The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3618 Life and Death Dan

I don't wait for Zhang Bin to talk, that beauty is cold, "You are the Tiandao Gate's Road, you are so bold, dare to get late?"

"I am not - the road is boundless ..."

Zhang Bin is a face, but he still can't say three words behind, and the beauty is impatient: "Okay, I don't want to hear you explained. You gave me a good, I don't like to marry , Even, I am not interested in any man. But my parents have been forceding me to marry. Let me be to date every day. I am annoyed. I will come out, let you help play. I will not treat you. "

"I'm not--"

Zhang Bin screamed, he did not have seen such a woman, and even find someone who had never seen it helped to play, and he came here, he quickly distinguished.

But the beauty is impatiently interrupted, saying coldly: "You don't do it. Otherwise, I will send people to the Tiandoumen, anyway, there are few people in your day. I will live the door. The strength, you are too easy to destroy your heaven. "

"This beauty is from Changli Door?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, this is really going to break the iron shoes, you have to come.

So, he immediately put a profound look, did not hesitate to promise, "Well, I can play with you, just please don't destroy my heaven."

"Gill ... I heard that the Tiandou door has no talent, integrating the Thunder, but it is a weak personality, anyone can bully. Sure enough, I don't want to worry about it. It is. "Yuran laughed in his heart, and it was also very proud of his heart. Of course, it was a good way to think about it.

The Tiandou door has long been sealed, and several disciples are not coming out of this era.

Some time ago, she incentively broke into the closed mountain gate of Tiandaomen. The sound of the earth, leaving a jade jade, and there is no such thing for her.

Although there is no late coming, let her wait for half an hour, but he is still coming.

"Come over, sit here."

Yuandian pointed to a stone bench and said with a unquestionable tone.

Zhang Bin secretly smiled, but he still got the past, put it out of the way, sitting on the stone bench.

"From today, you will fake my boyfriend." Yu Via said, "I will take you back to life, see my parents ... I understand?"

"If your parents don't agree?"

Zhang Bin said.

He hopes to stay in Changshengmen for a while, perhaps you can listen to Yuxianmen.

But this may not be able to do it, because of this, her parents must not be ordinary people, and disagree.

"This is your business, if you can't get them agreed, I killed you a knife."

Yu Via said.


Zhang Bin got almost vomiting blood, and this woman is also wrappedant.

He almost gave her a slap in the face.

However, seeing her like a flower, seeing that the full towering is a shocking, thinking that he must find an unstead of demon, listening to Yuxianmen.

The anger in his heart is slowly dissipated.

"You are integrated is the Thunder. Even if the more the capital is almost, the power is still good." Yu Man scorn his eyes glanced at Zhang Bin. "My parents agree that there is at least half of it, it is also possible to live. "

"So smart? The Tao is also integrated with the Thunder?"

Zhang Bin was darkly surprised that he quickly concluded the breath of his trial, and he did not disclose it.

It seems to be a teenager that combines the Thunder.

In fact, because the trial is the new avenue, the breath of this era, the breath is very strange, and Yuran is not recognized. She only clearly induces the Thunder's way of thinking of Zhang Bin, and is a closed one Floor.

How can she put Zhang Bin in their eyes?

You know, she is integrated, but she is cultivated to the three layers of the closed road, but she is with the disciples of Wan Dao. There is a great difference.

Therefore, her Tianfang is better than that of the road, I don't know how many times.

"If you pass by you, my parents agree, then I only take the initiative to touch you, but don't take the initiative to touch me, otherwise, even if you encounter me, I will punish you. It is not impossible to kill you. "Yu Via said.


Zhang Bin gone for a while, I feel that this is not dangerous.

This woman looks fierce, but it will not be so fierce.

"Then let's go ..."

Yu Mia took Zhang Bin's arm, and fierce in Zhang Bin's arm, let Zhang Bin secretly tremble, this woman is too tempting, very hook.

That white cat jumped out of her arms, rapidly became big, and two wings were grown.

The emissivity of the vanage, and the white cat flew rapidly.

The pen is straight to the depths of the lake ladder, and the speed is very fast. It is a small black.

Obviously, the white cat is much stronger than the small black.

It is more than half an hour, and the white cat landed on a cliff in a mountain.

"Under the cliff, it is the station of our long-lived door."

Yuran pulled Zhang Bin jumped from the back of the white cat, she said proudly, "Let's go."

After finishing, she will pull Zhang Bin jumped down the cliff.

But Zhang Bin is always moving, hesitantly said: "My strength is so weak, maybe your parents will not agree. In the future, they will still find you many genius Junjie, trouble you."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Yuran looked at Zhang Bin, watched.

"I mean, do you have any treasures, let me break through the two layers?"

Zhang Bin said, "Their consent is very likely."

He is very worried that he reveals the flaw. After all, he has cultivated the trial to the two-layer limits.

Even if I have a strong convergence, it is difficult to pass the super powerful giant.

It may even be found that he blends two ways.

That will peek to his body and want to win.

But if you immediately cultivate the Thunder's way to the second floor, you can cover the breath of your trial, and some people will not see that he blends two ways.

"You - I dare to peek at the life and death of my long life. Are you afraid of a life?"

After a while, Yu Min said it.

"Life and death Dan is so dangerous?"

Zhang Bin put out a little fear, asked.

"Life and death Dan is the magical medicine of our life and death, the magical medicine, the medicine, the drug, is extremely fierce. If anyone is taking, you must experience a life and dead tempering. If it is not enough, it will be a life, body and The soul will explode. But if you can withstand, you will have a lot of life and death, then you will be strong, and you may even break through a bottleneck. "Yuran's hands appeared as a big red Dan medicine," I am There is a grain, as long as you are not afraid of death, I also dare to take you. "

"If your parents don't agree, you will kill me. It's not as good as taking a life and death Dan, breaking through a bottleneck." Zhang Bin put the way of the end of the way.

However, his heart is happy, he is originally trying to happen, understand the strength of long gangs. Didn't think of it, this little Nie is really so magical ...

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