In the case of a shadow, the coiled liquid entered the belly, and the strange nutrition was sent to the whole body cell and the soul.

However, his cells did not absorb these nutrients, but were absorbed by the rules of the heavens and earth rules in Zhangbin's body.

These space rules seem to have a no-hole, absorb and swallow in madness.

In the past, Zhang Bin also cultivated the road to the nine floors.

In vivo absorbed the rules of the road that accommodates countless sound.

However, Zhang Bin is best at trial, integration is the trial of heaven and earth rules.

Therefore, there is no way to fusion the channel of the sound of the heave and earth rules.

And the sound of the sound in his body has almost no change.

It seems that it has come to the bottleneck and cannot evolve.

However, today's voice has absorbed the nutrients of this purple liquid. They are all elapsed, and some world rules have evolved quickly. They will evolve from the level to the second level, and then there has been three levels ... ...

Each time the liquid can make some heaven and earth rules evolve a level.

Moreover, when the liquid consumption is complete, the singular voice sounded: "Come on, then jump ..."

Therefore, Zhang Bin is a twisted body again and then got a reward, and the reward is of course purple liquid.

Putting countless people like a fool, and also giving the beast as a madman.

This kind of good thing is that there is a thousand years.

And Zhang Bin is also secretly surprised and excited.

Since he has the most talented trial of the trial, the Tiandi rules in his body have evolved. There is from levels to nine.

However, the rules of the other roads will not evolve in his body, all levels.

The last time, he integrates the Thunder, he accepted the Thunder bombardment of Shenyuan Lei Po, and he also found that the Taoity of the Thunder in his body evolved, two, three ... nine.

After that he fused his Thunder.

Don't this be a super-suite, can you blend your voice?

Trial, Thunder, Sound, these three are really one.

If it is a truth that can be fused, then you will have a lot more.

" ..."

After taking the ninewestern liquids, Zhang Bin's body issued the rest of the sound.

Some heaven and earth rules evolve into nine.

The beast god statue is also a ray, and the flute becomes very bright.

Not only in Zhang Bin's soul.

It is also the people on the island too.

They were lost in an instant, all flew, falling on the mountain.

Then they woke up.

All of them looked at Zhang Bin with confused and doubtful eyes.

It is quirky that three pets and 8,000 swallowed magic worms are still not affected.

They still cultivate it.

The flute is extremely loud and has horrible penetration.

Zhang Bin's soul and the body began to resonate.

Many first-class sounds Tiandi rules are also beginning to twist, slowly softening, start melt.

"God, this is really a super adventure. I can actually fuse the voice. I haven't cultivated the gods, I can integrate three ways?" Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his face was also floating. ecstasy.

White fog slowly raised from the ground.

Wrap the island, form a huge sphere.

In the end, even the sky was blocked, the real covering day.

Everyone can't see everything on the island, and I can't see Zhang Bin.

They all shocked to the extreme, and I didn't understand what happened.

"I must kill him and win everything."

The beast is shouting in your heart.

He is not a fool, there is such a vision in the heavens and the earth, must be because Zhang Bin super genius.

Perhaps, it is necessary to genius.

How can this genius?

Finally, there is a sound Tiandi rule thoroughly melted, and Zhang Bin's body is completely integrated. Do not divide each other.

Almost at the same time, the horrible day is coming.

Without Thunder, there is no black cloud.

And the sound is robbery.

A musical instrument like the piano is like a ghost, like a ghost, a masked beauty appears, she is sitting in front of the piano, exploring her hands, and starting the gesture.

The magical voice is also ringing.

Just like the wind and the wind, exceptionally fierce.

The sound is crazy in Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin stood up in an instant, and he couldn't help but twist his body.


His mouth is also a painful voice, but is drowning thoroughly by the piano.

His five senses bleeding, especially the ears, blood flows rapidly.

His five organs, his skin, bones, and souls are collapsed.

Because all are resonant and the piano sound occurs.

And he is finally understanding, the horror of the sound.

Not only the ability to temptation, but also the ability to resonate, can destroy everything.

The sound of sound is also a very horrible way.

It is also an indispensable assist in trial.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin quickly cultivated the trial and Thunder to the three-story, the body and the soul were super powerful.

In order to stick to a while, otherwise, such a horrible day robbery, he is really difficult to degree.

The more powerful, Zhang Bin also has a fear of fear.

Too many mysterious existence in the world, too many horrible disasters.

For example, what monster is that day? Where is it from?

Is it a horrible to this?

For this reason, Zhang Bin did not dare to cross the time and space.

To save the snowlin.

There is no cultivation of God, in this universe, there is absolutely more than you too many horrible.

Otherwise, save people, it is also to fall.

On the way of cultivation, anything else, it may fall into the uncommon.

Just like the genius of the seven layers here in the past, sneaking into the rock hole, falling directly.


Zhang Bin screamed, twisting pain.

He showed the words of the Thunder, the trial of the trial.

But only can only weaken the attack and cannot be completely masked.

His body and soul continue to collapse.

However, many voice Taoity rules are also rapidly melting, and fused with his body and soul.

I don't know if his body and soul are so powerful or weakened.

Even he doesn't know that he is dead or live.

His head is blank.

The horrible voice seems to destroy his knowledge.

Zhang Bin felt the crisis of death.

He made an angry in his mouth: "No, no, no, it is impossible to have such a powerful robbery ..."

He is a layer of robbery.

It is better than any time in the past.

It seems that the heavens and the earth do not give him any way.

"Death ..."

The beautiful man playing in the piano suddenly looked up, the masked black yarn couldn't cover the color of her face, even, her two eyes were also shot, and they were projected on Zhang Bin's face. .

(To go out, there are two chapters updated at night.)

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