The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3601 Lantern

"We are working together with the same life."

Mountain river is said.

Everyone is also attached.

So Zhang Bin took them the second floor of the Tibetan Tower.

Yes, after refining the second layer of array, the second floor of the Tibetan Tower is open to Zhang Bin.

This layer is bottomed, in the second layer, it is extra security.

Zhang Bin wore armor and took a sword.

The left hand holds the treasure tower and slowly comes to the edge of the black mist.

But he didn't go immediately, but tried some.

It has found that the black mist contains a poisonous, but it is a fight against his armor defense.

He went in.

Going slowly.

There is no abnormality in the beginning, I saw countless black fog.

Block everything, the eyes are unclear, and the knowledge is also induced.

The rock color of the ground is slowly deeper, and it is about one hundred kilometers away, and it becomes dark as ink.

Zhang Bin used to put the slaughter sword on the ground.


A loud sound, spark splash.

There is no trace of rocks.

"Hey, it's too hard."

Zhang Bin is dark and dark, we must know that the rocks of the neighborhood of the universe, that is like a mud.

His mind is always moving, and the black is flying out, taking it on the ground.

It's more difficult to get in.

But the speed is slow and slow.

Slowly more slower than ants.

It is almost difficult to sneak in.

Zhang Bin also called a swallowing golden worm, letting the rock.

But it is also shaking.

He took the syringe again and gently tied it on the ground.


The singular voice sounded, and it took it in it, but only went in.

He slowly harded, slowly, the needle tied in.

Summary, but there is no hole.

In other words, the needle is to show special squeeze.

The ability to be American people is exactly the same.

"God, the syringe is so cow."

Zhang Bin is dark and dark, "Nurse's sister is so strong?"

After a while, he woke up and continued.

But he quickly discovered that he was lost.

There is a black fog around the front and rear, and you will not see you.

The ground is also exactly the same. Paint black ask.

Where can this identify the direction?

Even if Zhang Bin is working hard, there is no use, because there is no result.

As if it has exceeded the rules.

"How can this be?"

Zhang Bin's brow is deeply awkward.

After a while, he walked while walking on the ground.

In fact, it is written on the ground with a red pen.

But he will soon be speechless, because the red word is dull.

Then I can't disappear thoroughly.

Zhang Bin began to place some stones on the ground.

Of course, it is taken from his central Dantian.

This time, the stone did not disappear.

Zhang Bin's heart is in the heart of China, and continues to travel quickly.

Gravity is slowly improved.

Zhang Bin walks the road is also more difficult.

But Zhang Bin not only did not fear, but his face floated on his face.

Gravity is changing, indicating that he is in depth.

And terror gravity can temper him.

He progressed too fast, lacking grinding.

Here you can make up for his defects.

Suddenly, Zhang Bin stopped.

Because he saw broken white bones.

Dispose a handy atmosphere.

"Once someone is falling here."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

I have observed for a while, and I didn't see any mystery, and I didn't find space rings.

Zhang Bin continued to go.


The weird voice sounded.

Yes from the previous one.

Then Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of fear, because the front is a black ant.

They crawled quickly, straight to Zhang Bin.

The horror is that the two sides have ants, obviously to surround Zhang Bin.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's two eyes suddenly broke the hot radiant.

Bombards in the antcrum.

Two loud noises were issued.

Unfortunately, the ants are still safe.

It can be said that it is not damaged.

"Go away, there are ants behind, so I'm going to get around ..."

The mountain river is shouting in the Tibetan Tower.

" ..."

Zhang Bin moved, turned around, escaped the package with the fastest speed.

Then he stopped his footscape outside the circle.

The heart is always moving, and 5,000 swallowed golden worms fly out.

However, these swallowed golden worms see these black ants, even shivering, quickly retreat, a pair of fear.


Zhang Bin knew the horror of these black ants, no longer delay, and collapsed to swallow the golden worm, quickly escaping.

But what is fear is that the ant speed is very fast, and it has been in the body, and from time to time, there is a team of black ants to intercept.

Even, once Zhang Bin was also surrounded by the ant.

His deceased sword actually did not die.

The ants can bite his armor.

Zhang Bin is a creepy.

Show soul attacks and bombard your body.

Many ants are heads and rising, and walking is unstable.

He can kill a blood road and escape.

At this time, Zhang Bin finally understood that the horror of the black fog area was finally understood, why didn't you come out? Because they are all fallen, it may be eaten by these black ants.

You must know that even the true God helmet can't resist the ants' teeth.

Available only two-layer strength.

Where can I have a living?

Zhang Bin is still trying to escape.

But he felt that he might in the circle of ants.

Because the gravity is getting heavier, his speed is getting slower.

The latter ant is chase.

The rich death breath shrouded Zhang Bin.

But Zhang Bin still has no panic, because he has a basement, that is, Tibetan Tower.

However, he didn't want to use it.

Because of the use of Tibetan Tower, it means that it is completely surrounded by ants, and it is difficult to escape.

Suddenly, a touch of white rays appeared in front of the side.

But the ants in this direction are most.

"Trial ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, the Libra lifted, and the Libra was also shouting crazy.

Zhang Bin killed in the direction of white light. The sword in the hand dances crazy.

A aperture constitutes.

His invincible defense covered is also suddenly expanded, and the ants that flutter are blocked outside.

His speed is also upgraded.

Ant mass of ants rushing on a high-foot feet.

It took about half an hour, Zhang Bin killed out.

But his invincible defensive cover and Daolu have collapsed, and the face also became pale.

Walk is thrown.

He continued to bite his teeth and escaped in the direction of white light.

And countless ants are also rapidly chasing.

Slowly, Zhang Bin came to a place to make a white light.

It was actually a manor, surrounded by rivers like the moat, really have river water in flowing.

Among the estates, the pavilions, green trees, flowers, look simple and beautiful.

A teenager who looks like a fairyland stands on the bridge in front of the manor, holding a lantern in his hands.

White is the lantern.

"I rely on, there is a manor?"

Zhang Bin's eyes have grown, and the eyes are a bit sluggish.

The face is filled with a lot of money.

But now the situation is critical, countless ants chase behind.

He didn't dare to delay, quickly fly to the teenager who took the lantern, asked: "Please ask this friends, now I will be killed by ants, can I go into the manor to avoid it?"

"of course can."

The teenager is very polite, and Zhang Bin has passed through the bridge.

Then the boy pulled the bridge in the past. This is actually a hanging bridge.

Many ants are finally chasing here, but they don't dare to get into the city.

It seems fear.


Zhang Bin suddenly goddened, he was very worried that the ant can kill and brought disaster to the man of the manor.

Don't worry now.

"Guest officers you go to the manor, I have to wait here, if someone escapes, I must welcome them." The teenager gave a gift to Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bing took a head and stepped into the manor.

He is very curious, but there is no worry, because the teenager takes the lantern is the fairy attribute.

Along the way, the lack of flowers are different, and the air floating in the air.

Heartful heart.

Slowly, Zhang Bin came to the front of the manor.

The closed door will open.

A whispering woman is in a white ancient skirt, and it seems to have a beautiful and elegant woman.

She seems to be a young girl, seemingly a middle-aged woman, look carefully, seems to reveal the old breath.

As for her realm, Zhang Bin actually can't see it.

Even, even the realm of the teenager who took the lantern, Zhang Bin also couldn't see it.

A strange breath is in Zhang Bin's heart.

Even, he doubted that he had an illusion, is it in a mailing?

But he secretly biting his tongue, showing the secret examination, but it is still not judged that this is true or illusion.

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