The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3582, Miworm Gate

Zhang Bin poised that 4999 swallowed golden worms slowly came to many of the people's disciples.

Almost 10 swallowed golden worms to deal with a mortar disciple.

The disciple of the Miymilaria is also living, and there is no disciple that it feels anything.

Also, the aphroduste is too much, dense, full of any space.

Moreover, some swallowing gold medps.

It is not eye-catching with 5000 swallowese.


Zhang Bin no longer delayed, in the heart.


Many temples launched an incomparably horrible attack.

They instantly rushed to many disciples of the worms, and slammed.

Their teeth are too sharp, helmet can't resist.

The skin is also unable to resist.

It is broken in an instant.

The horrible highly toxic injection.

There is even a magic insect into their body and kills them in their head.


Screaming is invincible.

More than 500 people's disciples are numb, and they can't move.

Their face is filled with fear, and it is also full of shock.

Why can't I believe that the swallowing magic worm will attack them?

This is simply a matter of nothing.

However, the magic pure is safe, because his armor is very strong, the teeth of the Golden Miworm can only bite it, can not be broken.

But he is the first person in death.

Because Zhang Bin turns out, the sword in the hand is lightning.

Strongly pure head.


Insect pure shouted, he rapidly dodge, but of course, it is too late.

Zhang Bin's speed is too fast, too sudden.

It is a very large swallow insect to attack.

The sword is on the magic pure head.


A noctuus, pure insects became half.

The soul of the soul was killed by the sharp swords of the Tauchy.

There is no ability to connect a little resistance.

It is not a suspense.


Zhang Bin shouted crazy, and the sword in his hand came crazy.

It took out more than 500 swords in an instant.

... ...

The horrible sound continues to rise continuously.

The neck break of more than 500 disciples, the head dropped.

Scrape is also extraordinary.

Just an instant, the battle ends.

The mortar disciple does not escape life. The god sword was too sharp.

Killing is too easy.

Only artifacts can resist.

Since the array is always open, the screaming sound is also blocked, and it is not passed.

Many of the cavity are stunned, then kill Zhang Bin with a murder of the sky.

Like countless torrents, people are cold.

After all, these miots are also trained to the point of mind, the owner is killed, it will definitely give the owner.

"I rely on ..."

Zhang Bin is a creepy.

However, he didn't panic, but he was wearing a bull, and he can resist a moment.

Therefore, he quickly removed the insect bag from many bodies, opened the entrance to the piilla.

Suddenly, the magic insects flocked into the insect bag.

The last time Zhang Bin is on the darkness of the dark, it has found this secret, and he got five thousand swallowed golden worms.

Nowadays, it is once again successful.

All of the mystery has entered more than 500 insect bags.

The mortar revenue, of course, there is no a magic insect.

"Hey ... this is dead without a loss."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart, "The Magic Door wants to prove that the white is not possible."

He collapsed the body of all disciples of the Miya Gate, as well as Shi Tong collected all the blood, and there was no left.

It looks, that is, the Cilects' disciple suddenly evacuated here.

As for the god sword and countless mortar, Zhang Bin also has a way to explain, how to get in his hand.

He is controlled with a beautiful man and silently left.

Back to the zombie door station.

Search for a lot of mortal disciples, find a lot of treasures.

The most precious treasure is to get from the magic pure space container, that is a hob, which can enhance the five-layer giant.

I also found some kinds of jade pupils that recorded the training of magic.

The Golden Magic insects are very good, and it is difficult to breed, the quantity is not much, and it is generally controlled by the soul.

But other mortgasma.

Of course, it is not possible to control.

In fact, it is to control the way of enslavement, it is very clever.

Zhang Bin also realized the way of enslavement and cultivated to the nine floors.

It is basically able to control these magic insects.

Therefore, he quickly controlled all of these insects through slavery.

"Small, all give me a good defense, so that the enemy's wing is also difficult to fly."

Zhang Bin's alleys, countless mortars flew away, and the zombie door station was empty.

It seems that it is creepy.

Then Zhang Bin released 1000 magic soul, 340 zombies.

It is really like the zombie door defense as a bucket.

"It's too big too much ..."

The disciples of the mountain river are shocked by one by one, and they also serve Zhang Bin to the extreme.

Zhang Bin is simply by one person, and it has been destroyed by the zombie door of the universe. This is the four super horror martial arts.

Moreover, he also killed the stalemate, the murder, the magic, and the insects were pure. These four are peerless geniuses.

Today, Zhang Bin has already exposed a era of rushing.

" ... What is going on? The disciple of the magic worm is gone? All the magic sevils have not seen it?"

The next day, I just lit up, some people feel an exception.

They all curiously went to the mortagon house and even entered the observation.

Then they looked around. Shocking inexplicable.

Didn't you flee your disciples?

"Do you have any discovery? There are countless causons in the station of zombies."

Someone puts a low voice.

Everyone's knowledge is ejected in an instant.

Then they really found a lot of magic insects.

"God, it will not be a zombie old ancestors suddenly attack, kill the disciples of the Miya Door? Is it taken to take them?" They all shouted in the heart.

" ..."

The person in charge of the black sky is a few tens of genius disciples. He went to the resident of the zombie door. He looked loudly: "Zombie ancestors, black sky, black and wrapped."

Zhang Bin quickly appeared in front of the standing point, he used the indifferent gaze, looked at the black defeat, said faintly: "What?"

In fact, he didn't dare to look at the dark day. He can see the space fluctuations at the time of the black, and you can find that Zhang Bin cultivated in Lin Qingzi's room, it is very poor.

The strength of the dark sky is not as good as the strength, but the absolute distance is not far away.

"Dear zombie the ancestors, I would like to ask, isn't you looked out last night, kill the disciples of the magic insects?"

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