The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3539, the view

"Is this a new universe?"

Zhang Bin was a hill that looked at him, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

It is really unlike.

This is also a very inconspicuous hill, or it is a hill bag, very nature.

The dark gold color, there is no sign of collapse, and there is no death at the dead, only a richness to the ultimate life.

He was originally thought that the new universe was very incomparable, and the mountains were swallowed.

Where know it is much you think.

"Yes, this is the new universe."

The mountains and rivers are serious.

"The master, this is really a new universe."

Xiaobai is also a connected place.

Extraordinary affirmation.

"Well, you said yes, then you tell me, where is the genius disciple of other martial arts?"

Zhang Bin said an arms of his face.

"Of course it is in it."

The mountain river is looking at Zhang Bin like a fool.

"There is a cave there, you can go in, it can be broad, and it has been in the happening of magical changes, becoming large, and various rules are also intertwined, and the shackles are also filled."

Xiaobai said, "I also want to go in and see, but human beings see me, I want to kill me, eat me."

Zhang Bin immediately walked to the opposite side of the mountain, and there was a cave at the foot of the mountain here. It is colored. From the outside, I can only see the color of the color, the purple gas, and the three thousand laws are intertwined. The avenue is particularly rich.

"My God, this is really a new universe, if you can go in, see the universe, completely forming, it will inevitably have a big inspiration to me, it is easy to cultivate the same level, it will be too much too much. "Zhang Bin's face floated the color, and the heart was also a strong ecstatic.

"Although it is very broad, it is under the shroud of the gods of the two-story giant, we will be discovered, it will be bullied." The mountain river is green, "may even be completely killed. Even if you escape, let's go, go to the ancient universe. "

She pointed to the ancient sky is not far from this hill, only about three kilometers away.

That is a high mountain, death is filled, the mountains and even dense cracks are even covered, and even the mountain will be equally collapsed.

Zhang Bin glanced at it, he was thoroughly speechless, hesitated: "If it suddenly collapsed, is it not a whole army?"

"Don't worry, the ancient universe is actually only two thousand era, but it is very young. Will n't collapse so quickly, and there is an entrance, enter it, can see the magical phenomenon of my universe death, reverse promote the secret law, Combine my pointing, maybe you can quickly understand the mystery of the coex, cultivate a level of the way. "The mountain river is green.

"If you want to practice in the ancient universe, there is no need to come here. Since we come, we will go in and see how much powerful giant is the zombie door."

Zhang Bin said.

"Let's come here, just take a look at the entrance of the new universe, you can get enlightenment. In the ancient universe, practice is tired, come to the entrance to see, it is very good."

The mountains and rivers have a bitterness.

The last time, only two of the two levels of the zombies don't have two levels of giant, which is already very difficult.

In the new universe, of course, there are a lot of zombie gates, how do you have dozens of shackles, where is the mountain river disciple to deal with?

Go in and died.

"Let's go to the ancient universe."

Zhang Bin thought about it, still dare not take risks, with so many people.

So they entered the ancient universe.

The inside of this ancient universe is empty, and it is still shrinking with a slow speed.

There is also mountains, plateau, flat, sea, lake.

But of course is dry, you can't see any green.

The earth is cracking, countless space rules come out from the rocks, and then hidden.

The avenue breath is also a diffuse.

This is really in disintegration, the universe is separated from the way.

This is also a lot of disciples in many smallmen in cultivation.

They were closed, and they were released, and they were shrouded in the world. They had a strange breath.

The small gartel is not very powerful, most of which only have a two-layer giant. There are two very few.

They are far from each other and even furnished.

So, if you want to deal with them, you must first go.

"My God, the universe is totally different."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and his face was full of not a letter.

Because he found a big fact, that is, the universe actually combined with three thousand avenues, but human beings can only be combined with a road. And the universe, even God, is still very small.

They found a relatively safe place, but also furnished on the plate immediately, starting the knee cultivation.

Zhang Bin also couldn't help but sit, the gods were emitted, and they sent them fine.

To be honest, the universe is a big impact, and the enlightenment is also very big.

Even in his heart, there is a faint fear. If the universe is a huge life, that person is a small life. However, the universe combined with three thousand avenues, huge powerful, a era, but also fallen, slowly collapse, and finally did not exist. How long can the person live?

No, how long can I live?

Can you eternal life?

Don't you die?

Shake your head, Zhang Bin no longer thinks, continue to make details.

He must have a preliminary understanding of the mystery to take many magical fruits.

Can accelerate the mystery of the way.

However, Zhang Bin quickly found that it is not easy to do this. May take hundreds of millions of years.

Reversely push the opposing mystery, where will it be simple?

"Why can't we join many small garthes? Combine into a big alliance, cultivate in the new universe?" Zhang Bin asked the mountains and rivers.

"This kind of thing has long been done, everyone is not a fool, but it has failed." The mountain river is green,

"Because many major martial arts also combined a league, deal with the league of the small martial art. Gently broke the small door alliance, killing a lot of small martial arts, and rushed out. Even, there are some small The genius of the martial art is not out. That battle, blood flows into the river, the bones are like mountains. "

"Nima is really vicious."

Zhang Bin bites tooth.

"The master will not give any opportunities to rise to any small gart, will not let the small garthes disciples into the cultivation. That is the holy place of cultivation. It is a rapid cultivation base of the shackles. It has been held in the door." The mountains and rivers are also sighing while sigh.

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