The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3591 Hunter Brigade is dispatched

"The Lord of the bronze temple, I need your help, how do we join hands to destroy the zombie ancestor? His deceased sword and Tibetan Tower, plus wilting gilder, belong to you. I don't want his life."

The magic tide is still still afraid to believe Zhang Bin. If it is a lot of giant killed, the other person has used dozens of . Then, the loss is heavy, so he projected his gaze to the main face of the bronze temple.

He must kill the "zombie ancestor", if it is not done, the road to him is completely broken. Era Wars. The flight is likely to be killed by the "zombie ancestor".

"I will join hands with you, and I can't kill him without any losses."

The bronze temple said.

"You must have a lot of gods." The magic tide said, "If he uses it, you use it to fight. We can kill him so many people, you can kill him in an instant." How can there be losses. "

"I used to fight against it? I was taken away by the Tibetan Tower. Is there a fart? Is it a treasure?"

The bronze temple looked at the magical tide as an idiot.

The magic tide is stunned, then he is full of face, he is really stupid.

After a while, he said: "I was causing the ancestors of the zombie. Sorry. We can use the artifact to protect him, I have 10 helmets, I have 10 helmets, to resist one There is no problem with the attack. Is there anything on your side? "

The bronze temple is standing up, and his hunting hall has always been the death of the zombie door. If the zombie door is powerful, it will never let him hunt. And this time, the zombie door is destroyed for more than 300 days of hunting. This is too big. He naturally does not want the zombie the old ancestors to escape. Otherwise, there is endless suffering.

After a while, he nodded and said, "You don't have to shot, they are too weak. I have 50 experts, all have a powerful defensive armor, can be more than the artifact. It is also hurting them. Then I completely kill him. However, I have two conditions. "

"What are the conditions?"

The magic tide is big, he is clear that the 100 people brought by the bronze temple have a strong, any one is the eight-story giant, even if there is no super powerful armor, the defensive ability of their body is also able to resist The attack of the gods is not damaged, so many masters attack, the zombie old ancestors is that there is a book. It is doubtful.

"The first condition, after killing the zombie the ancestor, I want to read his soul memory."

The bronze temple said faintly.

He is not only to get everything, but also to get the stabilization of zombie.

If it is success, the hunting hall will be strong.

It can be scandable to sweep any martial art.


The magic tide did not hesitate to say.

"The second condition. That is, I hope that you will help us about 10,000 magic souls in our hunting hall, rest assured, the soul without memory we will provide." The bronze temple said.

In fact, he wants to ask the secret law of the Magic Gate. But certainly know that the other party cannot agree.

So, refund the second.

If there is 10,000 magic souls, even if it is a weak magic soul, they can also use a large number of soul energy to cultivate, after several era, may become a 10,000-part nine-story magic soul.

The strength of the hunting hall will of course skyrocket, and there is absolutely grasp of any little whisper.

So since then, other martial arts will never have people to go to the gods. Be hunted by them.

The face of the magic tide is slight, and I will sink. "The bronze temple is very difficult, it is our Wan Maguan, and there is not much magic soul. To refine 10,000 magic souls, need Hundreds of era can be done. So, we offer 100 magic souls every year ... "

So, two old fox bargain, and finally reached an agreement.

Wan Mouli once gives 1000 magic souls with hunting halls.

The 1000 magic souls of the zombie the ancestors must also give the hunting hall.

That is to say, this cooperation will be cooperated. The hunting hall can earn 2000 magic souls.

You can also get all the treasures on the zombie.

They started acting.

50 giant hunters came out, they wore black helmets, holding sharp long swords in their hands.

They are all the same armor, the same sword.

Also equally strength.

Their body exploding the stress and horrible to the extreme momentum.

The murderous is also smashed, and people are shocked.

They posted a battle, step by step to Zhang Bin.

The feet lifts while step on it.

The rhythm is exactly the same.

A clear footprint appears on the ground.

Their momentum collection is better than thousands of people.

"God, it is the hunting team of Hunting Temple. They shot, and the zombie old ancestors should be completely traged."

"Zombie ancestors, a generation of demon, but today is to die in the hunting hall."

A lot of people who look at the excitement have emitted their excitement and look at the eyes that are incomparable.

Even, their body is tall chestnown.

They were shocked by the horror moment of the hunter team.

This is only in the universe of the universe, they can only use the two-layer strength, if they are in the continent, then 50 people attack, the momentum and power have six times.

It is also difficult to confront to the nine-layer giant.

"The money is really too big, the hunting hall, how many horror masters have been found?"

Don't say they, even Zhang Bin is secretly shocked.

He once again has a new understanding of the strength of the hunting hall.

Perhaps, the hunting hall is the first powerful martial art in the mainland, and even the Magic Gate is also difficult to quote.

"Zombie old ancestors, use your character?"

The magic tide couldn't help but yell.

" ..."

The whatever the giant and hunting god halls also sent a laughter.

They all looked at Zhang Bin like the dead.

They have hundreds percent of the grasp, waiting for a while, Zhang Bin will become a corpse.

And the fifty hunting god team is absolutely not damaged.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin's mouth made a contempt, and he took step by step to the steps of Tibetan Tower.

And continue to retreat.

His hand is also tightly holding the sword of the squat, and the rich murder is burst.

Today, he wants a single horses.

"Kill kill ..."

The fifty hunter is crazy, and their footsteps suddenly accelerated. Instantly come to the Tibetan Tibeta.

But they didn't climb the stairs.

Instead, raise the sword in their hands, crazy on the Tibetan Tower.

Yes, they have to take the Tibetan Tower into a powder, and then kill Zhang Bin.

What is powerful, how rich in fighting, of course, will not go to the steps and Zhang Bin to kill.

What is the special ability to know that the Tibetan Tibeta, who is Zhangbin, is there any special ability?

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