The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3652 is stared

Although the Tianhe flew out from the void, it was not directly falling in the earth, but he fell to a hundred million kilometers of high mountains, then poured from the mountains and gapped.

A deep river was rolled out on the mountain.

Due to white fog, it is not seen in the mountain.

There are dozens of kilometers wide, magnificent, and spectacular.

The three sun is suspended in the mountainside.

Any hanging in the void.

On the Tianhe, there are three red stone doors, exceptional wide and tall, exude a mysterious breath.

In fact, it is three doors, there is no door, and Tianhe water roars from the door frame.

Zhang Bin also saw that there were three words on the three doors, and a head gate, two Yangmen, Sanyangmen.


There are many geniuses walking step forward in the Tianhe.

The turbulent Tianhe water is impacted on them.

They sent a painful shout from time to time.

There is a genius stronger, he is a very tall teenager, and he rushed over a positive door. On the door frame of a positive door from above, stand up.

Suddenly amazing happened.

The sun next to the Yang door exploded the rays of blood, shining on him.

He bathed in the singular light.

Suddenly his momentum is rapidly rising.

The war is also mad.

Just take a dozen minutes, he is powerful.

"My God, this sun is so amazing?"

Zhang Bin shocked to the ultimate, and his face was full of colors.

He is clear that the teenager has undergone the sun's shine, his body and the speed of the heaven and earth rules have improved how many times.

Therefore, it can be strong.

"The Tianhe Tianhe in the Tianhe continent here is different."

Zhang Bin is muttered, "the former can help people, but the latter can kill, and the people entering the sky are falling, and the door is time attribute."

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin began excited, would not help people in the mainland? The reason why the person is falling, because they don't cultivate the way of time to the nine floors.

"I have to take a time to take a look at the Tianhe in Qing Tao, maybe I can find any secrets, let me quickly and stronger." Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

After half an hour, the blood red rays falling in the teenager were completely destroyed.

"Ha ha ha ... I am strong with a big one. It is a magical three-yang secret."

The teenager sent a very excited shout, his face also floated ecstasy.

He jumped into a Yangmen, fell in the Tianhe, and he went to the trek, herely bombards the sky, he wanted to go to the second sun, and then under the shine of the second sun.

Many people in the Tianhe have floated the color of the face.

Many people in them have been here for many years, but they have no ability to rush through a male door.

Never use the two Yangmen and Sanyangmen.

Of course, the Tianhe is a two-layer giant.

That is to say, the three weird sun in the Tianhe is only useful to the giant giant of the two layers.

And you must go through the door frame, go to the threshold to get the benefits.

"Sister, let's go."

I watched Zhang Bin with mercy, and pulled Xiaohui to jump into the Tianhe.

The armor appeared on their body, with a relatively fast speed.

Tianhe Water gaves the impact on their body.

Let them only expose their necks and their heads.

Their speed slowly decreases, and it is getting more and more difficult.

"It seems that Tianhe water is also beneficial to people."

Zhang Bin muttered, he was going to jump, a cold voice sounded, "You are a road there is no end? Super genius is boundless? Levels defeat handsome Xiao Jun's road no end?"

Zhang Bin huddled, and then he saw that a big man flew, and looked at Zhang Bin with incomparable greed.

He is very powerful and cultivated to the four layers of the coeck.

The momentum, that perise, is simply fearful.

In the mid-Yang secret, the giant giant of the four layers of the shades is certain, but any one can be crushed into the two-layer giant.

As long as you know that there is super genius to enter, they will attack.

After winning the house, I hide up and cultivate.

And Zhang Bin is such a genius, it is extraordinarily rare, only one person is only one person, single gun, is the best goal.

"and who are you?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color.

"You don't have to ask who I am, you only have to give me the body."

This guy smiled and pounced in Zhang Bin like lightning.


Zhang Bin's hand appeared in the hands, throwing the past.

In an instant, the inquiry will become a flame that is incomparably horrible.

I will wrap the guy.


This guy issued a scream.

But it is abrupt.

Because he is chemical into ashes, the soul is also chemically formed into ashes.

Destroy the god!

Zhang Bin, but there are dozens of destruction.

Any one, you can kill the four or five levels of giant.

What's more, his card is more, there is a magical Tibetan Tower.

There is still a scale.

Where will he have any worries?

Just, now he is to kill the chicken monkeys, kill a lot of greedies.

He can also cultivate well in the Tianhe.

"Sure enough, there is a card."

A ridiculous laugh is floating on someone on a distant peeking.

The people who promoted Zhang Bin's very genius were laughing. "There is no wind, there is no end, here is the three-yang secret, you are more useless, or you have to kill."

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a despise, he also felt a bit wrong.

There is no such a fool in the world, and it will come over and kill him.

Which one just entered the huge body of the Sanyang Secret, how can I not bring the card?

Obviously, the four-story giant huge, which is just the soul, is controlled by the soul.

May be used to try his strength, or consume him a treasure.


Sure enough, it is another four-story giant to fly from the distance, with a murder of the sky, and a ax. Zhang Bin.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin once again smiled, he took out a rumor.

I will kill it in an instant.

However, this is very special, just killing the soul of each other.

Therefore, Zhang Bin got a body.

He slowly took the body.

"Kill kill ..."

The horrible voice sounded, and one of the four-story giant, and then attacked Zhang Bin.

And Zhang Bin did not stop.

Kill it.

"What martial art is the super genius of the door? He was stared at him. When he is consumed, he will take it."

The genius in the Tianhe Talents have noticed such a war.

Their face is full of regrets.

"Oh ... don't know the low-key, big out of the limelight, the next field is inevitable."

There is no one to go back, I have made a contemporary voice. "There are countless era, countless genius is so fallen."

"Brother, I admire you most. You are the real genius."

Xiao Hui looked at the eyes with worship, "And that idiot, Tianshui is very good, but it is too ignorant. He can live to now, it is a miracle."

"I have to see how many characters you have."

The giant hidden in the dark is also smiling, and continues to command many four-story giant to kill Zhang Bin.

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