The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3562 Zombie Ancient Universe

"Hahaha ..."

Everyone laughed, and said that the Milong exceeded three thousand true gods, this is a big joke.

However, the talents of the Milong are still very horrible, they can only look up.

So, they did not despise less, and they were more unqualified.

Just smiling.

"What should we do in the future?"

Dragon is serious.

Zhang Binfei quickly made 20 corpse into a zombie, saying faintly: "Now we have only 90 zombies, plus us, just one hundred, the strength of the hunting hall is still. Otherwise, I can live it alive. "

Donned, his eyes were projected on a small white body, and he expected asked: "Xiaobai, do you know where to have a good ?"

Everyone's eyes are also bright, if they can renew some zombies, their strength is improved, then don't fear the hunting hall.


Xiaobai's face has floated the color of thinking, after a while, "The owner, the is indeed, but it is a big horror, or not to provoke."

"Big horror? What does it mean?"

Zhang Bin asked in confused.

"I have fallen a lot of giant in the universe of the universe. If they cultivate a layer or even two or even higher realm before students, it may be derived under the counsel, and it is mysterious. It may also be too much grievance, so that he is born to hate all the soul, seeing the soul will attack, horrible. "Xiaobai said.

"We have such a strong strength, I am afraid of a fart."

Zhang Bin suddenly excited, his face has also floated the color, "I will tell me, where there is such a zombie, I have to catch so dozen, supplement my zombie door strength."

" ..."

I heard Zhang Bin said that the zombie door, and everyone laughed.

They all in their hearts, Zhang Bin is to start pretending to be a zombie disciple and go to the new universe.

That is really living alive.

In fact, Zhang Bin is really such a plan, why is he arrogant? Of course, he is not willing to hide in Lorrah, once the fall, you are very dangerous, and it will also even have a tired.

Now the zombie goddess is falling.

The stagnation is also a zombie, pretending to be a zombie disciple is perfect, anyone else has no way to see the flaw.

"The owner, you think too simple, too small to see the big horror."

Xiaobai said, "Those zombies hide in the zombie universe. Entering must die."

"Don't worry, you take me to see. If you can't help. I immediately retreat."

Zhang Bin said.

Xiaobai, but Zhang Bin, with Zhang Bin and others rapidly.

The zombie universe actually exceptionally far away, as they have been used for three months, they have arrived.

"Is this a zombie universe?"

Zhang Bin looked at the front of a mountain with a jealousy.

This mountain is also an universe, very old, exudes a rich and extremely dead breath.

There is no white fog, only black fog, it seems very evil.

Even, this universe is still very good, although in the break, there is no crack, no signs of collapse.

The entrance of this zombie universe is also very ruined, very smooth, and it seems that someone often enters and forth.

However, this entrance is lacquered, swallowing all the light, it seems very scary.

"You can't go in, you will die, because this is one of the banned places of the universe - hell."

The mountain river Chang Green has finally seen what secret, her face became pale, and said seriously.

"Don't worry, I will go to the entrance to see."

Zhang Bin still has no fear, he must take a risk to get some zombies, improve strength, will cultivate new universe, the hunting hall does not dare to act rash.

He also can have time to slowly.

Otherwise, there is no safe cultivation place, repairing it carefully, I will hang, the effect is naturally not too good, don't say to catch up with the Family, the training is also difficult to catch up.

He walked carefully, slowly came to the entrance of the zombie universe.

The sky is open, look at it inside.

Enter a paint black.

But the eyes are very cattle, can be seen in the night.

So, he still saw some scenes.

Then he creepy, this universe has accumulated countless bodies, there is a cockroach, and there is a good body, of course, there is also a broken limbs, the ground is blood red.

It looks like the true hell.

"My God, how can there be so many bodies?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he felt a deep fear.

Because he thought of a horrible fact.

Xiaobai said that this is a big horror.

That is to say, the body here may become zombies, and it is a zombie that is controlled by mysterious power.

If they all kill, kill the new universe, the owner is going to die, that is, the Milong also can't escape.

After all, there are too many zombies here.

In the universe of the universe, it will be very fast, but it may also encounter a big horror.

Then it is completely fallen.

"The master, let's go."

Xiaobai also trembled to Zhang Bin, and the sound said, "Zombie will patrol, if we encounter us, we can't escape."

"Tour? What do you mean?"

Zhang Bin asked Surprisingly.

"It's the zombies that will come out to patrol. I will not let go." Xiao Bai said, "as long as she is staring, almost there is too much, because the zombie is too much, no one I know the specific quantity. However, I have seen it, I have come out for 300 million zombies, all the strengths of the one and the second floor. I can even use the magic. "

"Hey? 300 million zombies?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

He felt a bit of a ridiculous, and the giant giant of 300 million people's realm is a million era, and it can't make so much enough.

"Master, I am telling. Every time I end. The zombie here will kill all, hunt all the life. People who have killed them, if they cultivate the realm, they are brought into them. The zombie universe, obviously become zombies. Countless years, don't say 300 million, it is 3 billion. "Xiaobai said," and there are zombies king, strength is extremely horrible, even there is a nine-story strength."

"What? Is there a nine-story strength? Isn't it to say that the universe is not allowed to enter the three-layer or more giant to enter? Can you die?" Zhang Bin slam.

"The owner, that is just to limit humanity, will not limit the big horror. The big horror is used to hunt human beings. If it is not strong, can it be big horror?" Xiaobai said.

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