The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3667 breaks through the three floors

" ..."

The singular voice sounded in Zhang Bin's head, and the two world rules were finally mixed under the evasion of violet, and chemically became a strange liquid, integrated into Zhang Bin's flesh.

In fact, it is integrated into Zhang Bin's inside the universe.

Almost at the same time, a giant sound, sounded in Zhang Bin's mind.

An invisible bottleneck is broken.

Zhang Bin's trial, the Thunder's way was cultivated to the three floors.

Suddenly his body is activated.

The rules of the heavens and the earth that cannot be fused are slowly melted into liquids under the illuminating shine, and fused with his body, soul.

Of course, it is limited to the trial and the heaven and earth rules of the Thunder.

The rules of the heavens and the earth are not melted at all, and I don't know what is.

This melting world rules are three levels.

After all, the level of the world and the second level has been integrated with Zhang Bin's body and soul.

"Bang ..."

Almost simultaneous, the sky has a layer of clouded dark clouds.

The horrible Thunder voice also sounded in the dark clouds.

Then, a thunder that has a few tens of meters diameter is taken from the dark clouds.

Bring the murder of the sky in Zhang Bin.

Suddenly, the light is scrape, the world has become extra bright, and anyone's eyes are almost blind.


Zhang Bin made a scream, he fell on the spot on the spot and kept twitching.

His skin has also become dark, and an alarmatic breath is also a diffuse air.

"Heaven, how is his lacker so horrible?"

Everyone is completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of not a letter.

There is no horror, Xiao Hui, and it is also stunned to Qialan, and it is also said that it will not come out for a long time.

They quickly retreated to the farther place.

The three thousand swallowed golden worms are also refunded by fear.

This horrible Thunder, if it falls on their body, then they may directly become flying ash.

"Food, the guy is too good, so the robbery is too horrible. He may be fallen. We are happy."

Many demones with gods in the foot of the mountains are depressed.

"Bang ..."

The second Thunder almost didn't have any pauses.

Crazy, I still have time, I can't get rid of Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin once again issued a miserable call.

The skin is chemically coke.

The Thunder of Death is raging in his body and crashed his vitality.

"Trial ..."

"Thunder ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, because he suddenly found that when the Thunder bored him, you can use the magical power.

These two roads were launched by him, and his ability to resist the robbery rapidly increased.

His body is also rapidly recovering.

Then he found that this Thunder flowed in his body, melting the rules of countless trials and the Thunder's rules, and was integrated and absorbed by his body.

There is not much change among the moon palace, because this time the sky has not entered the moon.

Just only the kind of purple light emitted in the moon is shining in the moon.

Therefore, the rate of melting of heaven and earth rules is far more than the body.

Obviously, this time the label is terrible, but it is still a physical robbery.

"Little Fuxing, come out ..."

Zhang Bin's heart, Xiao Fu Xing was taken out, landing aside.

Little Fuxing is also a distance from a distance, but it is still able to spread the Thunder.

This is of course let Xiaoxing will rob.

Although Xiao Fu Xing has passed Zhang Bin's talents, it has not broken through the 9.2 level, after all, this is too difficult.

Therefore, Zhang Bin has not let Xiaoxing pass a sunny door, two Yangmen, Sanyangmen.

Even if there is an effect, it will not come. Most of the Little Fu Xing broke through to level 9.2.

But if the little Fuxing broke through the 9.2 level road, then the three doors, then it can become a 9.3 level road.

Thunder's 9.3 level road, of course, is especially horrible.

It is very easy to counter the three-story giant, which is a four-layer giant, may also confront.


All the Thunder of dozens of meters is madly bombed.

Like countless Thunder, continuously in Zhang Bin continuously.

It has become a huge horrible sphere.

Ray is woven, murderous.

The earth is standing, and the Tianhe has set off the waves of the sky.

Such a horrible day robbery, don't say the two-story giant, that is, the five-story giant, there is no grasp of it.

"Ah ..."

Zhang Bin's scream is extravagant.

"... ..."

Little Fuxing is also called electricity.

But the little Fuxing did not escape, and continued to be robbed.

Because its body and soul are quickly integrated with the heave and earth rules.

In the occurrence of singular changes, it becomes more powerful.

This time is long.

After three days and three nights, the robbery still did not end.

But everyone is shocking that Zhang Bin still did not fall.

Even, his scream is not so mad.

He is not lying on the ground, but it has been sitting with a knee.

The body is also recovered quickly.

The horrible Thunder bombarded him, and he could not hit him again.

This is of course because of these three days of Tianlei bombardment, making his body have become a lot, and the ability to fight against Thunder is also greatly improved.

"God, can he have to spend such a horrible day robbery?"

Countless people are all thoroughly, all look at Zhang Bin in the same way.

I don't understand how Zhang Bin did it?

They don't know, Zhang Bin is blended with two ways. This horrible Thunder bombards, his body is simultaneously integrated with two types of heaven and earth rules, and the speed is also very fast. The strong speed is of course too much than others.

The horrible Thunder bombarded about three hours, perhaps he didn't think about Zhang Bin. The dark clouds in the sky were quickly dissipated, and then completely disappeared, as never had the same.

And Zhang Bin, of course, has spent the sky, cultivating the three floors.

Zhang Bin's face floated with a brilliant smile, and the body is also a sharp pressure and momentum that is extremely horrible.

He felt that his body did two hundred times strongly.

This is simply a big leap.

His soul is also strong for more than 20 times.

The number of soul lights is not increased, but the brightness of the soul light has increased more than 20 times.

The speed of quenching your soul is of course an increase of more than 20 times.

Zhang Bin's soul attack is of course also a high boat, and the power is mad.

"I don't know how Xiao Fu Xing is?"

Zhang Bin is happy, projection of concern to Xiaofu.

Since I didn't indute Xiaofu walk through the three-pool, it may be that Xiao Fu Xing has not broken through the 9.2-level road, so the purple light emitted by the sun does not shine on the little blessing.

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