The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3549 invincible

The zombie goddess is bad, and the stale face is also extra harnesate. There were two zombies lost.

The mountain river long is so powerful?

How can this be?

He waved again.


It is another two-layer zombie rushing out.

ZHANG Bin launched an attack like a windshield.

"Dangdang ..."

"Hey ..."

The two were crazy.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin's finger inserted the zombie eyes and burst a horror energy.

Suddenly destroy zombie.

The zombie is not moving.

But there is no fall, because the zombie's hand is also in the cave, the throat of Zhang Bin.

"God, it is two defeats, he won again? But how long can he persist?"

Many small gadgets disciples are secretly embarrassed, and they are also sigh.

The face of the mountains and rivers is also tension and worrying.

Even, it also floated the color of fear.

This is not a mounted, but true.

After all, Zhang Bin although genius, it is not easy to defeat the two-layer zombies.

How long can Zhang Bin have to persist in such a wheel war?

If Zhang Bin fell, they also died here.


Zhang Bin pulled out the hand of the , and his mouth was also a painful voice.

Just put the zombies into the body, it was another zombie jumped out, crazy attacking Zhang Bin.

In this way, Zhang Bin is a big battle of the zombie.

Every time they are thrilling, every time they are rushing, they must be hit hard.

However, he has achieved victory every time.

Today he has killed 20 zombies.

Some are broken my head, and some are broken.

He slammed there, there were more than a dozen shorts on his body, blood staining, it looks miserable to the extreme.

As if, next moment, he will become a corpse.

"Nima ... I don't believe it, see you can also kill a few zombies."

The stigma is almost vomiting blood, anger.

He wants to let many zombies to attack Zhang Bin, but I am worried that the small giant giant will help the mountains, and have to disperse such a thought, once again let the powerful zombies shot, and pick Zhang Bin.

But things are very weird, how can Zhang Bin can't kill, why not fall.

Slowly, Zhang Bin killed 80 zombies.




... 90.

The face of a zombie goddess is completely changed.

The stadium is also from the sweat, and the face is full of colors that don't dare to confuse.

The face of many small gadgets is also extraordinarily quirky.

Looking at Zhang Bin like a monster, I don't understand how he may be so cow, you can insist on so long.

The mountain river disciple is secretly joy, and of course it is also extra worry.

Because Zhang Bin is now even more miserable, there is no good meat on your body.


Zhang Bin poured on the ground, twisted pain, and shouted in his mouth: "Next."

Seeing this situation, the deadly can't stop temptation, and immediately sent a zombie to Zhang Bin.

After all, victory is in front of you, you can kill Zhang Bin immediately.

"Death ..."

The zombie rushed over, and he slammed into Zhang Bin's head.

However, Zhang Bin's hand explored, hugged the foot of the zombie, and smashed the zombie.

He rushed up and finished inserting the zombie eyes.

Then zombies don't move, Zhang Bin is not moving, as if it has become a body.

"I rely on, kill one again? This is the 91st, the strength of the zombie door is very bad."

Many small school disciples are shocked to the extreme, and Zhang Bin is also admired.

The disreteeration of the zombie goddess is extremely angry, and the stale can't help but temptation, and they sent a zombie.

Unfortunately, I still didn't kill Zhang Bin, but I was broken by Zhang Bin.

Today, Zhang Bin has killed 92 zombies. And it is a two-layer.

The strength of the zombie door fell by one-sixth.

Basically, it can't suppress the strength of all small garthes.

If it is a battle, the zombie door is definitely the next one.

All, deadly, dare not destroy rules.

But he is a bit riding and tiger.

He looked at Zhang Bin who was dying with a suspicious gaze. Is it possible to put it out? In fact, didn't you suffer? Is he acting? He is to eat a zombie the disciple?

Thinking of this, he once again took more cold sweat.

But among his eyes, it is also an angry flame.

He made an eye on a zombie.

This disciple will lead the gods. He went out with a huge momentum and percentage. Two arms were dark, and the rich darkness was from his body.

In an instant, the world has become dark, and the breath of death has become extravagant.

He is named Zhenwai, the peerless genius of the last era Zombie door, cultivated to the two-layer limit, the power is extremely horrible, far from the zombie speed.

In other words, the zombie door finally sent a real disciple, and it is also a super master, and it is necessary to completely kill Zhang Bin.

"The mountain river is long, I will send you to the way."

The stiffness smiled and explored the right hand, and the darkness aggregated, in fact, there were countless dark road rules to condense together, and chemically became a dark ax, emitted a horrible to the ultimate avenue.

Let the world are thrown.

The two-layer giant, showing a road attack, which is definitely easily rugged in any one-layer giant.

He also did not have any delays. He stepped out to Zhang Bin in front of Zhang Bin, and he went to Zhang Bin's head.

However, Zhang Bin's head suddenly lifted, and the two eyes were blasted into gray light.

The speed is too fast, plus the distance is too close.

And the stagnation does not put Zhang Bin in his eyes, of course, the soul attack of Zhang Bin is a nose.

He continued to crazy down the ax, but he closed his eyes.


Two gray rays are in the eyes of the stadium.


Sound like thunder.

Through the eyelids, bombarded on his eye beads.

Hey, the eyes of the stadium appeared fine cracks.

Gray light bores on the moon, the moon is also broken, and then in his soul.


The horrible voice sounded, and his 2830 soul lamp was extinguished at the same time.

The tall body is also crashed down, lying on the floor is not moving.

Thoroughly became a corpse.

And his ax, of course, has completely collapsed, and it is not possible to hurt Zhang Bin.

"How can this be?"

Everyone was completely stupid again, and the face was full of colors that did not dare to confuse.

An area of ​​the district just broke through the one level, can you use the soul attack to kill the staggered wall?

This is simply incredible.

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