The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3646, good luck

"All, we are gone, goodbye."

Zhang Bin said with a smile, he pulled the lobby dream to fly.

Many angry sounds sound, "Stand."

Of course, it is sent from the Tianyin Gate and Junxunmen.

Of course, there are also handsome Xiaojun.

They have been angry, and their faces are also iron green. This former nevus is now so bold, dare to grab the pro, and do you dream so simple?

Do they see them as the dead?

They flew over, when they came to Zhang Bin in front of Zhang Bin, and they burst into the stress and extremely horrible momentum. After all, most of them were in the nine floors.

"How are you?"

Zhang Bin put out a vocal innocent look and said angrily.

Everyone is thoroughly speechless. Is this you come to grab your pro?

"Kid, I want to kill you."

Shuai Xiaojun has been crazy, he roared, and he slammed his sword to Zhang Bin.

However, a super powerful giant is flying, and I grabbed handsome Xiao Jun's sword, saying faintly: "Stop."

Shuai Xiao Jun is in a hurry, and the mutual looks, found that the people are the door of the Tianyin door.

Then I asked in an unconventional man: "Father, what do you stop?"

Punning is really a father of the lobby.

His board faces face, saying that he said: "You attack this to hurt my daughter."

When he shot his eyes on the body of the lobby, he screamed: "Pong Dream, you give me down."

The lobby dream is still happy to hang on Zhang Bin. She won her face, and said: "Dad, you will marry me, now I am No, unless you agree with me and there is no wind. "


The plaque is almost the old blood spurt, what happened in the past?

I actually like to have no wind?

Cooperate with him to grab your pro?

Do you can't get it?

"Then you die together."

A more angry voice sounded, it was a giant flying, which is also a small and exquisite woman, it looks very beautiful, and it is very similar to the lobby dream.

Of course, the mother of the lobby dream, the wood is green.

Her right hand is handed into a snake, with the forehead of Zhang Bin with a rich murder.

The mouth said that it would kill them two, but she only attacked Zhang Bin.

Obviously, she is going to kill Zhang Bin.

Sure enough, it is a spicy magic, and the next thing is awkward.

But at this time, a beautiful woman who dressed as appeared from Zhang Bin, and stepped away from Zhang Bin, she came to Zhang Bin, and her hand also explored, and grabbed the wood green wrist.

Gently shiver, the wood is green and retreats, and it almost didn't fall in the ground.

The face of the wood is changed, and the face of the awning is also changed. Even the face of the homage and Qi Jun and Junxianmen has changed. They use the incompetent eyes to look at the Word.

I have never seen her before.

However, at Zhang Bin and Yu Min's wedding, they have seen her viceway, and they will retreat.

You know, there is a way to practice to the nine floors of the top, strong, one person can fight dozens of the nine-story giant.

It can be seen that this kind of beauty is also a great success.

There is such a person to protect the "", and things are really troublesome.

"who are you?"

Punched on the wooden green, looked at the demon, asked angry.

"You don't have to manage who I am."

The face of the undead against the demon has floated a contempt, as long as you know, I am, anyone will think about hurt my son.

"Your son? God, is this strong and horrible woman really is a good thing? This is a dream?" Everyone is completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of colors.

The heart is also a bad absurd.

Any one of the top 9th round, a big giant, is the door owner of the gathered, and the virtue is highly expected, the power is heavily.

But how can someone want to do it?

" ..."

Junxianmen, Tianyin door more giant flying.

There are 40 hidden nine giants in the foot, and one of them blasted the murderous murder. Their eyes are also blaming the cold light.

Their face is full of anger.

However, they dare not shot, all of them are afraid to look at the Devil.

From this case, there is nothing to solve before things, Zhang Bin can't walk even if there is an unstead of demonism.

"The son, your hair is chaotic."

If they don't exist, she takes out a stool, and Zhang Bin is sitting on the stool. She began to combat Zhang Bin, and even secretly made Zhang Bin's hair into a new hairstyle. It seems that there is a lot of wind.

Zhang Bin sat there.

Looking at the lobby dreams sitting on his legs with a fascinating gaze.

Pong Dream is a bride today, of course, is a beautiful beauty.

Nowaday, she is also unhappy in Zhang Binhuai, and her face is full of happiness, and it is full of expectations.

Her beauty also shoted the eyes of the affection, and took it on Zhang Bin's face.

That is how you can't move.

In fact, her is curious to the ultimate, what is this boy?

He is obviously not a road.

Otherwise, there will be no to grab your pro.

She didn't know, what kind of person is this ?

But she knows that this man is her liked.

She also knows that he is Yuran's husband.

It is also her husband in the future.

Many giant looked at this iconic picture, and their hearts were cold.

What is the teenager of this background? Do you have such a powerful?

Do they get up?

At this moment, they all wake up, this teenager may not be the road.

Instead, there is another person.

"Seniors, do you really protect him?"

Junxian door coach poked angrily.

"Ha ha……"

If you don't die, you don't look at him, just make a scratch.

After all, this is too stupid.

She has no need to answer.


Handsome poke her face, but she still can't do it.

"Pong Dream, you gave me."

Muqing said with a hurry.

"Mom, I am a bride today, I want to go with him."

Pengo Meng Jiao Dicks.

"Ah ... mad at me ..."

Mu Qingcui made a big shouting, and he was trembled.

The squid is also an urgent rule. Roaring, all being broken by the lobby.

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