The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3681 Zhang Bin shot

Look at this, if the zombie door continues to attack for a few months, this hill method can also crash.

Even if this is the place where I have lived, but I have passed too much era.

The power of the array is also reduced.

In the face of such a horrible attack, it is unable to resist.

At this time, the old ancestors of the mountain river also knew that the old zombie door dealded that the mountain river door did not use full, it may not be used by one more power.

Now this, the zombie door is really going to completely destroy the mountain river door.

"Zombie ancestors, you want to destroy my mountain river door can only be a dream, and you want to transfer your goals, you can immerse our mountains and rivers can only be a dream. Everyone's eyes are bright. The hunting hall will not let you go, Wan magic door will not give you. Even

When I heard this, the skin of the zombie had jittered a few times, and the face became extra very difficult.

Don't look at the strength of his zombie door is incomparable, but the hunting hall, the wannah, the mortal door, these three martial arts do not be weak in the zombie door. This time, the black pot of his back is too big, and it is too deep with three martial arts.

No matter how he distinguishes, it is difficult to let the Wan magician and hunting halls.

Therefore, this time only only their zombie doors come to the mountains.

Otherwise, the first one of the Wan Moumen will come to the river gate.

In other words, they still hurt Zhang Lao San in the suspected of the zombie old ancestors.

As for the mountain river long memory is Zhang Laosan, have been married the vast ancestors, they really don't believe it.

Zhang Lao San is even the son of the universe, even in a peerless genius, it is impossible to solely.

"Kill kill ..."

The zombie goddess is also anger, they shouted crazy, super-controlled by millions of zombies crazy attacks.

The sound is also an earth-shatter, horrible to the extreme.

The shield is more violently shaking, even, the cracks of dense lane appear on the surface.

It seems that it is going to break.

I haven't had a few months.

"All disciples, migration to the mountain river map."

The face of the mountain river has become very ugly, and it has to be met.

This is the only retreat, but he does not want to do this.

Because of the refundment of the mountain river map, it will belong to the zombie door in the future.

And their disciples in the mountains and rivers will come back.

Although there are also cultivation resources in the mountain river map, it is very small, it is difficult to cultivate disciples.

In the future, the mountain river door is really desirable.

Moreover, the zombie door is like a cloud, and they may have a way to enter the mountain river map.

The mountain river is now in the door.

Many disciples in the mountains and rivers are also the color of a face, they are especially angry.

However, in the face of the full attack of such a horrible zombie door, they are like a car, and they can't resist it.


Zhang Bin took the land like a ghost, and even gently entered the shield.

In an instant, there was an ancestor of the mountain river.

"Long-lasting, you are back?"

Shanhe old ancestors, and when Zhang Bin has been cultivated to the three layers of the closed road, he is even more happy. Zhang Bin's progress is like, if it can continue to get the chance, this era once again broke through several bottlenecks, and it may even be defeated in the Era Wan.

"I came back, I brought some cultivation resources to cultivate our disciples of the mountains."

Zhang Bin said.

This time I killed more than 500 demon, and I got too much cultivation.

There is absolutely a large number of giant.

"But now the zombie door is siege to our mountains, we can't resist. You still have many genius to leave, otherwise it will be sleepy in the mountain river map, this is great to be very disadvantage." Shanhe Laozu said.

"Wonderful, I have a way to retreat."

Zhang Bin smiled away, then he rushed to nod his head.

The face of the unstead of demon has also floated the evil smile.

She and Zhang Bin have hand to hold hands, step out, and have already hooded, standing outside the mountain gate.

Zhang Bin's mouth is also drinking: "Stop."

Zombie unique disciples that are crazy attacks are stunned, all look at Zhang Bin and the unstead of Devil.

They don't understand, this time, the disciples of the mountain river don't dare to come out?

Is it not impatient?

The zombie old ancestors swayed, and many disciples stopped attacking. His ice bruises were projected on Zhang Bin, and then projected on the body of the undead.

The zombie old ancestors are super powerful masters, of course, it has seen the special.

That seems to be a super powerful part of the 9th floor.

"who are you?"

The zombie old ancestors use the fox to look at the dressed as the , cold and cold.

"Zombie old ancestors, don't worry about me."

If you don't die, the god said, "Now, my son has something to ask you."

"Your Gongzi?"

The corner of the zombie old ancestors took a soy sauce to Zhang Bin's face, asked faintly: "Who are you?"

"Who are I? Don't you recognize it? I am a long-lasting mountain river."

Zhang Bin said coldly. "At the beginning, you are in the universe, suddenly attack, do you think I am killed by you? But I tell you that my mountain river is not so easy to die. Now I am resurrected. And cultivate it The three layers of the road. You - immediately gave me my artifact syringe. Otherwise, the consequence is not what you can endure. "

"You fart, when did I attack you?"

The zombie old ancestor is anger, and the body burst into excellence and murderous, his eyes also burst into ice cold light, which looks horrible to the extreme.

"In the universe, but, I am attacked, I am Zhang I." Zhang Bin said, "But now you will attack my mountain river door, don't you want to kill people? It is really your soul to win Zhang Ya, isn't it? "

"Hey ... Mountain River long-lasting, your courage is very big, it is very big." The zombie the ancestors laughed, "You think I am a fool, hunting the god, the Wan magician, the magic worm door is a fool? We all know that you are Zhang Lao San. Zhang Lao San is you. You are married my zombie door, I want to provoke the Wan Moul and my Zombie Gate, you have time to grow up. Right? "

"I am Zhang Lao San? You are just in the blood of the blood." Zhang Bin said, "What evidence do you have?"

"The evidence is very very. First, the last Pi Guangshan River is falling. Second, Zhang Lao San has cultivated many days, you are the same. Third, artifact syringe once in your hands, later in Zhang Laosan In hand. "Zombie's ancestor said faintly.

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