The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3703 is going all the way

Of course, their eyes are also wide enough to limit.

Look at the underwater jade grass.

Of course, they did not make any sound.

Now that the disciples of the beast god don't, if you get, they can take it right away.

Then they can escape from the Miyin.

Because there is a jade, breakthroughs are extremely possible.

So, only one instant, all the giants on the island went to the river.

A black pressure is covered with a river.

Lian Yuran and Pengo dreams also flew over, and their faces were filled with excitement.

Only Zhang Bin is slow, waiting for him to react, there is no position.

He didn't have the past and continued to sit on the reef on the knee.

At the same time, he was curious.

He has to see so many giant cockroaches can't grab the jade grass.

Cuiyu has not too high wisdom, although living in the water, but sometimes it will also play the water.

Therefore, Cuiyu has no crisis that is slowly swimming in the water.

It is also getting closer to the water surface.

Now it is clear, but only one green jade.

It's not too big, just a feet, as fine as the hair, but it is green as jade.

Because the river has always been shaking.

Therefore, Cuiyu is also shaking, it looks beautiful.

Finally, the jade grass came out from the water.


Almost at the same time, three hands arrested the past.

I got the cupping, pulled out.

More hands talked, each grab part.

I was pulled out, I was divided by more than a dozen people.

Moreover, they did not have any delays, and they directly put into their mouths and took them.

"Ha ha ha ... I have to break through ..."

"Hey ... I have to break through ..."


Suddenly, five people sent a big shouting that they were very excited, they laughed madly.

"I rely on, really fake? The effect of Cuiyu is so good?"

Zhang Bin's eyes were wide, and the face was full of not born.

He looked at the past, and then he found that the five people had breakthroughs, but they all had a sound, and they all cultivate three floors, this is to break through The four floors.

"Fu Jun, don't be strange, Cui Yua is one of the most magical treasures, and they are not far from breakthrough, taken a little bit, and it is entirely possible to break through." Pong Dream said.

"If you take a little jade grass, can you break through?"

Zhang Bin's face has been excited and excited, and the lobby dream is also a sound, so her voice is so tempting.

"I have not worried about the three layers of the closed road. It may not work for a little bit of jade. But you must do a whole tree. However, Cuiyu can be can't meet. No luck, you can't encounter. I can't get it. Get it. There are too many people who have been robbed. "Pong Dream said," So, resonate with the statue, slowly go to the downstream, feel the heavens and the earth, enjoy the music and beauty, speed up the speed, final breakthrough, is a correct Moreover, taking too many genius Baorai breakthrough, the foundation is not strong, the war is not strong, and it may not be able to spend terror. "

After a sudden, she said: "Tianjiao is getting more and more powerful, many of the talents are actually very good, but it is because the progress is too fast, but the sky is buried, then it is completely fallen. Fu Jun, you have to be careful. "

"The foundation is not prison, the strength is not strong, the progress is too fast, but the degree is not the robbery?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color of thinking. It's so horrible and secret, I'm going to have a good fortune, completely fallen. Is it because these reasons?

However, the just is just a layer of robbery, and the other two roads are cultivated to the three layers, and their strength can be rushing to the four-story giant, and their soul is also very strong, obviously not Such a reason.

"Boom ..."

I suddenly appeared in the dark clouds.

A thunderous sound of the extremely horrible.

"God, the robbery appears, some people really broke through."

Some people shouted in the madness, and their faces were filled with envy and jealousy colors.


The five mad guys who have just landed on the island like the same arrow.

Of course, I have not gathered together.

They are sitting and sitting crazy.

They have broken it again.

The robbery is coming.

Zhang Bin also glanced at his eyes, he would look at what they were like, was the same as him.

It is also true that Zhang Bin's label is different.

It turned out to be a Thunder.

However, the voice of Thunder is relatively special, not only with horror, there is a fascinating breath.

Heaven, the silver snake flashed, countless thunders burst into the clouds, crazy, bombarded in five people.

"Ah ..."

They made a breeze in their mouth.

After about an hour, a voice that was very sad: "Ah, I am not willing, not willing to ..."

Then the sound is alone.

Obviously, this guy faded, the bone is not depressed, the soul is found.

After another hour, there was another person to fall, and it was killed by the sky.

Slowly, the thunder disappears, the dark clouds are spread.

The sky is finally the end.

Three people have spent the robbery.

And quickly recovered, they sent a very excited shout, their faces were also ecstatic, of course, their momentum was nearly 100 times.

"The five people died two people? Just three people spent the robbery?"

Zhang Bin is shaking his head, and his face has become a bit ugly.

The heart is also a little doubt, since the robbery is so horrible, what should I do?

Do you have a lot of days?

When he is a moon, he is a magical magic here. Which is not a super genius? Which doesn't want to practice to the nine floors, then cultivate into god?

Naturally, there will be no hesitation, will practice hard all the way, never give up.

Will not let go of any chance.

On the road of god, it covered the bones.

Nothing to come, how much is it?

There will be no one in a era.

Even ten era is also difficult to have a person.

However, any monks are cultivated in crazy, and they are looking for opportunities for god.

After all, they know that if they can't be god, they will fall sooner or later, become a bone.

Death is on the road to God, not willing, but will not regret it.

"Two Taoists, all the way."

Someone looked at the two piles, muttered in his mouth.

They can't see sorrow on their faces, and they can't see frustration.

They have been used to life and death.

Death is the end of life.

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