The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3765 Many-Quan Alliance

"Kill kill ..."

The main hall of the Golden Temple rushed into the ban on the sea, crazy attacks.

It has set off a huge waves of the ban on the sea.

Unfortunately, I can only do useless work.

Because even a ghost shadow is seen.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin issued a cold laugh.

He has left here, and he has left here and goes to a place in the spirit.

Such as the mannepon sneaked.

He wants to continue to hunt.

There will be no pause.

However, this time, he has changed a way.

Tibet it directly under the edge of the edge.

Wait quietly.

Sure enough, you don't expect his expectations.

The Golden Temple sent a hunting team and started to check the blast.

Finally, they came here, have not started checking, only listening to the boom, this fry is completely exploded, a nine-level hunter team, a few eight hunter team, and nearly 100 years A relatively low hunting team, flew out, bombarded their bombardment on this hunting team.


The broken voice sounded, the hunting god shield crushed.

Then the attack bombards them on them.

Bang ...

There are hundreds of giant chemicals into pieces, and the rest is not dead, but it is all overwhelming.

"Enemy ..."

They sent a crazy shout, and the sound was shocked.

They also issued a counterattack.

But the attack is broken under the attack of many hunter teams.

Then they under the horror attack, they were chemically formed into a fragment.

All fallen.

Can't resist it.


Zhang Bin shouted, they took a few bodies, and they fled them like lightning.

"Kill kill ..."

Of course, the golden temple is not a grass, and it has been secretly paying attention to any wind blowing.

So, here, the war, he immediately induced.

He kills with many hunting gods.

Unfortunately, they are still slow.

When arriving, Zhang Bin has no trace.

Just see the full blood.

It looks shocking.

"Ah ... I must kill you, must, you can't escape."

The Golden Temple has issued a lot of screaming and grievances.

He wanted to crack, and the body burst into the extreme murderous, and the color of a face.

It looks like the devil from hell.

He is too angry.

You know, this loss has lost a nine-level hunting team.

Three thousand coordinates nine floors.

This is not available in many martial arts.

It is also unbearable.

It is gentle, and the disciple of hunting is hunt again.

And he is also a two.

Even, he can't think of a good defense.

I don't think of counterattack.

This is an unprecedented thing.

The strength of the hunting hall is clearly much more than too much than the hidden door alliance.

But it turned out to be such a situation.

"God, too fierce, too fierce. The hidden door league is so embarrassed, the tricks are hundreds of hunters, and the hunting of the hunting hall is huge, the hunting hall seems to be finished."

Many giant giants of many schools are of course inductive, and their faces are full of shock.

I don't dare to confuse it.

At this moment, they all made up.

Also want to participate in the hunt, you also want to divide a piece.

"You, don't hesitate, now the hunting god is under the attack of the hidden door, it is completely in the wind. You can only defend, you can't attack. The hunting hall, completely annihilated this incomparable evil martial art. "On the top mountain, there are hundreds of giant giants of hundreds of men, one of them stated.

He is the worm gate leader.

The 9th floor of the coordinate is full of giant, with a nine-level alloy.

Now he is a hunting.

"I also agreed to attack, annihilating the hunting hall."

The Wan magic door owner is also killing.

They have a super genius, in the future, it is necessary to cultivate into gods. If it is not destroyed the hunting hall, the day will be hunting the hunting hall in the day of the sky.

So, of course, it is approval and will never be opposed.

And he is also a great giant, and there is also a nine-level magic soul.

The strength is of course very powerful.

Putting the Magic Gate has too many of the 9th floor of the nine floors.

Strong forces, and even more than too much hunting hall.

"I also agree. But the trophy should be assigned according to the head."

The black sky door is a trip.

"I agree."

Wanxianmen door owners are also attached.


So many strong martial arts agree that the remaining martial arts will certainly not agree, they all promised to join hands. Ionize the hunting hall.

Zhang Bin expected what he saw was finally happening.

Soon, they combined into a league - thousands of unions, selected Magic Tom Day to do the door, and the insects were shocked.

It combined three hundred butter and animal teams directly.

All is the nine-layer giant.

There is also a combination of more than 1,000 eight-stage butter and animal.

Foreign 10,000 magic souls, only 9-stage swallowed golden worm.

They are all people who are old.

In the first time, I contact Xia Fei.

Xiafei's martial art is very powerful, and he also contacts the outside of the outside.

Exchange the notes with some good friends.

"Good news, it's really good news ..."

Xia Fei is a face, and immediately reported the unstead of demon, the road and Zhang Bin.

Of course, all of them have heard it.

The full face of everyone has floated.

For Zhang Bin admired, like Zhang Bin's expectations, they raided several times, playing the hunting gods, and greatly encouraged many powerful martial arts, they finally moved, and they started.

This is more than the sender to lobby.

And Zhang Bin is also secretly growing up. If many major gathers are still indifferent, he will also hit the , I want to assassinate the god of hunting, almost hard to do.

After all, the Golden Temple will definitely come up with countermeasures.

It is even possible to arrange horror.

So, he did not dare to attack.

" ..."

Zhang Bin and the undead devil god, the road, Xia Fei, flying, rushing to the location of the meeting.

As for the secret disciple, of course, in Zhang Bin's Tibetan Tower.

This is a very straight mountain.

A lot of giant is standing on the hill.

Wan magic door, the main magic sky, the worm door door is shocked, and there are some mainmenters of the door.

The butcher and arms they have also stood behind them.

Exctends to the warming and momentum.

And Zhang Bin, not dead, the road, Xia Fei, they are also opposite them.

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