The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3593, the bronze temple is crazy

All people are stupid, shocked, watching Zhang Bin like the monster.

On the steps of the Tibetan Tower, Zhang Bin took a pair of ten, and he won. It can be seen that Zhang Bin talent is much better than them.

No wonder, the zombie the ancestors have to win.

"Good bile."

The bronze temple slammed, his body burst into excellence and murderous, his face became iron green, his teeth were almost bite.

He is still watching the jokes of the Wan Mun. Jokes They fall six geniuses.

But now I am turning to his hunting hall, lost 10 hunting god team members.

Any one is cultivated to the top eight layers.

Such a huge loss, how do he explain to the Lord of the Golden Temple?

"Good, good, treasure is much more."

Zhang Bin picked up 10 space containers, and picked up their armor and swords, and smiled.

"You go all right, be sure to kill him."

The Lord of the bronze temple is even anger to rush, drink.

So, the 40 hunting god team is also rushing up.

They burst into a rich murderous, and the color of the face, it is too horrible.

Zhang Bin stood in cold and looked coldly on the steps.

When they came to the 95th floor, he moved. Pulling it.

Even if forty people are particularly alert, strive to resist Zhang Bin attack.

But it was still killed by Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin is also a sword.

There is a deep wound in the thigh.

Zhang Bin rude, quickly retreat quickly.

But he blinked again.

Crazy attack.

Dangdang ...

The sound is intensive as a rain.

Ah, ah ...

The scream is also more crazy.

Zhang Bin is and fights, the lower abdomen, the thighs, the hands, all the swords.

However, members of the hunting god squad are due to Zhang Bin, they are both swords in their heads.

Then it became a body.

Therefore, the stairs are all corpses and blood.

It seems to be extra kind.

Zhang Bin took a 105th floor.

40 giants have only three people left.

It is the body that these three will become a body.

Because they just rushed to 105 floors, they were twisted by Zhang Bin's sword.

They are the body falling from both sides.


Send a few giants.

The battle is over.

Zhang Bin won.

The hunting god is suffered heavy, and 40 hunting gods are killed.

"How can this be?"

Everyone uses the shocking gaze to watch Zhang Bin, standing on the step, is a wound, a little dare not believe in his own eyes.

"Ah ... I am mad at me."

The bronze temple owned a big shouting.

He pulled out the sword, and he took 50 giant to rush.

"Let me deal with him, you follow."

Long Shao was also completely angry, he also rushed out, walk in the forefront, his left hand showed a shield, and the right hand took a sharp sword, and the body was blasted and the stress and murder. His face is also full of confidence.

Because he believes in the world, it is a peerless genius of the three thousand true gods, and there is no ancient people before.

The Tibetan Tour is a talent.

So, he deeply believes that only one of him can kill Zhang Bin.

However, he still didn't dare to be too big, let everyone follow his back.

The bronze temple is a bit worried, step on one step. Just walk side by side.

Their two are in parallel, and there are 50 top giant.

However, the bronze temple suddenly stopped, and she pulled up and looked back: "The magic tide, you have come over, we have three people, let the zombie the ancestore."

"it is good……"

The magic tide did not hesitate to promise, and the lightning was rushed up and stood to the left of the Long.

Then they were in parallel with side, and the face was full of .

And they are also members of 50 hunting gods.

Wapchak, murderous.

All people who look at the lively are completely earthquake, and the eyes are also widened.

You must know that this is two to get the nine-story giant, the defensive ability of their body, plus their armor, absolutely an incomparably horrible point.

And the Milkyo is beyond the peerless genius of the three thousand true gods.

Any one is not a zombie old ancestors to deal with.

This time, is there a life for the zombie ancestors?

That is definitely doubtful.

Zhang Bin's face is also extraordinary. He slowly retreats slowly, and then retreats to 107 floors.

Quickly hear, waiting for the most horrible wars.

He really didn't think that the hunting hall was so mad, and the loss was so huge and he was dead.

Slowly, they came to 105 floors.

Then I came to 106 layers.

Many hunting god team members are shaking, and they can't go forward.

The face of the bronze temple and the magic of the magic, they are a bit hesitant.

However, there is still no fear, he continues.

The bronze temple and the magic tide are of course only followed.

Zhang Bin's eyes were squinted, continued to retreat, slowly returned 108 layers.

He observed three people in detail.

What surprised him is that three people are breathing smooth and have no serious problems.

Obviously, they can climb to 108 floors.

It is a genius that is extremely horrible.

Can cultivate into god.

In fact, it is very horrible to cultivate the giant huge, the talents, and the talents of the gods. However, there is no luck, it is difficult to break through.

Therefore, they really have the strength of 108 layers.

"Can't let them come up, three people are siege, I don't have any resistance."

Zhang Bin squatting in his heart, his hands in his hands, the hands of the swords were gone, and both hands grabbed the Libra.

The mind is always moving, and the Libra has changed much more.

Libra has a strange ability, and the Tibetan Tower is also difficult to seal.

So, you can get it so much.

Then he raised the height of the height, he horing it, and he scared down a day.

The three gods were present.


The three guys were smneped, and the swords in their hands were blocked by lightning.

Dangdang ...

Three giant sound, spark splash.

The body of the three people shaken it, it stabilized.

However, Zhang Bin instead of retreating three steps after continuous, almost overwhelming.

Three people teamed up, and it is really unparalleled.

However, Zhang Bin still seen it, the strength of the magic tide is the weakest, that is, the tide of the magic tide is the worst in the three people. Secondly, the Lord of the bronze temple is the strongest.

"First kill the magic."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he went to the head in his hands.

A syringe appeared in the left hand, and a slaughter sword appeared in the right hand.

He took a horrible murder.

The sword exploded and stabbed.

The left hand syringe is also tiered.

It seems that he wants to kill the murder.

"court death……"

Long screamed, he raised the attack of the shield and blocking the syringe.

For syringes, his alert is very big.

His right hand's sword is blocked by Zhang Bin's sword, the bronze temple and the magic tide are also horizontal swords.

But their swords have blocked.

Because Zhang Bin took the sword quickly.

Remove again.

Or organized to attack the magic.

But it has an accident, because the syringe is very bullish, it is easy to get the shield.

Then tie up the thoracotomy.

Crazy extracts the extracted extract.


Milong sent a fear, his body became hanging in a hurry.

His soul light is also rapidly extinguishing.

His strength fell sharply.

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