The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3741 Death Games

The sound of the rumor has not fallen, and there is more than two thousand eyes on their forehead, and the scarlets that shoot the dense Ma Ma are rays, with the head of all the momentum to Zhang Bin's head.


Zhang Bin called a sound, his people were in an instant.

Instead, it is a Tibetan Tower.

And Zhang Bin, of course, appeared in the Tibetan Tower.

Numerous soul attack bombards in the Tibetan Tower, of course, can not hurt the treasure tower.

Just splashing the scarlet.

Let the world become red.

"I don't enter the Tibetan Tower, how can people be so shameless?"

Long and others are in a hurry, depressed, is extremely angry.

"You actually attack with souls."

Zhang Bin's voice came out from it, "it's too shameless."

"Who is it?"


"Of course you are."

Zhang Bin said, "And you are very stupid, the soldiers are not distilled, do you know?"

The rumor is screaming, but it is not a way.

"Long, here is not far from the mountains, we use the rope to tower, let the following people work hard, maybe the tala will go down, then you have to kill him."

A shadow of a six-layer giant hunter said.

"Good way. Just do it."

The eyes of the rumor lit up.

So, this giant took out a rope, quickly rushed over, I want to take the tower.

"Shoot ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, his mouth opened, the Wan Dragon Dragon Director broke out.

Available in this guy with a murder.


This guy is very strong, and the ax is dancing, and the arrow is blocked.

It looks very easy.

It is worthy of a six-layer giant.

The war is horror.

However, he suddenly made a scream.

His head was wore.

Of course, I was worn by Zhang Bin's Tu Sword.

He is hidden in the umers, attacked on a Dragon Fish arrow, and it is broken, it suddenly flew out, the sword in his hand quickly stabbed, so that the other party did not come to block, and the head was worn.

Destroying sexual energy, killing his soul.

He even did not even destroy the body.

Zhang Bin was repaired to the five layers of the closed road, refining the fifth layer of the Tu Shenjian, the power of the butcher sword is more horrible.

It is also more sharp.

Otherwise, it is difficult to kill each other.

" ..."

Loan is anger, and the rest is also invincible.

They also broke out the soul attack.

Crazy shot from Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he grabbed the body to block his head before his head. There are countless soul attacks on the body, and they don't threaten Zhang Bin at all, then he has returned to the treasure tower.

This battle, he got a great victory.

Kill a six-layer giant.

And I got his body, you can refine advanced zombies.

"Nima ... together ..."

Long Yigui wants to crack, angry, "Try this tower, pull down ..."

They all rushed over.

There is a rope flame in your hand, you have to tie the Tibetan Tower.

Zhang Bin smiled coldly. He took a high-grade zombie, and he entered the head of the body.

Suddenly there is a six-layer zombie.

"Shoot ..."

All the dragonfish burst into the dragonfish arrow and shot it in the past.

Zhang Bin and zombies also rushed out.

Dancing the magic weapon, crazy attacks.

I have to dance the magic weapon, and the dragon fish.

I can't send a soul attack.

Ah, ah ...


Zhang Bin was like a ghost, and he kill three people.

It's all in the cave.

Unfortunately, someone destroyed the body before dying.

Just only got two somaties.

The zombies are also very powerful, and they also kill one.

Got a body.

Zhang Bin saw it, and immediately returned to the treasure tower with the body and zombies.

Take out the advanced zombie, and refine three zombies.

In this way, Zhang Bin also got four shades of six-layer zombies.

As for the advanced zombie, it is from the space rings of the Millennium, there is a hundred.


The color of the colors became unparalleled.

He was interrupted, and he took someone to retreat.

Because he remembered that there were 100 advanced zombies in your own space containers.

Here, they did not take any cheap.

"Long, how can I go back, come, let's continue."

Zhang Bin issued a smirk.

"Zombie ancestors, you are waiting for me, I will never let you go."

Moon shouted in the mountain.

"You also waited for me, I won't let you go. I will kill immediately and turn you into a body."

Zhang Bin said coldly.

There are now four of the six-layer zombies, and he has some opportunity to deal with the strong enemy below.

After that, Zhang Bin took the Tibetan Tower, and it disappeared like a ghost.


Milong shouted seriously.

Unfortunately, there is no movement for three days and three nights.

As if, Zhang Bin does not exist.

"Good array of laws, there is even more difficult to fly. Can only twist down underground."

Zhang Binqi arrived at the foot of the mountain, and his face was also a jealousy color.

Milk is not a grass bag, still very savvy.

Wall around the mountains and arranged such a horrible array, it is not easy to escape from the array.

If it is caled underground, it may take tens of thousands of years.

He observed finely.

Finally, his face floated a strange smile.

He boldly rigidly entered the array of Wumei people and came to a four-story hunting team.

One inch was inch and climbed on a four-layer giant body, and then went to his head.

It is difficult to find Wu American.

After all, Zhang Bin has been cultivated to the five floors.

Then Zhang Bin drove the umers and slowly sneaking into the other's head.


This guy suddenly made a bad scream.

Then I turned over to the ground, it can't move.

"Enemy ..."

Everyone shouted madly.

There are also many six-story giant to fly, and they are looking for.

However, they can't see the enemy's shadow.

Zhang Bin is driving into the head of another person from the tentacle connected to the hammer.


It's a screaming.

There is another four-story giant to become a corpse and turned over to the ground.

"How is this possible? How did he do it?"

Everyone is completely earthquake, fear.

Lunding is also a face, I don't understand what is going on.

However, the members of this hunting team are still in one.

Scrape is also extraordinary.

Just ten minutes, I have died twenty-five people.

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