The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3688 Retreat

"Threat you? Hehe ... I tell you, this is not a threat. But it is necessary to happen. You must first destroy my mountain gate, and then seize the cultivation of the mountain river door."

Not dead, the goddess said proudly, "The hunting hall is the enemy of our mountains. Do not die. Our mountain river doors will play well with you."

"Domineering, it is really domineering."

Zhang Bin secretly embarrassed in his heart, and the unstead of demon is worthy of the most powerful part of the nine layers, this momentum is really not being installed. She is really afraid of fear of hunting.

In fact, there is a bottom gas, and her back is still a long life. Changsheng Gate is far less than a strong hunting hall, but it is not a very weak martial art.

If you add a sky, some hidden doors, it will not fear the hunting hall.

What's more, the hunting hall is also a diagram, that is, the worm door.

The worm door missing so many days.

And the Miya gapmen talented by Zhang Bin makeup.

This is an uncomfortable contradiction.

Also, today's Long Shao has enrolled the cultivation of the cultivation of the horrible cultivation, and it is not the son of the universe. Don't participate in the era Wars, but it is a very good goal.

There will be many top giant stares.

If the hunting hall is really going to die with the mountain river, it can't be can't do.

"Being the mountain, the door ..."

The main body of the golden temple burst into the murderous murder, and his eyes also shot the brunette of ice.

His multi-eye secret law on the mountain river must be.

He is not a fool, this secret is too suitable for him.

As long as you get, his attack power will improve too much, even if he can invinciate in the world, sweep everything. In the future, anyone cultivated into the gods, will be hunted by the hunting hall, then you can get too much benefits, the blood, the body of God, the treasure of God ...

The mountain river door is too weak. Even if there is a good giant, the giant giant, it is still too weak.

It is too easy to be destroyed.

Just attack the mountain gate, just grab a mountain river disciple, you should get the secret law of cultivation.

Even if you want to bear the darkness of the unstead of demon, there will be a certain loss, but overall, it is still very cost-effective.

"Kill kill ..."

Many of the hunting halls are crazy, showing the gods, launched an incomparably horrible attack on the mountain river door.

More terrible is, there is also a disciple of countless hunting halls.

Falling down, then also attacks together.

Of course, it is a member of the hunting team.

The most horrible bottom card of the hunting hall is the hunting team. Any member is a giant huge, they can combine a special array, a group of hundreds of people, can easily deal with the nine-story giant. Even the nine layers of the top is full of giant. If it is the hunting team of the nine floors, the state is also tragedy.

Only one instant, the five million hunter members have already placed.

100,000 of them are the nine floors of the giant.

The rest is the eight-layer giant.

Such strength is that the Wan Moumen also does not necessarily.

"My God, the hunting hall is so powerful? How is this possible?"

"The hunting hall is showing the jaw, and it is necessary to completely destroy the mountain river door."

"The mountain river door is really difficult. First is besieged by the zombie door, and now it is besieged by the hunting hall."


People who watch the excitement are discussing crazy, and their faces are filled with shock.


" ..."

"Dangdang ..."


Thunder, flame, magic weapon continuously bombards the shroud in the mountain river door.

The shield has a dense crack.

It seems that it is going to collapse.

"The hunting god of hunting gods is a bit weird ..."

Zhang Bin's face was a strong doubt. He felt that the last hunting team member of the universe, and the members of these hunting gods were different. The momentum and murder are far less than.

"This is the biggest secret. The secret of the hunting hall."

It has also been refunded to the undead devil's low sound. "No one knows where the hunting god of the hunting hunting is from where the hunting god squad. But the quantity is more terrible. The energy is endless. Moreover, they fall, I will try to destroy the body. So, there are countless era, no one can know the origin of the hunting god hunting god team. Just this, the hunting hall is mysterious and terrible in the hunting hall and the wan magic door. Also , The golden temple is not worried about I am going to count on their disciples, because they are endless, do not care at all. "

"So mysterious?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, he felt that this time did not lose, at least knowing the real strength of the hunting hall, also known the strength of the Golden Temple. In the future, I have to go to the hunting hall.

"Long-lasting, what should we do now?"

Shanhe old ancestors said.

"Let's go another place. The mountain river door is still too bad, not suitable for us."

Zhang Bin said without hesitation.

The biggest base card in the mountain river is the space in the mountain river.

However, that space is the god of space to show up. It is still far less than a truly secret ahead.

So, there is still not suitable for the Taoist cultivation.

Zhang Bin's ideal station or Yuxianmen.

Before two thousand elements, that is superior.

Even the martial arts left behind.

And he has the god of jade, and there is also the head of Yu Xianmen, which should be able to open Yu Xianmen.

"Hunting Temple, you will wait ..."

Zhang Bin shouted with cold smile.

Without any delay, he received all the people in the mountain river map, and the disciples of Zhashan River received the space container, of course, did not let any treasures.

Then he and did not die.

There is a magical treasure of Ume Americans, plus the terrorist strength of unstead of demon.

It is silent.

No giant hunting was found.


They just left about half an hour, the shroud of the mountain river is completely broken.

Can't stand too long at all.

The hunting god of the gods is killed in.

Unfortunately, there is no figure.

"Event the team, give me a calculation ..."

The golden temple laughed and said.

He has absolute grasp and can find the drops of the mountains and rivers.

After all, his compensation brigade is blended, and some people have cultivated to the nine floors.

Accounting capabilities have the crown of the world.

Events the team members will now make up in detail.

However, they can't make anything else.

It seems that there is no such thing in the world.

Just joke, Zhang Bin has long prevented this trick.

He puts the space container in the body, and his unsteading lights fused in Baihui.

The singular light is shrouded him, and it is not enough.

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