a dead skin to pursue, and it is useless.

Lolan is obviously do not like yan, there is nothing to feel about Yangjian, just the relationship between the brothers and sisters.

So this is the most deadly.

"Lola, how do you not have something?"

Zhang Bin is a bit worried.

"The darkness of the darkness is actually very safe. It can come to such a high genius. There is not a lot of an era. This will encounter the probability of the genius, and there are few. What is most, we are in front of the road." Luo Lan said with a smile.

"I am worried that he can't think of it, jumping from the cliff."

Zhang Bin said.

" ... ..."

Luo Lanhua branches are shidding, "Long-store, you are too humorous. Don't worry. He is very cherished. He is very talented, but his eyes are very small. He will go around. He will have a bullfier. It is too uncomfortable. "

"Ha ha ha ..." Zhang Bin laughed, "It is also, there is no one around you, I feel extra relaxed and happy."

He shocked her right hand gently.

The pretty face of Lolan is a very shy, but he didn't take it out, let Zhang Bin hold.

So they handed hands with their hands and shoulder and continue to travel.

At this moment, they felt that the darkness of the road became extraordinarily.

Even with a intoxicating aroma.

The eyes have been in the past three months, and two of them are very distant distance.

Gravity is also slowly upgraded to a terrible point.

"Long-lasting, if your sixth limit is still not coming, it may be the last time." Luo was worried, pointed to the distance, seriously said, "That is despair, there is a drop Blood tears, countless genius can only stop despair stone, because the limit is coming, there is no way to break. Their soul and the body have no way to become more powerful. Can reach desperate stone, usually only cultivate the seven layers. "

"The seven layers of the road? That is not bad."

Zhang Bin smiled and said that he did not have any nervousness.

"After the despair stone, it is a relatively flat road, and the gravity will not change. It is suitable for cultivation. If we can enter, we can practice more than a period of time."

Lola is expectation.

Look carefully, you can see your face and fly out of the shame.

"Don't face, this woman thinks about it, and seizes the jun."

In Zhang Bin Longchi, I feel that Xiaojin and mountain river flying snow is in my heart. Their face is also full of pride, it is because of their husbands so good, let Luo Lan's peerless genius plus a top beauty Love.

They continue to travel.

Slowly, they have come to despairry stone.

I don't know what is, Zhang Bin's sixth limit suddenly came.

He can only sit on the despair stone, take the red fruit, strive to change, try to break the limit.

Lolan is of course on one side.

Her face is full of worry, of course, I am worried that Zhang Bin can't break the limit.

After all, desperate stone is not white-shouting. In history, people who reach the limit here, almost unable to break the limit, they can only return.

Of course, they can also choose to give up, enter hopes to cultivate.

But in fact, any genius that cannot break the limit will not enter the hopes, because their mood is not right, returning.

Moreover, if you don't choose to give up, their strength is improved in ten years, and you can come here.

But after giving up, you must have a few years to try again.

This limit is really difficult to break.

The previous few times, Zhang Bin broke with a ten minute, but this time, three hours still did not have any movements.

Three days later, there is no breakage.

There is no change in his insiders and souls.

Can't becomes stronger, you can't break the limit.

"It seems that long-lasting is unable to break the limit. I can only enter the hope of hope alone."

Luo Lan squatted in his heart, and her face has also floated a touch of disappointment.

"Hahaha ..."

Suddenly, the crazy laughter sounded, of course, from the mouth of the yam.

Yes, he is desperately chased, and finally chasing Zhang Bin and Lola.

Now I see Zhang Bin, I am sitting on the knees, I can don't know that Zhang Bin is impacting the limit?

For desperate stone, he is of course aware of it.

So, he is very happy.

At this moment, he was full of comfort, depressed in his heart.

"Teachers, the fun is not a gentleman."

Lola is not good at one side.

"Hahaha ..." Yang Liner is still laughing in madness, "said the teacher, I know that you look at it, this bastard is slow, but the income is just this. He can go here to count the luck His tacit and us is too much. "

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