The mountains and rivers, the mountains and rivers are all clearly. They know how their tachips, even the integration of one type is very difficult, but also want to integrate two ways? Then there is no difference with yourself.

Maybe I mad, and their body exploded.

They still want to live a period of time.

Seeing that two people dare not try, Zhang Bin also made it, did not stick to it, and did not let other people try. Another person just realized the mystery of the right, counted a foot into the area, and the distance to the coexistence is still relatively distant distance. It is even possible to withstand the test.

However, the test here is not too terrible, because you can stop, or even returning.

But Zhang Bin and Xiaoxing are impossible to retreat.

They continued to step on their footprints and continue to withstand the horrible Thunder attacks.

The Lei Chi in a bite flew out from the abyss.

It looks more and more beautiful, and it is more and more horrible.

The thunder that she bombards is also crossed.

But the speed of fusion of the Thunder is also getting faster and faster.

Zhang Bin and Xiaoxing secretly happy.

They are going forward.

The bridge is very long and is completely blocked by black mist.

After walking for three years, I arrived on the bridge on the side of the bridge.

They stepping on the peak of love.

Almost at the same time, they are sitting on knees.

Their body burst into violent pressure and momentum.


The singular voice sounded, and an invisible bottleneck was completely broken.

Zhang Bin also cultivated the Tao of the Thunder to a layer.

And Little Fuxing is also the same, it is a result of the 9.1 level.

Almost at the same time, the horror of the robbery also appeared.

Bang bang bumps ...

Suddenly, Many Lei Chi will take the abyss, suspended on their head.

I bombard them with two madnesss.

The colorful Thunder bombards two of them like the rain.

However, this thunder bombards, but it is a bit special, not spread into their moon.

Otherwise, their soul is absolutely unbearable, because the Thunder is too intensive, too horrible.


Xiao Fu Xing made a scream.

Its body is fast into coke.

However, it is worthy of little Fuxing, the body is quickly repaired.

And Zhang Bin's situation should be much better. After all, Zhang Bin has cultivated the trial to the second floor.

The body is strong.

The ability to resist is of course a lot.

Such a lot of Thunder bombards, let Zhangbin's vision of the Thunder's Tiandi Rules Fusion speed.

Let Zhang Bin curiously, his right arm integrates the Tiandi rules of the Thunder.

Excorps the rich corruption.

Even, the Thunder with a silk is taken, in jumping.

And Zhang Bin also had special sentiment.

There is a special connection between the Thunder's way and the trial.

Thunder is the most commonly used attack, which is also the test of the soul, and it can be said to be a means of trial. I blequached the trial, and then blended the words of the Thunder, it seems to be extramed.

Even, their own inner stars have a singular change. It has become more vital.

"Don't I practice my body into a real universe, I must really integrate more than 3,000 ways?"

Zhang Bin is very curious, in his heart. The face floated on the face.

After three days and three nights, the horror of the robbery ended.

Zhang Bin is not damaged.

Little Fuxing is dead, but finally still tall.

"It's amazing, my soul actually integrates the Tiandi rules of the Thunder."

Zhang Bin found this time, his body has already cultivated the Thunder's way to a layer of turn, but the soul is not, but today his soul light is the Thunder Taoist Tiandi that can melt the soul. Rules are slowly turning.


Zhang Bin shouted, and slammed a box on a dark rock.


Bang ...

With the Thunder Sound, sparks splashes.

A clear boxing appears on the rock.

"It's so powerful, I am much better."

Zhang Bin was dark and dark, and the face floated on his face.

"Lightning strike nine days ..."

Xiao Fu Xing finally got the treatment, it jumped up and shouted excitedly.

A Thunder broke out from its wings.

Strongly in the rock.

Bang ...

Tianshal, the sound is horrible.

Rocks are shaking, and the surface is also a smoke.

"It's so powerful, Xiao Fu Xing has too much."

Mountain river disciples include Zhang Bin shouting in his heart.

"Master, I can deal with you with you in the future."

Little Fuxing is also excited.

It knows that Zhang Bin has too many powerful enemies, but it is very weak because it has been very weak, it can't help, the heart is very depressed, but now not depressed, because it cultivates 9.1 level road, showing the Thunder attack is incomparably horror It is absolutely able to sweep the smoothness of the climate.

Zhang Bin and Xiao Fu Xing cheered for a while.

They continue to travel.

The first step is to turn over the hill and go down there.

Xiao Fu Xing stood on the left side of Zhang Bin, and she would like to live.

Xiaobai squatted on the shoulders of Zhang Bin, a look of lazy look, there is a fruit in his mouth.

As for small black, stand on Zhang Bin's head.

Its paw is extraordinarily smart, weaves Zhang Bin's hair into a bird's nest.

It's just in the bird's nest, don't make more pleasant.

Of course, it is also a few purple fruits in its nest.

I want to eat.

"The master, be careful, there seems to be quirky."

Xiaoxing's eyes are very sharp, and suddenly it is serious.

Zhang Bin stopped and his eyes were also squinted, shot, like a knife.

Look carefully.

Go to a stone forest.

It seems very wide like.

Black fog is invisible, only a rich red fog.

Slowly floating in the stone forest.

The rich death atmosphere exudes from the stone forest.

Zhang Bin once again, slowly came to the front of Shilin.

His face became very serious.

The red mist is too rich, the eyes and the knowledge are blocked.

It is difficult to see.

If it is lost, then go out, it may be very difficult.

However, if you want to go out, you must enter the stone forest.

Zhang Bin did a test and found that the red mist did not poison, but it was a bloody smell.

He went in.

Walking in Shilin, his face is full of vigilance.

Then Zhang Bin will have a creep, because there is countless white bone in front.

Some people also have a beast.

But more than the beast.

Big, like a mountain, small only thumb thickness.

I don't know how they fall here.

Zhang Bin still did not fear, he continued to go, step on the bone.

I sent a snoring voice.

Perhaps it is a long time, the bones are rotted.

Stepping up is chemical into a powder.

"Where is the beast?"

Zhang Bin's heart has puzzled deeply.

"May come from the ban on the sea, the end of the era, the ban on the sea is also a horrible world robbery. They can't resist it, they rushed into the black fog area, and then fall here." The mountain river is green.

"Maybe it is."

Zhang Bin muttered in his mouth, his face has been vigilant.

Because he faintly heard the painful voice, it seems to be from the front party.

He accelerated his footsteps, and he went straight to the pain of the pain.

I got about five hours.

There is a mountain, towering the sky.

How can I have tens of thousands of meters high.

The horrible voice is from this mountain.

Zhang Bin carefully left a distance, then he was like a fool.

Because it is not a mountain.

But a huge beast.

As if whale, it is very different, because this beast has four feet.

The beast is now overfolding.

The body is densely marma is the wound, the blood is out, bringing together into the stream, flowing in the stone forest ...

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