Wan magic three fiercely came out.

The left hand is gripped, and the right hand takes the sword.

They all looked at Zhang Bin like the dead. At the same time, they shouted: "Zombie ancestors, what is your legislation? Let's say it, otherwise it is too late. Because you have to become a corpse."

They are the super genius of Wan Moumen, which is also super giant, the six-story strength, and the eyes are also extraordinarily sharp, naturally seen the horror of Zhang Bin's trial, with Zhang Bin's torch sword, the war Enemy. If only the two-layer strength can only be played, anyone is also difficult to Zhang Bin's opponent.

It is also the same as the magic tide, the same thing in the bronze temple.

However, they wanted to shoot, then they were different.

Their three talents, the arrogance of the truth, although only the two-layer strength is played, but the defense capacity is much improved, and it can achieve three levels of the joint. That horror trial is difficult to affect them, then they want to kill Zhang Bin, it is too easy.

Zhang Bin looked at them in three people, and his eyes took wisdom sparks.

His face has suddenly been awkward.

His body swayed, turned into a three-headed six arm, three right hands holding a sturdy sword, syringe, and cold ice beads, his body screaming over the extreme murder, his momentum is also skyrocketing.

It seems to be airtatious cold.

"Three-headed arm? Hehe ..."

All people have a surprised color on the face, but it is a despised laugh.

Especially the giant giant of the Wan magician and hunting hall is even more clear.

How powerful giant, of course, has mastered the way of variability, and cultivated to the ground, and even easily transcend Zhang Bin, they all know the defects of the way.

If Zhang Bin has used three six-arms to deal with the general genius, it will win thousands of horses.

However, the three fires in front of me is a peerless genius, and the power itself is extremely terrible.

And it is combined into three talents.

Heaven and earth combination, perfect, defensive ability.

Zhang Bin's three-arms, which have two hands are fake, there is no way, there is no defense ability, and I can't get any sword of the three.

"Oh ... zombie ancestors, this is your top card? Or first to talk about the words?"

Three fierce look at each other and said.

"Give me a little careful. That is three very powerful artifacts, and it is the artifact made of true God."

The magic tide is a frown, he is very worried about the enemy of the devil, then he is killed by Zhang Bin.

They are the most powerful martial arts, and they have lost their heavy losses, and they die three top genius.

If you die, then you can't bear it. Their Magic Gate will be generous even if they will kill each other.

"That seems to be the artifact of the mountain river long."

Some people are whisned, and the face is full of doubts, "But how did a zombie old ancestor?"

This person is not a gathered, but a small gartler.

Yes, there have been so horrible wars, and the talents of the small gartai also heard the news, and they all poured into the new universe.

Not coming in practice, seeing lively.

Anyway, at this time, no one has a mood to block the genius of the small martial art.

"Mountain River long-lasting artifacts?"

Long, the bronze hall, the brow of the magic tide is also slightly, obviously very doubts.

"I just entered the universe, I met the mountains and rivers, and a trick defeated him, capturing his syringe, but he fled to the zombie universe. I have no one to kill him." Zhang Bin faint Said.

"It turns out that it is a zombie ancestor. When you enter the universe, you will take two very powerful artifacts. This is too big." Everyone is suddenly realized, no doubt, after all, the zombie door has always been In the dealing of the mountains, encountering the genius of the mountain river door, where can you do it.

"Tiandi three talents, Xian Xian, invincible, sweep everything."

Wan magic three is no longer delayed, and they don't dare to be bad. They are shouting at the same time. They have blank light, just like matches, their footsteps are also moving, squatting, speed is very fast, pace is also very strange.

The three swords were also higher than the high place, and they suddenly touched together.


Spark splash, sound shock.

Their speed suddenly increased, blinking came to Zhang Bin, and their swordsmann lightned.

Murderous, the momentum is too strong.

It seems to destroy everything.

The tattooed sword is also covered with Zhang Bin.

Terrible is that they are still rotating.

The way to attack is amazious.


Zhang Bin is angry, the sword in his hand is crazy.

The cold ball is also smashed.

Dangdang ...

Like the same, the intensive sound is like the rain.


Zhang Bin made a painful shout, he flew in the air, and there were 89 wounds on his body.

There are two arms and more than a dozen caves.

The wound on the body is also cross-crossing, dense.

Even a blood cave appeared on the amount.

He flew more than 80 meters, only turned over the ground, blood flowed.

It seems to be dying, the wolf is extremely.

Confused, only one step is back. Their body is also no loss, the face is not angry.

"God, the three talents of the Wan Miyun have been so horrible. The zombie the ancestors can't resist it." Everyone shocked to the extreme, and the face was full of not credit.

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is a bit shocking.

The opponent's attack is too fast, he has three pairs of arms, but it is not easy to block.

Fortunately, his invincible defense cover and the defensive ability of Daoshao is super.

And his body is also cultivated to the two-layer limit. Defense is also very good.

In order to resist it.

The strength of these giant, it is too terrible.

"This is not a wheel array, but what they said three talents, more horrible, more mysterious. I just saw them." Zhang Bin jumped up, and his face became extraordinary.

"Hahaha ... Zombie ancestors, now you know that we are so powerful? Now you know that you will become a corpse right away?"

Wan magic three is madly laugh, it seems that it is very arrogant.

Then they step into Zhang Bin, and they broke the momentum of the earth.

Let the world are thrown.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a cold laugh, he also greeted him step by step.

A huge pressure and momentum also suddenly blasted.

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