The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3753 besieged Tiandao Gate

Larctuary cloud mountain, heaven.

Suddenly, the hunting god of hunting halls appeared, surrounding the Tiandao Door Group, instantly arranged the array.

Even a mosquito is flying.

"White Temple, what do you want to do?"

The journey has a few elders appearing in front of the mountain, and his face has a angry, and he is angry.

"Duanmen, sin." Baiyin Temple looked at the same way as the dead, "Because your apprentice said that there is too much innocent in Sanyang Middle, then in the Miyin Mo Huzu, killing us The Temple is too many disciples. So, you will have a good day right away. "

This is just an excuse, that is, to break the Tiandou Mountain Gate, then destroy the Tiandao door, live catching the road, and detained in the daytime.

"Hu said, that is not my discriminant."

There is a way to ruin, but his forehead is the sweat of beans.

He is not a fool, this hunting hall is dispatched with so many hunting gods, of which one of the nine-level hunting team, three hunting gods, hundreds of hunting gods, that is not just a rush Come, may be rushing.

At this moment, he had a little regret, he should not show up, and the strength is in the Changshengmen, if it continues to low-key, the hunting hall will not notice him.

Switch, he is out of angry.

He is full of hardships to the top nine floors, is one of the most powerful giant.

Even if you can't defeat the Golden Temple, it is hard to defeat him.

He has the hope and possibility of cultivating the god.

But now it is to be hunted.

How sad is this.

I have worked hard to practice thousands of era, I saw a god of Xu Guang ...

It is going to fall into the dark.

"This matter we will investigate, you are bunch."

The Baiyin Temple said faintly, "It is best not to resist, otherwise, kill innocent."

There is no many disciples in Tiandou, the mountain gates are not too big, and it is really no evil.

Therefore, the Baiyin Temple is so arrogant.

After all, any seven-level hunting god team can deal with the nine layers of the nine layers.

The complex of the three thousand avenues is of course very horrible.

"It's really not my apprentice, I am practicing the third floor."

The road has an angry shouting.

"I will say we have no maintenance, you see, I only cultivate to the three floors."

The road is also flying out.

"Not my brother, no, it is really not."

Xiao Hui also flew out, shouting horror.

"Hehe ..."

The Lord of the Silver Temple made a smile, "all come over. We investigate some, if you really have nothing to do, then you will release you."

"I am walking with you, can you let go of my teacher?"

The road is awkward.

"You must go with us together, but you can rest assured that it is only an investigation. We must grasp the murderer." The Baiyin Temple said.

"Can you make us with your business?"

The road is emotional.

"Give you a day."

The monetteon of the silver patriarch said faintly.

He is not worried about what problems.

Even if all the hidden doors jointly, there is no use, it is impossible to be their opponent.

Tiandoumen, today must be destroyed.

The road is a way, be sure to catch.

Moreover, he also looks forward to the Tianyu door and the Changshengmen to come to assistance, then there is excuse to destroy the two martial arts.

Their hunting hall has the ability to destroy most of the martial arts.

But it usually dares to do this, worried that all the martial arts join.

The hunting hall is also a big loss.

"Well, I will reply you an hour."

After the way, I have entered the mountain gate with everyone.

White fog is also raised, covering everything.

"Door, what do we do?"

Among the halls, many elders and disciples are extremely anxious and nervous.

The way is silent, and the face is full of grief.

"We were suffering from the bastard."

The road is awkward.

He said is of course Zhang Bin.

"It is nothing to do with the man."

The way, "That is just an excuse, they are the possibility of thinking that I cultivated to the nine floors, there is a possibility of cultivating the gods, I am worried that I will go to the gods in advance, let them hunt, so I want to catch me now, imprison me, after I cultivate into God, they can hunt. So, this time they come so many hunting gods, let us have the ability to resist. "


Many disciples and the elders have pumped a cold breath, and the face floated on his face.

If the speculation is true, the road is full, they can also be killed.

One can't escape.

"We immediately ask for help ..."

A long and nervous, "If all the hidden doors are united, they may not be afraid of hunting."

"Don't afford to have high hangs. No to life and death, how can other martial arts to assist us?"

The way said, "They deliberately give us a day, there may be other purposes, it may be to kill a few hidden doors. It is estimated that there is a long-lived door and Tianyin door. After all, the guy and the two martial arts have involve."

"The door, no matter what, let us first ask."

Another elderly said.

Soon, the news of Tiandao door asked for a message.

Of course, it is a special convulsion.

There are also some friends, and can communicate.

Just a few minutes, the Hunting Temple wants to destroy the news of Heaven, let all hidden doors know.

"The hunting hall is too arrogant, can not tolerate."

"If you have a hunting hall, you will have the way, and no one will succeed in the god community in the future, because once cultivated to the nine-layer big success, it will be arrested by the hunting hall. Imprisonment It is directly hunting. "

"We must stop it."


Hundreds of hidden gates are completely angry, and they have the feeling of fare of rabbits.

However, if you really want to stop, it is possible to have a hunting god.

Therefore, this is related to the lives of all the people.

Must be solemn.

"Oh ... I have to see if you can unite."

The monetteon of the Silver Temple made a contempt.

In his mind, the giant hidden in the hidden door is a greedy fear of death, and it is too difficult to join us.

The most important thing is that all hidden doors are also far from their opponents of their hunting hall.

As far as their strength can be easily accepted, the mountain gate of all the marties will be easily killed.

Plundered their wealth and treasures, including the body and soul.

Long life.

That agenda.

The unstead of Devil's pen is standing, drinking: "Let's contact all hidden door owners, they come to the age."

Now she is not dressed, but a top giant.

Wearing a helmet, wearing a treasure sword, blaminging the stubble and momentum shot.

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