The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3517 hit the 14th limit

Zhang Bin added speed forward.

There are more and more names, sometimes more than a dozen names on a step.

The speed of gravity is also getting faster and faster.

Zhang Bin is a bit of powerful, breathing is very urgent, and the footsteps become heavy.

His face also became blood.

Zhang Bin knows that he is not far from the 14th limit.

According to the sense of space, the 14th limit is no way to break.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's face is also getting more serious.

He didn't think of himself must surpass the three thousand true gods. He just want to see the signature of the mysterious domineering teenager, but unfortunately, there is still no signature of the phagocytic property.

However, he will understand that the mysterious domineering teenager may only take a darkness of the god, but it is the highest place.

Zhang Bin looked up, and only saw white fog, covering everything.

How high can you see the top of the mountain?

But Zhang Bin is the source of the mountains and the mountains. So he can also estimate that there is still three hundred meters high. There are about 500 steps.

Five hundred steps, that is, it is a thing, Zhang Bin does not have any grasp to go up.

His speed slows down, understand the strength of yourself, feel your body and soul, to completely master your strength, then you can postpone the end of the limit, you can go to several steps.

It also went approximately fifty steps.

The name became rare, and more than a dozen steps couldn't see a name.

"There are a total of 500 words. Mono in immortality can only be exceeded by 2500 true God." Everyone in Longchi calculates finely.

Their face is also full of weird colors. If you know the truth, don't know what face?

That must be very exciting.

Then they look at Zhang Bin with the eyes of the worship, because Zhang Bin still has no limit. You can also travel.

And Zhang Bin is the person who surpasses three thousand real gods.

Zhang Bin's speed is getting slower.

After another month, it took about 400 steps.

There are about 50 steps from the top of the mountain.

It is shocking that these four hundred steps have not seen a name of a true god.

However, Zhang Bin has already seen that there are more than a dozen steps above, golden light is flashing.

And there are two golden lights.

Obviously there are two names of true gods.

"It's amazing, it's too powerful, there is a real name."

Everyone sent a shout that was shocked, and their faces were filled with admiration and worship.

Zhang Bin once again tough forward, and the bones were loud.

His soul is also a painful.

I can't afford this horror.

Zhang Bin's speed is again reduced, crazy cultivation of madly refining gold fruit.

It took ten days. He climbed more than a dozen steps.

On this step, there is a true god signature, a breath that exudes a spatial property.

And it is a god, " spirit."

"God, it is true God to make the mountain river map, it is too powerful. It can come so much." Everyone shouted in his heart. The point of admiring the pentanet.

They lifted their heads to look up, then they saw that on the above steps, there is a true god name, that is the name of the time attribute, the name is also the gods: "Dance rhyme."

"It turned out that the true god of the U.Sone called the dance rhyme. This name is too quirky." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he couldn't help but remember himself to get Wu American, dance rhyme, and even let him see it. Her appearance, that is really a good king.

Is she really god, or is it created?


Zhang Bin raised his footsteps and set foot on a step.


Almost at the same time, the 14th limit is coming.

This limit is too much fierce than the 13th limit.

Gravity is also terrible to be terrible, it is simply destroyed, Zhang Bin's soul and body rapidly collapse.

Zhang Bin also only insisted that about ten seconds, he couldn't resist it, and quickly rolled down the next step. The danger is released.

It seems that Zhang Bin's Tianfang is very good, you can sit flat with space, but it can't exceed time.

However, everyone in Zhang Bin Longchi is already unparatorared and worship.

Zhang Bin is so talented, if you can catch a skyscoon in this era, win in the Era Wars, it is entirely possible to practice to true God.

"I can not be reconciled."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he has not seen the name of the mysterious domineering teenager.

There is only dozens of steps from the top of the mountain.

He also has his own pride. He has a trial of the trial. To trial any avenue, we must trial any god. If you can't surpass all the gods, if there is no best talented and powerful strength, where is the qualification to trial any avenue And God?

"There is no absolute world, the 14th limit may not be broken. I have to try it. I have to break through the clumping method." Zhang Bin's face was full of perseverance.

He carefully took out the soul beads who got a strong monster to kill the strong monsters, and he did not hesitate to take his soul.

He is bright in his heart, and it is necessary to impact the 14th limits in previous ways.

If the body and the soul are relatively fragile, it is definitely not broken.

Only make the soul improve again, turn again, to resist terrorist gravity, special efforts to quench body, and have the possibility of breaking.

This soul is really incomparably pure soul energy, and it is exceptionally advanced, much higher than Zhang Bin's own soul energy is too much.

Let Zhang Bin secretly shocked, can you cultivate such a pure soul bead?

What is this principle?

Is it human beings can also cultivate such soul beads?

But this is of course no answer.

The creation of human beings can not record human beings, and humans can only cultivate a lot of soul lights. Soul the soul with the soul light, the soul will be strong, this is a very high way.

And the soul bead is a completely different cultivation direction.

In the soul of the soul, it is rapidly melted.

It turned into countless soul energy, integrated into the soul.

Since energy is too advanced, the level of the soul of Zhang Bin is also upgraded.

Another soul light is lit.

After three days and three nights, the soul was thoroughly cultivated, and the soul was strong again, and he looked at 48 soul lights, let his soul light reach a terrible 2900.

This is simply a big progress, is equal to the two points of soul, no, more than the effect of blending two souls, because the soul lights, the soul is, the more advanced, you must light more Many soul lights become incapacitated.

Zhang Bin felt that he became incapacitated, the spirit is also extrastanded, and the body controls the body is extraordinary, and even, he can control countless cells rapidly.

"It seems that the amount has changed, and his soul has a special change." Zhang Bin muttered, his face also floated the color, now, can his soul can resist the horror gravity? " Can you persist for longer?

He immediately stood up and embedded on a step.


The limit is still as scheduled.

Obviously, only the body and soul become powerful, will be delayed.

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