"What exactly is going on?"

All living hunting gods is the extreme of sweat, fear.

"Go, leave here ..."

Some people are afraid, yelling crazy.


They flew out with lightning.

Leave the sky of the Tianyin River.

But there is still no use.

They still have a death.

Not only there is only that squad, but also spread to another hunting team.

They can only watch the players falling.

After a while, more terrible things happened.

Those falling bodies suddenly become zombies, crazy attacking live players.

The array is also instantaneous collapse.

This is of course Zhang Bin to protect the umers into their head. After killing, put it into a zombie, he has a lot of low-level zombies.

Ah, ah ...

The scream of the scream is also rapidly.

Just like a ghost.

Many hunting gods become chaotic.

" ..."

Suddenly, the Wan Dragon Dragon Director broke out.

Down a hunting team's defense cover, wear them.

Many swallowed gold worms swarmed out, crazy, geeled them.

Soon will kill.

"Kill him……"

Some people shouted in the madness and wants to attack Zhang Bin together with another hunting team.

Unfortunately, they are all scared.

And any hunting team has become incomplete.

Plus the person in charge fallen.

It became a disc.

The person should be.


Zhang Bin did not have any delay, the dragon fish arrow out.

Crazy hunting hunting team.

It's more horrible to have a Tibetan Tower in his hand, and the instant is getting bigger.

Countless Dragonfare Arrows out of the fourth layer.

Passive, cover the void.

How can there be hundreds of thousands.

You must know that Zhang Bin can take 100,000 dragonfish.

Most of them have given a dragon fish.

At the same time, it is extremely horrible.

If the god team's array is complete, perhaps it can be resistant.

Unfortunately, any hunting god team was killed several times, and it was a crucial.

Therefore, the defense ability is reduced.

Puff puff……

The speed of the Dragonfish Arrow is like electricity, breaks the defensive cover, and built their armor, and injected their body.

Ah, ah ...

The scream is screaming.

The hunting team member is like cutting wheat.

Then I was hung by the Gold Magic Worm.

"Quick escape ..."

The active players fear it, they are separated from the array.

Escape from all directions.

But this is simply looking for yourself.

They are just the three-layer giant, how can a single speed may be more than Jubin?

Zhang Bin released two beautiful women, three pets.

There is still 100,000 dragonfish.

The overnight is chasing the past.

Magic bombardment, dragon fish arrows detonated.

Lightning madness.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

Hunting the gods disciples screamed, and then become a body.

There is no ability to resist.

Just one moment, the 20 hunting team completely ended, without anyone escaped.

All turned into a corpse to fall on the ground and covered the earth.

Blood is also reddish.

The audience shocked, Yasang was silent.

All people who look at the lively are sluggish, and I can't go back for a long time.

The 20 three-level hunting god team in the god hall is so easy to kill.

Just like killing chickens.

And when this boy is, is this boss?

Come like this?

Can he take 100,000 dragonfish?

And most of the dragonfish is pregnant from the Dragon Front?

How did he do it?

This is more fantasy and incredible than Zhang Bin to kill 20 hunting team.

Because the dragonfish in the horrible Tianyin River, any one can fight the five-layer giant.

And the dragonfish is a group of sea beasts, likes to join hands to attack.

Therefore, even if it is a nine-story giant, there is no more dare to go into the Tianyin River, and may not be able to take so many dragonfish.

" ..."

Zhang Bin is a laughter of evil.

Because this time is great.

He got 60,000 space containers, too much magic weapon.

Although there is no destruction of the gods in the space container, there is a lot of other treasures.

Most importantly, he also got a lot of bodies.

Since the death is too fast, many people can't even destroy the body of the body.

He can refine a lot of living zombies.

The so-called live-racing is meaningful to have a body, and after entering a zombie, it can be quickly derived from the soul, of course, is controlled by Zhang Bin.

Therefore, there is no difference between living zombies and living people.

Even, there is not much difference with them.

They can even cultivate strong, can advance, can break through the realm.

In the future, Zhang Bin does not even need to control them, and the soul control can be.

Today, his swallowing magic insects have already lifted the soul control, which is controlled by slavery.

Therefore, there is no problem with the soul controlling some people.

Zhang Bin lost the line in the first time, and even the corpses of the crushing became ashes.

Then he collected all the body of the body.

Not too much, just five thousand quantities.

And it can combine a hunting team.

"God, I also have a hunting god, this is simply cool."

Zhang Bin's face was full of ecstasy.

Although he killed so many three-level hunting team, he did not dare to hung in the team.

Take advantage of the past, the hunting team is a murder that is extremely horrible.

Talk tiger color change.

I have killed countless genius, countless giant, countless buttons and strange gods.

Even this three-level hunting team, the lesproaches is like a confusing.

Even, this hunting god team can deal with the nine-story giant.

The horror is that they still have the ability to grow. If they all break through a few bottlenecks, the strength will of course have a high boat.

He didn't have any delays, and he immediately made it into a zombie.

Five thousand zombies are respectful in front of Zhang Bin, exuding powerful pressure and momentum.

"Combined hunting team ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

Suddenly there are three thousand zombie's heads up tentacles, thoroughly connected together.

The momentum has risen thousands of times, and the pressure is also as mad.

It looks shocking.

Since it is not too long, and immediately derived the soul consciousness, he accepted the original soul energy, so the soul is still very powerful, even, their soul is also received some of my residual memory, so I can combine the god team.

"Ha ha ha ... not bad, I like it."

Zhang Bin made a joyful laugh.

He didn't have any delays, with them, they will leave.

"This Taoist, stay."

A voice sounded, and an old man flew over the people who watched the lively.

Falling in front of Zhang Bin.

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