The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3536, the weakness of the

"Since you are going to die, send you to the road. zombies, give me out."

It is said that the voice is not enough, the voice has not fallen, and the two will fly from his body, exudes the percentage of horror, any one is not asged to the two-layer giant.

In this way, it is equal to the three-layer giant.

The strength has skyrocketed.

It is impossible to kill each other.

Instead, they may be killed by each other.

"Kill kill ..."

The mountain river is crazy to attack a zombie.

Xiaobai is crazy.

And Zhang Bin and the mountains and rivers are difficult to fight another zombies.

The war is very unfavorable to Zhang Bin.

Because Zhang Bin and the mountains and rivers teamed up, it is far from the opponent of this .

That is the defeat, the wolf is unbearable.

Instead, the white and mountain river can still stick to it.

"Hey, today you have to die, you have to be made into a zombie, you all belong to me." It's a big war in a big war, and the zombies giant, who did not bring it. Powerful zombies? Where is the mountain river disciple to deal with?

But let him anger, the mountains and rivers are unresponsive, they have killed their stale, let their zombie doors lose a master.

"Puff puff……"

Zhang Bin finally used the soul attack. Take the moment of the mountain river long green with vines, the sixty light burst out, and she bombarded a zombie .

This zombie is a bone shelf, can't use magic, but the close to fight is very horrible.

Zhang Bin once destroyed the zombie door of Tianyin, got some inheritance of the zombie door, of course, knowing the weakness of the zombie, that is, there is no soul, but use special zombies to replace the soul.

But such a rumor is also very busy, can resist the energetic soul attack.

However, if it is a special part of the attack, it is destroyed.

Sixty soul attacks from different angles, in the eyes of the void, through special channels, bombard all in the zombie.

Unfortunately, there is still no bombing that special place.

Therefore, there is no heavy zombie.

Instead, I thoroughly angered the zombie, earned a vine, and I went crazy, and I gave Zhang Bin's head, and I would hit Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin greeted, crazy one day scales in the opponent's bones.


The sky is split, splashes.

Zhang Bin called the way to fly, Tianbi is also getting off the half, and the mouth is also sprayed.

Even his left hand's wrist baked.

If he is not his invincible defense cover to eliminate some power, this palm can be completely killed.

The two floors of the road is a big hundred times more than the giant giant.

Zhang Bin may be able to defeat a layer of giant, but it is definitely not the opponent of the second floor.


Zhang Bin just hurts the heavy creation, and he will escape.

The situation is crisis to the extreme.

Xiaobai and the mountains and rivers have been shocked, they want to save, but they are stunned and zombies die.


The mountains and rivers are crazy, and they will summon the vines again, bundle the stiff buckle into a scorpion.

The speed of the zombie is also reduced.

"The universe soul killed."

Zhang Bin's forehead broke the 60 gray light, and the zombie eyes were grown.

Unfortunately, there is still a key part of the rumor.

Zombies are still safe.

The zombie broke the vines, and once again crazy to Zhang Bin.


The mountains and rivers have fluffed over, crazy hit the two legs of the zombie.


A loud noise.

The zombie fly off. It is not biased in Zhang Bin.

The mountain river Changqing is also flying away.


Zhang Bin's heart is big, his right hand lifts, and the food is pointed out, and it will enter the eyes of a slanting. The horror energy is taken in. Bombards on zombie.

... ...

The zombie appears cracks.

But actually fix it quickly.

The hand of the is lifted, and Zhang Bin's hand is open. Another hand has become a sharp knife, and it is ignorant to Zhang Bin's head.

Puff puff……

Zhang Bin smiled, his heart, the 60 soul attack was taken out, and he was shot in the eyes of zombie, and then bombarded in the zombie.

The zombie is originally crack, and no longer resists Zhang Bin so horrible soul attack.

Even if there is no special part in shooting, the zombie is also thoroughly broken.

The zombie suddenly doesn't move.

The hands of the hit is also completely stiff.


Zhang Bin took the zombies into the zombies.

He jumped up and his face also floated the smile of victory.

It was such a while, and his injury was basically recovered.

The left hand of the break is also recovered.

I got a zombie, they also accounted for the wind.

Today, Hunting is not impossible.


It is a big shock, and the face is full of not a letter.

An unwaffled nine-story giant and district, a giant, a giant, a giant, a tangible area, which can kill a two-layer zombie, which is simply incredible.

It is also simply subverting the rules of cultivation.

Of course, if Zhang Bin does not know some of the secrets of zombie gates, he is not possible to get this zombie.

"Changqing, we will continue to work hard."

Zhang Bin's voice.

The vines of the mountains and rivers, with his soul attack, is a good way to deal with zombies.

Just now just is not lucky, attacking three times and has no critical position to zombie.


The mountains and rivers are also exciting, shouting.

Countless vines appeared, bundled the zombie tie with the mountain river Green Wars.

Puff puff……

Zhang Bin also rushed over, the horrible soul attack broke out.

Shells on the eyes of zombies.

This time is very good, a soul attack is critical to the zombie, and suddenly desperates a hole, and it is completely scrapped.

Suddenly this is not moving, then you will fall on the ground.

Let the mountains and rivers that have been in the past are awkward, can't believe that such a strong zombie actually resists Zhang Bin's soul attack.

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