The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3657 Tianhe chasing

"Since you want to assassinate, who first goes out?"

"My soul controlled a super powerful golden killer, let him shoot, the kid will die ... However, the bastard has gang armor, the defensive ability is very strong, must have a super sharp artifact ..."

"I have a dagger here, named Tu God, the artifact of real gods ..."

Soon, a super powerful killer will shot.

He cultivated to the four layers of the road.

The integration is the virtual way.

Don't say that it is doculence a person who is only cultivated to the second floor, it is a super genius of the same realm and is also a grasp.

The killer really has a cattle, and he has an empty, just like there is no existence.

It is slowly close to Zhang Bin.

I didn't trigger Zhang Bin any alert.

"Ha ha ha ... I will die,"

These demon are smiling.

"Death ..."

After the killer slowly lurked to Zhang Bin's back, then he stab his mind on Zhang Bin.


The singular voice sounded, Zhang Bin's invincible defense cover and the mask were broken.

I am scared to stab, Zhang Bin is borrowed before, and a word is also from his hands.

It has become a horrible flame, and it is in an instant to kill.


It's a boroughly sound.

The killer turns into ashes in an instant in the flame.

That put the god god is also downward.

Lightning is going to fly.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin's right hand explored, and grabbed the dagger.

Show secret law.

He said with a smile: "Unfortunately, it is a little bit. This dagger is good, it seems to be the artifact of real gods, I like it very much, thank you."

"Nima ..."

Many demones are almost vomiting blood, especially the two devils of the killing and dagger, but also the wind.

"This madman is big."

Countless people who look at the lively shake their heads, and their face is also full of envy.

After all, the artifacts made by the realism are super treasures, the value is huge.

It is also a genius desire, but it is not available.

"Is he not afraid of death?"

I watched Zhang Bin, and muttered in his mouth.

"Brother, I feel that he is deliberate, just wants to capture the treasures of many demon. And he actually succeeded, got a demonyman who made a real god."

Xiaohui looked at Zhang Bin with a nice look.

For the first time, she has a big curious about Zhang Bin.

Who is he?

What is the bottom sign? Do you dare to provoke so many devils?

"Come on, give you a chance, otherwise, I have been waiting for me, you have no chance." Zhang Bin continued to provoke.

"How to do?"

A lot of evil spirits are empty, and again in detail again.

In fact, the strength they added is of course far more than Zhang Bin, but they don't dare to use it. Because it will be charged by Zhang Bin's strange tower. It can only be used to control the giant of their soul.

That takes at least 600 people.

Even if they are flat, they don't want to lose such a big.

"Now there are two ways, one is to have a few dozens of masters, consume him, and then go to kill him. Another way is to wait for him to enter the Tianhe, we have documented him in the Tianhe. Tianhe Zhongzhong is extremely horrible, he is very difficult, with the cover of the river, is prone to him. "

A super deceitful devil smiled and said.

"Yes, in the Tianhe, I agree to this, I agree."

Many demon are exciting, and their faces have also floated exciting colors.

They are all the five-story giant, and the Tianhe River is of course relaxed.

However, due to the high realm, they went to the Tianhe no benefit.

After waiting for three hours, Zhang Bin found that many demon did not have any movements.

He will no longer delay.

I will jump into the Tianhe, I started working hard.

Then he discovered that the seriousness of gravity.

Tianhe Water bombards his body, just like there's countless cohavant three-layer giant attack in madness.

Let him pay a stroke.

However, Zhang Bin is very excited.

The universe is crushing, and the body has become a universe, resist the bombardment of Tianhe water.

This is relaxed.

He accelerated speed and step forward.

"Hey ... you are dead."

Numerous demon sneaked into the Tianhe.

Just squat in the bottom of the river, the hands and feet, quickly chase it.

Of course, they also released a number of four-layer giant.

Open in front.

There is Tianhe Water to make a cover, even if Zhang Bin discovered, it is also easy to block terrorist attacks, and the Tianhe water is also able to block terrorist attacks, then they want to kill Zhang Bin is easy to too much too much.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin made a clear laugh, his speed suddenly accelerated.


Step by step, it is more than a dozen meters, just step on it, it is more than ten meters.

"Hurry up……"

Many demons shouted crazy, they also accelerated.

Even, they stood up and desperately chased.

Suddenly more than ten devils. Thousands of shackles were controlled by their soul, all in the Tianhe, rapidly chasing.

"God, so many devils are dispatched, it is terrible."

"The boy will die."

Many people who look at the excitement have made a shouting shout.

Most of them are not in the Tianhe.

After all, every day, if it is not possible to rush through any door. It will not explain the strength. They will come down, hard to repair, and then try again.

And people in the Tianhe are fearful, they also accelerate the speed, crazy.

They are afraid of and pool fish.

Moreover, there are many geniuses shouting angry: "Do not allow it to go up ..."

Zhang Bin also really stopped.

He is going to surpass them is very easy, and even he has a grasp of the road acence and Xiaohui.

But he is really reluctant to bring the disaster to them.

He wants to stop the many powerful demon here.

"Hahaha ... kid you die."

"Come, use your character."

Many demon people who follow the back are with masks, they are smiling in madness.

"This time, the idiot will die."

I watched it back, looked at Zhang Bin like a fool.

"Hey, in fact, he is a good person, so stop, otherwise, he will easily exceed many people, then he can go to the door, quickly improve strength, the life ability will get huge improvement Xiao Hui made a sigh, and he looked at Zhang Bin's lonphabes with a complicated eyes.

"Small, see you."

Zhang Bin is a evil laugh, and the heart is always moving.

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