The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3662 upgrades

Zhang Bin is also a very doubt that this era may have so many super geniuses.

Do you have a lot of super geniuses, but they don't have the opportunity to grow up?

"The boy is very powerful."

It is also looking back to Qialan and looked at Xiao Hui to quickly travel. "" Bow big brother, you will harm him this time. Look at him anger, it seems to come to you. Trouble."

"Harming him? Will not?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Don't you see that they are only two people, it is obviously from the small gart. So, they don't dare to express a very talented, have been hiding strength and talent. There is no one will play his idea. But now he exposes Super talents, it is very dangerous, he must go quickly, otherwise, there may be a demon will chase him. Also, even if he has passed the Sanyang door, breaking through a bottleneck, will go, still Many demon chasing. Can he don't hate you into bones? "

"I didn't think of it, pulling your front, will let Tianhe water skyrocket."

Zhang Bin said, "Also, he can rush together, you can not expose the talent. So, this is completely unrelated to me."

"Interco, so much demon below. It's all you attracted. If we rushed down, they have to deal with us, we will be tragedy." Dao Weiwei salad to Zhang Hui, I have come to Zhang Bin and not far behind At that, he certainly heard Zhang Bin's words, he fate.

"I see you is the real idiot, the real nephew."

Zhang Bin said, "When you encounter any strong enemy, you have hidden strength, drill your trousers, let people bully, such a sense?"

"you wanna die."

It is astonished to get rid of it.

"Brother, don't be angry, it has come here, it is useless."

Xiaohui said, "Now you have become the goal of the devil, you can only work together, to deal with strong enemies, then you can escape."

"Yes, you both are super genius, and all the fairy attributes. That's safe to deal with the devil. That is too safe."

It is also attached to Qialan.

"Coope with him? Hehe ..."

There is a wonderful to send a contempt, and the face is also filled with contempt.

"" Hehe ... "

Zhang Bin also issued a scream of contempt.

Who is Zhang Bin? I have encountered any strong enemies, they are resolved in my own area, never expect someone to help.

Although the devil of the foot of the mountain is more than terrible.

But he will not fear.

Moreover, with the endless cooperation, after killing the devil, he will inevitably divide the other part of the treasure.

He is not willing.

What's more, there is a person like a grandson, in addition to the grandson, or put the grandson, let him do the war, it is estimated that it is difficult than the day.

Two beautiful women are thoroughly speechless.

How do these two super geniuses so attitudes?

"Brother, why do you refuse?"

Xiaohui said.

"He showed super talents, naturally have to grasp numerous demon. Why should I take off?" The road is a sound of the sound, "Wait for him and the devil, we can easily leave the Sanyang Secrets."


Xiaohui is thoroughly speechless.

Her heart is bored, and the genius of such a slot turtle is stressed. What can she do?

"Bow big brother, why don't you work with him?"

Asked to Qialan, "now he is in anger, speak unreasonable, can forgive."

"His name is awkward ..."

Zhang Bin said the personality of the road, said: "You can know when you look at it, he will work with me, he will wait for me and the devil battle, then take Xiaohui."

"God, how can there be such a vesicle waste genius in the world?"

It is not a secret disciple to Qialan, of course, I don't know that there is no such thing, of course, it is very shocking and dare not confidence.

Such a good talent, so powerful, but is willing to diamond the crotch of others?

I have never returned my hand, let the people bulge him?

And she also understands that Zhang Bin should be correct.

The genius of the road is awkward, although powerful, but more concerns, they don't dare to fight in many devils.

Escape is his only choice.

"let's go……"

Zhang Bin finished, pulling it to Qialan.

Step by step, they walked into a positive door. Then they climbed the door frame of the door.

Of course, the door is of course exceptionally wide, there is still a very wide place to squin 8000.

" ..."

The sun next to the sun burst two light, shining in Zhang Bin and to the Qianlan.

The two of them immediately came to the knee, and their faces have also floated a rich accent.

Because they feel that this ray is really amazing.

When I shine on them, I entered any cells, and even I even entered their moon palace and shine on their soul.

Suddenly their body and soul fusion world rules have skyrocketed.

Their body and soul are also rapid.

It is also getting stronger and more powerful.

There is no way to stand in the Tianhe, and look at Zhang Bin coldly.

And his knowledge is spread to the foot of the mountain and pay attention to the demon.

He found that although many demones made him as a goal, they did not rush into the Tianhe and did not go up.

He nature will not be ahead.

He doesn't want to with Zhang Bin to withstand the sun irradiation.

If Zhang Bin let the row of Gold Magic Suddenly attack them, then the consequences are unimaginable.

As long as there is a distant danger, he will also avoid it.

"Brother, let's go."

Xiaohui said a little depressed.

"My sister, waiting for them to leave, we went up. Be careful to drive a million ship."

There is no way to say, "he does not necessarily attack us. He still has so many golden worms. If I just me, I am still not afraid, but there is you. I have no way to protect you. You also I know, how many super geniuses, three universers, Milong, and in front of this bastard, there is still me, even the genius we don't know. In fact, any era will have so many days. However, they have no way to grow up, not falling, it is wrecked, and after the wake, the soul and the body will inevitably do not match, and the income will be reduced. So, there are countless era, also only 3,000 Zhen God, the little god is also extraordinarily rare. We must be low-key, you have to be cautious, you can grow up in peace and sound. It doesn't matter if it is slow, the most important is safe. "

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