The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 3768 is heavy


The weird voice sounded, but the soul of the soul was not unable to break, but the knife was rolled, and the roll continued to the magic soul.

The magic soul quickly retreats, he did not dare to let the black flags.

"Not good, this is the most horrible magic weapon of Hunting Hall - the soul, not to say, the soul of this magic is damaged, can not be used? How did it appear now?"

The face of Magic Tourism changed, and it was also a fine scorpion on the forehead.

It is true, the soul of the soul, is the flagpole made from the true god bone, refining the flag, immunized all the magical soul, can devour the powerful magic soul, can also deal with strong giant, can put the soul of the giant Attack, swallow directly.

The power is just a silk.

The hunting hall used to kill too much too much giant, and hunting God has a lot of buttons and the little god.

Because it is swallowing countless soul, power is getting more and more horrible.

Can destroy everything.

Because the power is infinitely improved, I have made a penalty, Tianzhi Shen Lei, and the soul is smashed into pieces.

But now I have appeared again.

This is a very horrible thing.

If you know that the Lord of the Golden Temple has a soul, Magic Tourism is absolutely not dare to attack the hunting hall.

But now it is difficult to ride.

The giant giant of the thousands of union has also become paleble and the momentum is decreased.

"Kill kill ..."

The hunting gods rose mad, they shouted crazy.

It turned out to start against attack, the soul attack was shot, and the magical trend was also crazy.

Suddenly hunter team can't resist, keep someone fall.

Scrape is also extraordinary.

Just a few breathing time, the butcher and the armed group lost a heavy loss.

"Evao gold medal insect, integration ..."

The magic shock is now shot, he is crazy, and the heart is moving, and the worm is flying out.

In an instant, it is blended together, it has become a huge swallowing golden worm.

The dark gold color, the body exudes the momentum of destroying the earth.

The Golden Magic Worm jumped over, his mouth opened, and he swallowed a hunting team, and then together with the magic soul, the war was holding the soul of the soul.

But still falling in the wind.

It seems to be supported for more time.

The hunting team continues to attack crazy, playing the butcher and arms is the people who are hurt, and the festival has been defeated.

Although the thousands of unions have not been defeated. But it has already fallen in the wind.

The faith is revealed.

You know, this is still the help of the array, if it is on the outside.

That is definitely a hit.

The strength of the hunting hall, can be seen.

"It seems that I still have hunting god."

Zhang Bin's face has a jealousy color, there is no delay, and immediately kills the hidden door alliance. His mind, all the zombie hound teams have killed.


Cover the void.

They also used the soul attack.

The sky is shot out of the countless scarlet light, and it is shot in the sky, and it is shot on the head of more than a dozen hunting team.

The soul of more than 50 million zombies, gathered together, of course, is extremely horrible.

Ah, ah ...


These hunting team members will fall in the East.

You can't issue an attack.

Suddenly, the butchery team is big, they will rush.

Have more than a dozen hunting gods into pieces.

" ..."

Zhang Bin did not have a lot of zombies, and continued to show soul attack in the air.

With this method, support the thousands of unions.

"Kill kill ..."

Some hunting gods also raised their heads, burst into the huge soul attack, shot to the zombie hunter team to the heavens.

However, because many zombies are at the foot on the head, their heads are more difficult.

But there are still some zombie hunting gods to be killed, like a meteorite falling.

The horrible war broke out completely.

The hunting hall should fight, not only to resist the soul attack from God, but also to resist the attack on the flour. Moreover, they are in the big array.

So, instantly they fall on the wind.

Numerous giants are also fast.

However, the Golden Temple took the soul of the soul of the soul, the magic worm, and the Golden Magica occupied absolute upper.

And the Golden Temple is not afraid from the soul attack from above. Because his soul is flying, covering the sky, covering him completely, and many soul attacks have not hurt the soul.

If the golden temple is killing the magic soul and swallowing the golden worm, the victory is difficult.

This battle, far from the Miginal Alliance and the Hidden Hidden Union.

It is not so easy to get the hunting hall.

War continues.

Blood warfare.

Hunting Past disciples are rapidly reduced.

But the hidden door is also lost.

Zhang Bin's zombie is also much loss.

Only a few minutes, lost more than two million.

"Death ..."

The golden temple is crazy, and his hiking flagpole suddenly swept away, slamming on the head of the Golden Worm.


The Gold Magic insects, the heads of their heads have broken a big hole.

I fly out, smash it on the ground, can't climb it, and suffered heavy.

The flagpole is that it is refining with the true god bone, which is invincible, and the power is extremely horrible.

Can hunt the little god.

Although the Gold Magic Worm is a fusion of 10 Wanjubinica, the combat power is not necessarily a small garden.

Naturally, it can't resist.


The golden temple once again danced the soul, the flag was attacked, and the knife of the magic soul was fly in an instant. If the devil's soul retarded quickly, the magic soul was also completely fallen.

The Lord of the Golden Temple laughed, and the soul of the soul was again swept again, and the two butter and animal team were wrapped in an instant.

Ah, ah ...

Screaming screaming, the soul of six thousand giants was recruited, and it was swallowed by the soul.

The golden temple is a shake, and the six thousand bodies will fall, and they are on the ground, and they have made a shocking loudness.

Such a power, it is simply awkward.

The face of Magico Day and insects.

They each took out a horrible magic weapon. The Magic Torn is a giant leg of a bronze color. The insects is a bloody long gun. They rushed over, the grandmother of the Golden Temple.

It is also a way to go without Death.

Holds three flowers and a sharp sword.

With motorcycle days, insects, the bloody golden palace is main.

The magic soul is also a helping.

But there is still falling in the wind, it is difficult to confront.

However, it is also to curb the owner of the golden temple, so that he is difficult to deal with the butcher and animal team.

This is really a soldier and will be

Kill is very crazy and screaming.

Three hours of war, the hunting god team is not working.

Almost dispel, because most members are falling, becoming the body.

Any hunting team does not exceed 100 people.

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