"Body robbery?"

Zhang Bin muttered, he smiled.


Soon, he sneaked into the station of the hunting hall.

Then he saw that the three gifted disciples of the hunting hall were joined, and they were giving the law.


A shout, Zhang Bin rushed out with a lot of zombies.

Crazy attacked these disciples.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of screaming, thirty disciples quickly became the body, lying on the ground horizontally.

Koke, 100,000 years of cultivation, Zhang Bin strongly has so much, with so many zombies, where can they resist?

"God, the zombie door is too big, it is so easy to sneak into it, killing all the disciples of the hunting hall, will become zombies in the future."

The disciples of many major gatheses shouted shouted, and it was really stunned.

"Wen Wu, you are waiting for me ..."

Long of course, he saw that he was almost vomiting blood.

He wanted to stop it, but he can't do it because he is in the sky, and it is extremely horrible.

One is not good, he is going to be killed by the sky.

"Hehe ..."

Zhang Bin issued a despise.

He walked step by step.

Slowly get to the rumor area of ​​the rumor.

The knee is sitting, and the black Thunder also spreads to him.

Yes, he is coming to the robbery.

Such a good opportunity, how can he miss it?

After all, he just cultivated to a closed limit.

It is possible to start impact bottlenecks.

However, it is necessary to break through, but it takes a short period of time.

May be tens of thousands of years, may also have millions of years.

After all, the fruits you have taken have taken it.

There is no extra.

However, , speed up the speed, but can shorten this time.

It may even make him breakthrough right away.

"you wanna die……"

The Moon is calm, and it is crazy. He stood up and tried to go to Zhang Bin. He wants to fight with Zhang Bin, he wants to use the sky to kill Zhang Bin.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin also stood up quickly and slowly retreats, and it was located in the edge of the robbery.

And the Moon maintains a safe distance.

Moreover, he also made a evil laugh in his mouth.


Long Yong sent a big shout, "I must kill you."

At this moment, he hated Zhang Bin to the bones.

This is this boy, I have done all the disciples of his hunting hall.

Let him hunting the god hall.

You must know that this is a super genius who has been cultivated in many era of hunting hall.

Moreover, this bastard still wants to take him the robbery.

He biting his teeth and rushed to Zhang Bin crazy.

Unfortunately, he quickly Zhang Bin is also fast, he slowly Zhang Bin is also slow.

I have no way to get the distance of Zhang Bin.

"Bang ..."

The robbery was completely irritated, and I dared to move? It's just looking for death.

The Thunder poured like the Yangtze River river.

That is extra horrible.


Milled was drowned by Thunder. The mouth is also a painful voice.

He could no longer move a step, sit and worked hard, and strive to integrate the heaven and earth rules.

There is no way to deal with Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin issued a lot of evil laugh, he is also sitting, crazy cultivation.


The black thunder losses in Zhang Bin, poured into his systemic cells, and the speed of the heavens and earth rules of the trial is also rapidly improved.

Zhang Bin's body became rapidly.

And his left hand arm is also golden, and the color is slowly deepening.

At this time, Zhang Bin also understood that he did not cultivate the limit of the one layer.

Still very far.

Perhaps it feels that the Thunder is not too strong, Zhang Bin slowly approached Millennium.

Let more thunder losses on his body.

All the lively geniuses are all awkward, and their face is also surprised.

It's just that it is, I have done this, but I have done this, but I have a robbery of my own people, but I have no enemy's robbery, because one is not good, it will bear the punishment of the robbery.

Punitiveness is extremely horrible.

Power will increase much.

"Gigling ... Fu Jun's courage is too big ..."

"Long must be inevitably."

The mountains and rivers are excited to laugh at Zhang Bin's dragon pool.

Their face has also floated ecstasy, after all, see Zhang Bin quickly turned.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

The cloudy is crazy, the Thunder is also horrible.

Put the mulberry.

However, a horrible pressure and momentum also broke out from the body.

Obviously, the Milong is also rapidly stronger.

The body is robbery, allowing his body to increase the strength again.

This is extremely horrible.

"It's so cool, it is so cool."

Zhang Bin also felt that his body became rapidly.

The color of his left hand is also deepening faster.

He felt that he had to cultivate a real limit of the right layer.

"Bang Bang Bang ..."

The sky is continuing.

Time is also very long.

After three days and three nights, I still didn't end.

The Right Right Arm has floated black.

The momentum is skyrocketing.

After three days and three nights, the Robbery is finally ended.

The dark clouds are dissipated.

The breath of death is also dissipated.

Milong said, his two hands burst into a rich black ray.

The body also has a horrible and extremely perimistical and momentum.

His two eyes burst into the cold eyes, and they were sitting in the previous Zhang Bin's knee.

But when he is angry, it is almost vomiting blood, Zhang Bin has disappeared.

Like never appeared.


Milong sent an angry and extremely shouting, his face became blood.

He squatted out of the sword, and rushed out of the wind.

I went to the zombie door station in the blink of an eye, smiled and said: "Wenwu, stale, now you can come out."

Unfortunately, silence is silent.

Say quiet, no one is.


The grandmane is shouting, and the tali will raise the sword, and they are crazy in the resident of the zombie door.

... ...

The blast is broken, and the white fog is dissipated.

But no person.

"Nima ..."

The Moon is angry and screaming, where there is crazy.

Zhang Bin took a new universe with everyone.

Running rapidly in the universe.

He wants to find a safe place to be robbed.

Due to the laughter of the rumor, finally cultivated to a large-scale limit of a layer. No longer inch, the body is also no way to fiss the heaven and earth rules.

It must be broken after breaking.

If there is a strong enemy in the new universe, there is such a strong enemy, and now there is now that there will be an idea again, and it may be in combination with other martial arts.

Then he is a tragedy.

Most importantly, he is also looking for treasures that break through the bottleneck.

He can not be less than the wealth of wealth, carry a breakthrough treasure with him.

He also flies, while contacting the white.

Sure enough, Xiaobai came over quickly, and Zhang Binhui was discovered.

"Does any find a bad results?"

Zhang Bin asked.

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