The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3659 arrived in a Yangmen

"It is too slow."

Zhang Bin finished, and he was walking side by side.

"Ha ha……"

The Tao withered made a contempt, looking back at Zhang Bin, looking at the dead.

"You don't care?"

Zhang Bin picks up the eyebrows and says faintly.

"We have not used our best."

It is said that "Only the fool like you will show yourself, show your super talents. I don't know, there are many demones below. They will observe in detail, observe what talent is true genius, Then they will take the house. You are so fast, so danger will come. Some top demon will choose you to do the goal. Waiting for you, hey, it is your end. "

"I am afraid that they don't appear." Zhang Bin looked at the road with mercy, "said" as a just fairy, if it is afraid, I would rather the diamond trousers, I will not dare to avoid the devil. " What is the significance of the cultivation? Also, do you know how many treasures on these demon? I just killed a devil, and the treasures got will have more treasures. Kill the devil, you can get treasures, He Le Not? "

"You - dare me?"

There is no way to call.

"You are too high, you said yourself, don't even have the qualifications of me. You are a coward, and I am not a world."

Zhang Bin said, he accelerated his footsteps, and even gently watched the road.

He really can't look at him, and it is too long, and it turns into a real coward.

Such a person, the tacit is good, and it is impossible to cultivate into god.

Even if it is, it is also the kind of bullied god.

During this time, Zhang Bin has been pondering that Zhang Dong and he said, "If you encounter a strong enemy, you will die."

This is very domineering.

It seems that there is a secret of cultivation.

Zhang Bin felt that if you want to cultivate it, you can't do it.

It is necessary to be brave enough, and you must fierce high songs, you must face courage to any strong enemy without fear.

In the face of the horrible magic tie, he still killed it by wisdom.

I got his treasure.

Thus it is full of him.

Let him face so many demon have a battle.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a strong enemy to die.

The stronger the enemy, the more treasures on the body, the greater the income.

"Blend ..."

The back of the Tao Wei Wei raised his fist, but he could only use this.

Dare to attack Zhang Bin.

Not afraid of Zhang Bin, but feel that he is a war Zhang Bin, exposes super good talent, isn't it to become a devil's goal?

So, or patience.

"Take a knife on the head."

There is no horror in my heart.

"He is really a very strange teenager, and I am totally different from my brother. He is a sharp, and the mountains are swallowed. My brother is a light, perseverance."

Xiao Hui looked at Zhang Bin's back.

There is more curious to Zhang Bin in my heart.

She really wants to catch up, ask him, "Do you really have the ability to deal with many horrible demon? If you are not grasp? How do you deal with it?"

For a consecutive month, Zhang Bin exceeded hundreds of geniuses.

Finally close to a male door.

The water flow here is more urgent, and the gravity is greater, the rock is smooth, standing instably.

"Ah ..."

There are three geniuses in front of Zhang Bin, they are shouting in the madness, crazy, want to rush into a positive door.

But under the impact of the horrible water flow, they can't be close, and only three meters away.

They insisted on ten minutes, finally couldn't stand firm, and fell over the ground.

Roll down in the Tianhe.

It looks an extraordinary wolf.

" ... ..."

"Hahaha ..."

The genius in the Tianhe is not laughing.

Even Zhang Bin laughed out.

"Handsome guy, what do you are?"

A beautiful woman has just been surpassed by Zhang Bin, she asked curiously.


Zhang Bin glanced at her and said with a smirk.

"True is very small. Do you still afraid that I will leak your identity?"

Beautiful woman said, "I am also a bright attribute."

"Go, let's go in."

Zhang Bin transferred the topic.

"I may not go."

The beauty said, "This is my 6999th impact this door. I estimate that this time is still not. I have to practice for a while."

"I am impacted so many times? Is it so difficult?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

"What is this? Many people have to hit more than 100,000 times to go in. Even if it is a super genius, it is impossible to go in." The beauty said, "You are the first time, I will bet, you are also If you don't go, you will be rushed by the Tianhe Water. Then you will die, because many demon is waiting for you below. You see, they are all arranged, they are rushing to smiling. "

"is it?"

Zhang Bin turned back, glanced at the eyes, the sky opened.

Then he saw that more demon came, now there are more than 20.

They released more than five thousands of four-layer giant, and arranged a special array.

It seems like Zhang Bin's in everything.

And they all looked at Zhang Bin with unrestricted eyes.

The Tianhe is very magical. If you don't enter a positive door, it will be overturned by the Tianhe, directly on the foot of the mountain.

Therefore, this is really a good means to deal with Zhang Bin.

"They are so bold, is it? Is it not possible to deal with them?"

Zhang Bin is very curious.

"Oh ... deal with them?"

The beauty made a clear laugh. "The demon is all the disciples of the gathered, they specialize in hunting the genius of the small martial arts. The genius of the three-yang secretly, most of them are a few big gathers. How can they go to the person of their own ? "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin took a closer look, and found some characteristics of the devil, found that there was a zombie door, and some demon was the hunting hall, the magic worm door, and the magical door.

He suddenly became anger, anger the flames.

"If you don't destroy you, I am not Zhang Bin."

Zhang Bin roared in his heart.

"Now, your best way is to stand in the Tianhe side cultivation, withstand the heave of the sky, slowly turtly your body and soul, soon to a certain level, then take a role in a positive door, then you will safe A lot. "The beauty said," After passing by a positive door, even if you can't pass the two-pool, you will rush down by Tianhe, and will stop in a positive door. Will not fall. "

"Thank you, pointing."

Zhang Bin said.

"You are not polite. I didn't dare to hit this, I was cultivated here. I was worried about falling, I was killed by the 2 devil." The beauty said, "I also from the small gartel, it is the same disease."

"If there is one person, can I get a person?"

Zhang Bin suddenly said.

"I heard that it is ok, but where there is such a genius in the world? Even if there is, it is not you."

The beauty is looking at Zhang Bin with a weird eye.

"If you believe me, I will pull you in the past."

Zhang Bin said.

"No, no need."

The beauty shook his head and looked at Zhang Bin. If he pulled her, the two fell together, then his little life is gone, her little life is gone, such a stupid thing, she will not do.

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