The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3690 Yuxian Cave Day

"How did I not feel?"

Zhang Bin is very curious. He pulled the hand of the unstead of demon, "What is it now?"

" ... The feeling of danger disappeared. Gravity also disappeared. It seems that this ring is the magical ability."

The undead devil gave a surprised voice.

Zhang Bin smiled slightly, no explanation, did not tell her, this is the heritage ring of Yu Zhi's true god, is the only key key of Jade House.

Any era end, the universe collapsed, the new universe was born.

But the continent is still absorbed in the new universe as the nutrients.

Therefore, the ladder is almost no change.

And this ring can always open this cave.

Will not change over time.

So, here is the highest value of the door.

Only the ring is not lost, you can always occupy here.

The inheritance will not be broken.

They hold hands and fly directly.

The rocks on the bottom of the abyss are a Dongfu-Yuxian Dongfu.

In fact, it is a secret, Yu Xian's secret.

It is very great to make a secret to the ground, it is great.

After all, this is a heaven and earth, there are many entrances or transport arrays.

That is to account for occupation, you must be damaged by all transfer arrays, but also close the other entrance.

To do this, you can only have the ability to really.

There is also a depression on the door of the Dongfu.

Zhang Bin also does not use the American people, but uses a ring.

Gently put it in the ring gently.

Silent, the door of the Dongfu is open.

It is an incomparable world.

Broad, vast, there is water in the mountains, countless immortals.

One of the big trees, triggered Zhang Bin's attention.

This big tree has a diameter of nearly a thousand kilometers, towering clouds, covering the sky.

Dispersing an incomparably horrible momentum.

Look carefully, you can see a few thousand red fruits on the branch, flashing the same red light.

However, this tree crystal is clear, the branches are dried green, the branches are dark green, and the leaves are green.

Absolutely not ordinary trees.

Even Zhang Bin felt that it was a smooth breath of the ultimate jade.

"Heaven, this is Yushu, the legendary Yushu. What is really existing?"

Until the Devils sent a shout, her face was also surprised.

Zhang Bin flew over the past.

The eyes were looking at the shocking gaze.

It is really shocked by huge jade trees.

"The son, Yushu also called the era tree, more magical than God tree. After all, the god tree can only live five thousand era. The congenital spirit tree is also the same. But the Yushu is different, it is a rock, it is Part of the rock. Plus here is a nine mainland. Era end, the nine mainland is still attracted to the new universe. Therefore, Yushu will never fall. So, this jade tree has existed numerous era. Yushu fruit is the essence of Yushu. There is a magical ability. It is the most magical treasure among the heavens and the earth. You can make the seven layers of giant to break through the eight floors. "Don't die.

"So amazing?"

Zhang Bin is a complete earthquake, and his face is full of not a letter.

Let the seven floors of the shackles exceed the eight floors, then it is too much to force.

You must know that after cultivating the seven layers, it is necessary to break through a bottleneck, that is, it is difficult, even if there is such a heterogeneous, there is not a hundreds of millions of years of hardship, that is, it can't break through.

That is to say, this jade fruit can make Zhang Bin's festival for hundreds of millions of practice.

Once it is cultivated to the eight floors, the Bin is almost invincible.

Therefore, as long as Zhang Bin is cultivated to the seven floors in this era, then take jade fruit, then we have to defeat the flight, there is no big problem.

The only thing to worry now is that before this era, Can Zhang Bin can't cultivate the seven layers?

"This is not the most amazing place. This Yushu should be a huge cave, which can be accommodated. If you have been living in such a place, you can get rid of Yushu, which can be more rapidly broken through the two layers of the road." Undead Devils pointed to the depression of the Yushu Tree trunk, "Gong, do you put the ring in a try?"

Zhang Bin did not hesitate to do this.

Sure enough, the ring has just put in, and there is a door, and it is open.

They walked in.

Sure enough, there is a huge space, and even there are countless naturally formed rooms, exceptional and perfect.

The wall is also crystal clear.

"Now I finally understand, why there is no building in Yuxian Dongfu, because he has lived here because of his Jade Xianmen disciple." Zhang Bin muttered, his face was full of splendid smile .

They are looking for .

Finally, I found a special place.

It is a super wide suite.

There are a lot of jade pupils inside.

They are all in Yusian Gate.

Zhang Bin and the undead devil were quickly read.

"Ha ha ha ... I finally understood, how to start the mountain array, and finally understand, how to use this ring." Zhang Bin laughed.

He didn't have any delays, and the ring was refined with the secret law.

Then he refined a lot of many rings and entered all the materials under all.

I watched such a ring with one person.

Then it will not be affected by the array.

If the enemy seizes the ring, it is useless because the information is not in line.

Zhang Bin's ring is the mother's quenteen, the ring he refining is a quite ring, and you must use the mother to enter the information.

In this way, even the mother is lost.

But the disciples with a ring ring can still enter here.

Therefore, the last generation of Yu Xianmen is even fallen in the universe of the universe, but she still believes that the Jade Xianmen disciple may still be alive, maybe Yu Xianmen has not yet extinction.

After all, the subclock can be inherited with a special way.

As long as the blood is the same, then through the complex secret law, the sub-ring can be inherited.

It is a pity that jade letters hope to fall.

Yu Xianmen is completely extracted.

A disciple is not there.

After all, the end of the era, people in any secret, will be taken to the universe of the universe by mysterious power, and we must experience the big horror to enter the new universe again.

Even if the Yuxianmen disciple has not yet destroyed, but there is no mother's ring, it is difficult to start the array.

Even the gravity is large here, it can't stop the nine floors of the nine floors.

That can only be hidden in the Yuxian Dongfu.

But just a jade, the resource is still limited.

The continent, and it is very difficult to pregnant.

The probability of the door is very large.

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