The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3712 Dragon Dragon

The face of the Gold Magic Worm has also floated the color of the fan.

It seems that they like this place very much.

The insect bag of the magic sectaria, and Zhang Bin is always in his central Dantian.

The insect bag is very special. Once the owner is in danger, the magic worm will take the initiative to help.

In the central Dantian, the magic insects cannot take the initiative. It has a huge defect.

Undoubtedly, if you put the swallowese of the magic insects in this layer, they are part of the duty at the hole. Once Zhang Bin is dangerous, they can kill themselves.

Of course, if this is done, it must always put the Tibetan Tower outside.

It is ok to hang it.

Anyway, Wu Meizhen is very bull, hanging the scale, now there is no burden on a Tibetan Tower.

"It seems very good."

In this way, Zhang Bin's face has been satisfied with satisfaction.

Today's Golden Magic Worm, became one of Zhang Bin's largest base card.

After all, it will be all evolved to four levels, and the defense ability is super good. The teeth are also sharp. And there is also a poisonous.

At a glance, there is no problem with the five-story giant to deal with the right.

Have such a good place to swallow the golden worm, can he still like?

Even, he also released all the too clear cone.

They are also cultivated here.

Today's Taqing cone is very powerful, most of them have cultivated to the first-class, can fight against the shackles.

After all, I took too much genius.

"Hey, wait for me to arrest some Cuiyu and Dragonfish, too clear cone is a lot of powerful, maybe it can also evolve into a second-level magic insect or even three-level magic insects." Zhang Bin looked at the Taqing cone of cheering He smiled happy.

After more than 100 million years of reproduction, the quantity of too clear conace is much more.

There are more than 100,000.

The too clear cone has been hurting the cold poison, and the tacit is also very good.

With the same characteristics of the Gold Magic Worm, you can bite hard metal.

It also contains terrible highly toxic, and the poisonous and even more than the swalloween.

After all, I have taken a poisonous king mushroom and some horror.

In addition, too clear cone can also show horrible ice lines.

It can easily hydrate water into ice.

Such a magical worm is worth cultivating.

Yes, too clear cone is also a kind of insects.

Do these, Zhang Bin flew out.

Without any delay, he threw the Tibetan Tower into the water.

It turned into a giant tower in an instant, exposed the water.

Like Zhang Bin's estimate.

Many dragon fish were angryly swayed, and the arrows on the back shot out like the rain, and they were shot on the treasure tower.

"Dangdang ..."

Like the same sound as the iron.

Spark is also splash.

The arrow is sticking to the Tibetan Tower, and I don't fall.

Many dragonfish are completely dumbfounded.

Then they are anxiously, and they bite their arrows with their teeth.

But of course can't do it.

They are completely angry, crazy hit the Tibetan Tower.

Also tapped with the tail crazy.

Hey ...

The sound is intensive as a rain.

The Tibetan Tower is constantly shaking.

It seems that it can't resist.

Also, Zhang Bin only refines the three-layer array of Tibetan treasures.

Defense is still limited.

The strength of the dragonfish absolutely exceeds the four layers of the coex, even reached five levels.

So many dragon fish attack together, power is still horrible.

"come back……"

Zhang Bin shouted.

Suddenly Tibetan eight tower will get up, and it is sharply reduced.

Falling in Zhang Bin's hands.

Numerous dragon fish rushed out, crazy chasing.

"I rely on, honeycomb?"

Zhang Bin grabbed the Tibetan Tower and escaped into the array.

He didn't want to deal with the dragonfish with a god, after all, he invaded the land of the dragonfish.

Of course, he will not be angry with the idea of ​​genius treasures such as dragonfly.

But there is only a temperate hunt.

Many dragonfish killed in the array, but found that gravity was extremely horrible, they quickly escaped.

Worried that it is trap.

Zhang Bin curiously took the arrow sticking to the treasure tower and bowed.

Then he found that the arrow was unpaired, and it was hard.

The more powerful artifacts can even be more than the figure.

"God, the husband, you capture so many dragon fish arrows? Fortune, we have made a fortune."

Peng's dreams are awake from cultivation, and then she has issued a big sea incomparable and fanatical.

Her face is also full of ecstasy.

"Faise? What?"

Zhang Bin's doubts.

"Fu Jun, Dragonfish is also a grade, only the top of the dragonfish can cultivate the arrow. They have to cultivate a lot of era, in order to cultivate the arrow. So, in the Tiangyin River in the Miyin, very Less to see the dragonfish that cultivates the arrow. The Dragonfish arrow is the weapon of the dragonfish. It is also the essence of the dragonfish. The arrow is not only a super powerful magic, but there is a dragon blood, which can make people break through To the four layers of the way, even the soul and body can be strengthened first, and it is easy to resist the sky. So, the Dragon Fish Arrow is the most essential part of the dragonfly body, and the value is unaudited. "Peng's dream excited Say.

"So amazing? What is the essence of the ordinary dragon fish?"

Zhang Bin was still surprised and asked curiously.

"The essence of ordinary dragon fish is of course blood. However, the effect can't be the blood ratio in the Dragonfish Arrow. So, if someone arrested ordinary dragonfish, it is killing, then take the meat and blood. People break through the bottleneck. "Pong Dream said," And the blood in any Dragonfish arrow can make people breakthrough. One dragonfish can be a plurality of arrows. "

"Dragonfish lost the dragonfish arrow, will not die?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit and asked.

"Of course, it will continue to give birth to arrows."

Pengo dreams.

"Ha ha ha ... that is great. I don't want to kill any kind of dragonfish at all. I just want their arrows. Here is my treasure."

Zhang Bin laughed.

This time he is really a fortune.

In the future, he can use it to many treasures and cultivate more genius.

Strengthen his forces.

"However, to take out the blood in the arrow, it is not easy. You must get a super powerful artifact, and you have to completely refine the artifact. Maybe we can't get the blood in this." Pong Dream is a bit depressed Said, "We can only go out. However, after going out, we want to come in in the future, it is very difficult."

The Miyin Middle Achievement is only allowed to enter the three layers of giant.

If they go out, break through the four layers of the road, and that of course, it is not possible.

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